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JENDL-5 benchmarking for advanced test reactor for preparing burnup analysis using isotopic data from HTGR type fuel irradiation tests


沖田 将一朗  ; 青木 健  ; 深谷 裕司   ; 橘 幸男 

Okita, Shoichiro; Aoki, Takeshi; Fukaya, Yuji; Tachibana, Yukio

We have been developing a methodology for nuclide production and annihilation and decay heat evaluations for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs). We are planning to perform validation of the evaluation method with isotopic composition data obtained from HTGR type fuel irradiation tests (AGR tests) performed at the Idaho National Laboratory. As a first step of this plan, preliminary validation of a calculation code and a nuclear data library to be used in the evaluation methodology should be conducted. We made a calculation model of the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) with a continuous-energy Monte Carlo code MVP-3 and the latest nuclear data library in Japan JENDL-5 on the basis of a calculation input for another Monte Carlo code MCNP5 documented in the International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhE). We also calculated effective multiplication factors and relative power densities for the ATR calculation model. As a result of comparison with measured values reported in the IRPhE handbook, the JENDL-5 and the calculation model built with MVP-3 shows an enough calculation accuracy in the ATR. Our results will help us to perform our planned validation of our nuclide production and annihilation and decay heat evaluation methodology with the AGR test data.



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