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Report No.

A Proposed regulatory framework for small modular reactors

Nuclear System Technology Review Committee

In the R&D activities related to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Innovative Nuclear R&D Program, "Development of Integrated Energy System Simulation Method Utilizing Small Modular Reactors for Enhanced System Decarbonization and Resilience," Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) established the "Nuclear System Technology Review Committee," consisting of experts in the subject areas, to obtain advice on the feasibility of deploying Design-standardized, Factory-built, Site-independent Small Modular Reactors (DFS-SMRs) in Japan and other countries. The Committee met three times during the 2021-2024 project period to discuss proposals for a regulatory framework for the potential commercial deployment of DFS-SMRs in Japan. The starting point for the Committee's discussions was the view that Japan's nuclear regulatory framework, like most other countries with existing commercial nuclear power plants in operation, focuses on large Light Water Reactors. Another consideration was the Committee's view on the basic structure of the regulatory framework, consistent with other regulatory initiatives around the world. Specifically, that the most effective regulatory frameworks need to be less prescriptive, less technology-dependent, and more performance-based. This report focuses on the United States, which has played a leading role in the deployment of SMRs and other advanced reactors, and summarizes the discussions regarding the proposal for a licensing framework for SMRs in Japan, an analysis of the gaps between Japan's current licensing framework and the proposed framework, and specific recommendations for closing the gaps. The Committee is hopeful that the changes to the regulatory framework proposed in this report will become a reality.



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