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IAEA第67回総会サイドイベント「未来の原子力ソリューションに最適な核データを提供する; 課題と機会」; 核データ利用の「見える化」のために

A Side event at the IAEA 67th General Conference "Providing the best nuclear data for tomorrow's nuclear solutions; Challenges and opportunities"; For "visualization" of nuclear data usage

深堀 智生  

Fukahori, Tokio


At the request of the EC/Joint Research Center, the author attended on an EU-sponsored side event "Providing the best nuclear data for tomorrow's nuclear solutions: challenges and opportunities" held simultaneously at the IAEA 67th General Conference as a panelist. Presented were the prospects for nuclear data activities in Japan and discussed the sustainability and revitalization of nuclear data activities. In addition, based on the roundtable discussion at this side event, the Nuclear Data Section held a meeting consisting mainly of panelists to consider future responses. In this article, I would like to report on the side event and subsequent follow-up meetings and discuss the background of these meetings.



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