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Report No.

ESR observation of H atoms formed in $$gamma$$-ray irradiated inorganic hydrates

Hiraoka, Ryo*; Kawai, Masashi*; Oka, Toshitaka   ; Ikarugi, Riko; Toigawa, Tomohiro   ; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  ; Kumagai, Yuta   ; Kumagai, Jun*

ESR measurements were conducted on H atoms in gamma-irradiated inorganic hydrates at 77 K. The results showed that a relatively high amount of H atoms was observed in Ba(OH)$$_{2}$$ 8H$$_{2}$$O at 77 K, although it had a small yield of H$$_{2}$$ at room temperature. On the other hand, in Ba(OH)$$_{2}$$ H$$_{2}$$O, no H atoms were observed, and the yield of H$$_{2}$$ at room temperature was large. In CaSO$$_{4}$$ 2H$$_{2}$$O, two types of H atoms with different line widths were observed. The H atom with a larger magnetic interaction with hydrated water decreased first with increasing temperature.



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