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JAEA Reports

Measurement of U and Pu concentration by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using vertical irradiation system.

; ; ; Ikeda, Hisashi ; Jitsukata, Shu*;

JNC TN8410 2000-022, 55 Pages, 2000/05


Measurement of U and Pu concentrations by wavelength dispersion type X-ray fluorescence spectrometry was studied. Sample holder was installed inside of glove box and other instruments, X-ray tube, monochromator and detectors were set out side of the glove box. X-rays was irradiated to sample though Be window. Fluorescent X-rays form sample were also passing though the same Be window and detected outside. Analytical conditions were optimized as follows. Sample thickness is 8 mm, which is 3ml of sample volume by the sample holder. Voltage and eurrent for X-ray tube is 50kV and 40 mA, respectively. Measurement was done twice, 60 seconds each, and averaged X-ray intensity was used to calculate elemental concentrations. Matrix correction was necessary to measure U and Pu concentration within 10% accuracy. Detection limits were calculated to 0.4 mg/L for U and 0.7mg/L for Pu. Calibration curve was liner up to 9 g/L fbr U and Pu. Two calculation methods, calibration curve method and standard addition method, were studied to measure Pu concentration in organic solution. Detection limit was 5.3 mg/L and 0.2 mg/L, respectively.

JAEA Reports


; ; Ikeda, Hisashi ; Kaminaga, Kazuhiro; ; ; Kuno, Yusuke

PNC TN8410 96-266, 67 Pages, 1996/05



JAEA Reports


; ; Shoji, J.*

PNC TN8520 86-015, 470 Pages, 1986/04



JAEA Reports

In-plant Measurements of Gamma-ray Transmissions for Precise K-edge and Passive Assay of Plutonium Concentration and Isotopic Fractions in Product Solutions

Russo, P. A.*; Asakura, Yoshiro*; Hsue, S. T.*; Kondo, Isao*; Sprinkle, J. K. Jr.*; Masui, J.*; Johnson, S. S.*; Shoji, J.*

PNC TN841 82-10, 76 Pages, 1982/08


An instrument based upon high-resolution $$gamma$$-ray measurements has beentested for more than 1 year at the TokaiReprocessing Facility for determinationof plutonium concentration by K-edge absorption densitometry and for determination of plutonium isotopic fractions bytransmission-corrected passive $$gamma$$-ray spectrometry. The nondestructive assay instrument was designed and built atLos Alamos National Laboratory for theTokai Advanced Safeguards Technology Exercise (TASTEX). It was used at Tokai forthe timely assay of more than 100 productsolution samples daring the TASTEX evaluations The results were compared tosolution samples during the TASTEXaluations. The results were compared toreference values obtained by conventionaldestructive analysis of these samples. The precision and accuracy of plutoniumconcentrations measured by the K-edgetechnique are shown to be with in 0.6% (1$$sigma$$) in these applications. The precisionsand accuracies of the isotopic fractions. determined by these passive

Oral presentation

Study on flow-induced-vibration evaluation of large-diameter pipings in a sodium-cooled fast reactor,6; PIV visualization on complex flow field in a cold-leg multi-elbow to a scale of 1/15

Yoshida, Kazuhiro*; Yuki, Kazuhisa*; Sato, Tsukasa*; Hashizume, Hidetoshi*; Yamano, Hidemasa; Kotake, Shoji

no journal, , 

Flow dynamics in an elbow pipe has been observed by a PIV flow visualization experiments with a 1/15 scale test facility simulating a cold-leg piping in a sodium-cooled fast reactor. This paper also reports the overview of the facility of an upcoming 1/7 scale test and its plan.

Oral presentation

Determination of neptunium in reprocessing process, 3; Determination of neptunium by $$gamma$$ spectrometry in nitric acid media

Kitao, Takahiko; Nemoto, Hirokazu*; Shoji, Kazuhiro; Yamada, Keiji; Kurakata, Koichiro; Sato, Soichi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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