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Preliminary criticality analysis for a damaged reactor core


Nguyen, H.; 須山 賢也

Nguyen, H.; Suyama, Kenya


The understanding of the criticality characteristics of a damaged reactor core in different scenarios is essential for the prevention of future criticality accidents. In this study, a preliminary investigation of PWR cores in different accident scenarios was performed using the Serpent code with the JENDL-5 library. The core configuration was based on the Watts Bar Unit 1 reactor described in the VERA Core Physics Benchmark. The damaged core was simulated by replacing different layers of fuel assemblies with coolant, voids, and homogeneous debris, respectively. The results show the effect of various parameters such as the number of damaged assemblies, replacement material of damaged fuel, fuel enrichment, boron concentration on the coolant, and the temperatures of coolant and fuel on the criticality characteristics of the system.



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