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Measurement of alpha dust "in-situ" in harsh environments

坪田 陽一   

Tsubota, Yoichi

廃炉作業において、作業員の(内部)被ばく評価やダストの飛散評価は不可欠である。本報告では厚生労働省委託事業「東電福島第一原発廃炉等作業における被ばく低減対策の強化事業 被ばく低減ワークショップにおいて、過酷環境(高湿度・高線量)の福島第一原子力発電所の損傷炉心(PCV)内で燃料デブリ取り出し作業時に、アルファダストを発生箇所の「その場」で実測するために開発中のセンサーについて報告する。

In decommissioning work, it is essential to evaluate (internal) exposure of workers and dust dispersion. This report describes a sensor being developed to measure alpha-dust "in-situ" at the point where it is generated during fuel debris removal in the damaged core (PCV) of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in a severe environment (high humidity and high radiation dose) as part of the "Project to strengthen exposure reduction measures in decommissioning work at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant", a project commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.



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