※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

1F廃炉作業への貢献とソースターム予測技術向上におけるFP挙動に関する技術課題に対する取り組み,2; WG3「環境への移行経路」

Initiatives for technical issues related to FP behaviors to contribute to decommissioning works and improve source-term predicting accuracy, 2; WG3 "Transfer paths of FPs to the environment"

唐澤 英年

Karasawa, Hidetoshi


Working Group 3 (WG3) of the FP Research Expert Committee is studying the "environmental transition pathway" among the technical issues that have been decided to be addressed in the first two years. In order to solve this problem, we are working in the form of discussions in response to lectures by committee members and other experts on (1) identifying the location of the leak, (2) examining the shield plug contamination mechanism, and (3) examining the FP release model. Lectures in this year such as foward estimetes, inverse estimates, and accident development scenarios could be clues to explain the measurements at the on-site monitoring post. In the next fiscal year, we will compare the accident development scenario examined in the SA analysis with the release information obtained this year to identify the source term.



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