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Report No.

The Inhabitants' receiving disaster information and their reaction at the JCO criticality accident in Tokai-mura

Umemoto, Michitaka; Kobayashi, Kensuke; Ishigami, Tsutomu; Watanabe, Minoru*

On September 30 in 1999, the reactivity accident occurred at the Tokai uranium processifn facility of J. C. O. Co. Ltd(JCO) at Tokai-mura, Japan. Before the accident had been brought under control, the local authorities evacuated the population living within a few hundred meters and advised people within 10km of the facility to take shelter for a period of about one day. Questionnaires were conducted to know when, where and how the inhabitants received the information of protective action requests from the local authories and how they responded to the requests.



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