※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

水素安全管理技術の向上に向けた水素挙動解析への取り組み; 水素燃焼シミュレーションを中心に

Efforts to analyze hydrogen behavior to improve hydrogen safety management technology; Focusing on hydrogen combustion simulation

Thwe Thwe, A.  ; 寺田 敦彦  

Thwe Thwe, A.; Terada, Atsuhiko


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency is developing simulation technology to predict the behavior of hydrogen combustion, explosion, diffusion, and distribution, in order to support the evaluation of hydrogen safety management technology (disaster mitigation and disaster prevention systems) including not only nuclear reactors but also decommissioning measures and waste management. In this presentation, we will introduce our research activities on hydrogen combustion behavior, which is particularly important from a practical perspective, and compare the results of simulations (STAR-CCM+) with experiments.



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