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Report No.

Development of test methods for small UAS mobility evaluation in a narrow space

Yamada, Taichi ; Aoki, Yuto; Suzuki, Soichiro  ; Ito, Rintaro; Kawabata, Kuniaki   

We develop performance evaluation methods for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in narrow spaces. It isn't easy to discuss UAS performance, that is, what and how much a user can do with the UAS. In addition, when a UAS-deployed environment affects UAS functions, the discussion becomes more complex. This development aims to provide an easy-to-understand evaluation for UAS users, even those without technical knowledge, thereby contributing to the growth of the UAS industry. We are proceeding with the development, having repeatedly exchanged views with UAS users and manufacturers early in this development. This paper introduces the evaluation method under development for UAS performance to ascend through an aperture, especially its test field, task, procedure, and evaluation metric.



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