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Report No.

Retention of hydrogen bubbles generated from water radiolysis in carbonate slurry

Ito, Tatsuya  ; Nagaishi, Ryuji ; Kuwano, Ryo*

The retention of hydrogen (H$$_{2}$$) bubbles generated by water radiolysis was quantitatively studied in a high-viscous suspension of carbonate slurry consisting of a mixture of suspended solid (SS) of magnesium and calcium precipitates under strongly alkaline conditions, like the radioactive wastes discharged from the coagulation sedimentation (co-precipitation) process at the multinuclide removal equipment in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The H$$_{2}$$ retention properties were evaluated in two types of carbonate slurry with different hydrophilicity: the hydrophilic "current type" and the hydrophobic "return type". Then, their properties were compared with those in another suspension of clay suspension of bentonite. From the comparison between the amounts of chemical adsorption and H$$_{2}$$O in the slurry, it was confirmed that H$$_{2}$$O molecules must be shared among the SS particles, and this sharing formed the structural viscosity in the slurry, different from that in the clay suspension where electrostatic bonding between the fine clay minerals forms the viscosity. The retention of H$$_{2}$$ bubbles in (by) the slurry was evaluated from the difference in the amount of H$$_{2}$$ observed with and without stirring the slurry after $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-irradiation. From the comparison of the retention properties of the hydrophilic slurry, the hydrophobic slurry, the clay suspension, and treated water, it was suggested that H2 bubbles were retained not only by the structural viscosity but also by the steric hindrance in the hydrophilic slurry.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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