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Report No.

High-temperature test for BGaN semiconductor neutron detectors

Okita, Shoichiro  ; Sakurai, Tatsuhiro*; Kudo, Ryohei*; Takagi, Katsuyuki*; Nakano, Takayuki*; Hino, Masahiro*

BGaN semiconductor neutron detectors are currently under development at Shizuoka University as promising compact and high-temperature resistant neutron detectors. In this experiment, we observe the pulsed detection signals for thermal neutron beams irradiated to the BGaN semiconductor neutron detectors installed on a high-temperature hot plate wih ambient temperatures of 300 Celsius degree. This experiment is performed in the cold neutron beam line (CN-3) in KUR, which has relatively low background noise and can irradiate low-energy neutrons for sensitive detection. As a result, clear pulsed detection signals were successfully found several times per hour for both detectors. These results suggest that BGaN semiconductor neutron detectors demonstrate the operability at around 300 Celsius degree at least.



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