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研究施設等廃棄物の埋設事業について; トレンチ処分の覆土の遮水機能の検討

Disposal project of low-level radioactive waste generated from research facilities, etc.; Development for impermeable function of cover soil of trench disposal facility

坂井 章浩 

Sakai, Akihiro


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is promoting the project for near surface disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated from research facilities, etc. Since a function to reduce infiltration water into the cover soil is needed at trench facilities for very low-level waste, we are calculating the infiltration water through the cover soil which is installed in various composition and parameters of the impermeable sheet, low permeable soil layer and drainage layer by using the HELP code developed by EPA and a calculation code by two-dimensional finite element method. This report outlines these studies that have been conducted on the impermeable function of the trenching facilities.



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