※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Modelling transport pathways of faults with low hydraulic connectivity in mudstones with low swelling capacity


大野 宏和 ; 石井 英一   ; 武田 匡樹 

Ono, Hirokazu; Ishii, Eiichi; Takeda, Masaki

Faults in some deep mudstones have poor hydraulic connectivity owing to high normal stress on the fault planes. Designing a method for modeling solute transport pathways in such faults/fractures using available data is a critical issue vis-a-vis the safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal. In this study, faults in deep siliceous mudstones with low swelling capacity are investigated using cross-hole hydraulic and tracer tests between two boreholes. These results indicate that transport pathways in faults with low hydraulic connectivity can be modeled using a highly tortuous 1D pipe flow path.



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