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Image selection method from image sequence to improve computational efficiency of 3D reconstruction; Application of fixed threshold to remove redundant images

Hanari, Toshihide ; Nakamura, Keita*; Imabuchi, Takashi  ; Kawabata, Kuniaki   

This paper describes three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction processes introducing the image selection method for efficiently generating a 3D model from an image sequence. To obtain suitable images for efficient 3D reconstruction, we tried to apply the image selection method to remove the redundant images in the image sequence. By the proposed method, the suitable images were selected from the image sequence based on optical flow measures and a fixed threshold. As a result, the proposed method can reduce the computational cost for the 3D reconstruction processes based on the image sequence acquired by the camera. We confirmed that the computational cost of the 3D reconstruction processes can reduce while keeping the 3D reconstruction accuracy at a constant level.



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