※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Introduction and technical study of projects for burial of radioactive waste from research institutions, universities, private institutions, medical institutions

齋藤 龍郎  

Saito, Tatsuo


RI waste (waste from research facilities, etc. contaminated with RI) is collected and processed by the Japan Radioisotope Association, but there are no burial facilities, and it continues to be stored. JAEA is positioned by the JAEA Law as the entity responsible for the disposal of RI waste. Currently, JAEA is developing waste acceptance criteria and technical studies for the basic design of a burial facility, and is promoting activities to promote understanding of wastes from research facilities as a response to the siting of a burial facility. With the cooperation of waste generators, JAEA will continue to develop waste acceptance criteria and study the basic design of the burial facility and promote activities for understanding of the burial of wastes from research facilities.



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