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Journal Articles

Stress measurement of stainless steel piping welds by complementary use of high-energy synchrotron X-rays and neutrons

Miura, Yasufumi*; Suzuki, Kenji*; Morooka, Satoshi; Shobu, Takahisa

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(1), p.1_1 - 1_14, 2024/03

JAEA Reports

Annual report for FY2021 on the activities of Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022)

Akiyama, Yoichi; Shibanuma, So; Yanagisawa, Kenichi*; Yamada, Taichi; Suzuki, Kenta; Yoshida, Moeka; Ono, Takahiro; Kawabata, Kuniaki; Watanabe, Kaho; Morimoto, Kyoichi; et al.

JAEA-Review 2023-015, 60 Pages, 2023/09


Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development (NARREC) was established in Japan Atomic Energy Agency to promote a decommissioning work of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Fukushima Daiichi NPS). NARREC consists of a Full-scale Mock-up Test Building and Research Management Building. Various test facilities are installed in these buildings for the decommissioning work of Fukushima Daiichi NPS. These test facilities are intended to be used for various users, such as companies engaged in the decommissioning work, research and development institutions, educational institutions and so on. The number of NARREC facility uses was 84 in FY2021. We participated booth exhibitions and presentations on the decommissioning related events. Moreover, we also contributed to the development of human resources by supporting the 6th Creative Robot Contest for Decommissioning. As a new project, "Narahakko Children's Classroom" was implemented for elementary school students in Naraha Town. This report summarizes the activities of NARREC in FY2021, such as the utilization of facilities and equipment of NARREC, the development of remote-control technologies for supporting the decommissioning work, arrangement of the remote-control machines for emergency response, and training for operators by using the machines.

Journal Articles

Deuterium content and site occupancy in iron sulfide at high pressure and temperature determined using in situ neutron diffraction measurements

Abeykoon, S.*; Howard, C.*; Dominijanni, S.*; Eberhard, L.*; Kurnosov, A.*; Frost, D. J.*; Boffa Ballaran, T.*; Terasaki, Hidenori*; Sakamaki, Tatsuya*; Suzuki, Akio*; et al.

Journal of Geophysical Research; Solid Earth, 128(9), p.e2023JB026710_1 - e2023JB026710_17, 2023/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Small amounts of iron sulphide minerals are found in most rocks from the Earth's mantle and as inclusions trapped in natural diamonds. Hydrogen may dissolve into iron sulphide minerals under high pressures and temperature, but is most likely lost once pressure and temperature are removed. In this study, we determined deuterium contents in iron sulphide, held under high pressure and temperature conditions, using neutron diffraction measurements with 6-ram multi-anvil press at PLANET, J-PARC. Deuterium contents in iron sulphide were measured at high-P, up to 11.4 GPa and high-T to 1300 K in in situ neutron diffraction experiments. The total deuterium content increases with both P and T. The results are used to estimate hydrogen contents of iron sulphide minerals in the deep continental lithospheric mantle, which are found to be in the range 1700-2700 ppm. This corresponds to approximately 2-3 ppm of hydrogen in the bulk mantle.

Journal Articles

Reaction of Np, Am, and Cm ions with CO$$_{2}$$ and O$$_{2}$$ in a reaction cell in triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Kazama, Hiroyuki; Konashi, Kenji*; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Koyama, Shinichi; Maeda, Koji; Sekio, Yoshihiro; Onishi, Takashi; Abe, Chikage*; Shikamori, Yasuyuki*; Nagai, Yasuyoshi*

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38(8), p.1676 - 1681, 2023/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:55.95(Chemistry, Analytical)

Journal Articles

Relationship between internal stress distribution and microstructure in a suspension-sprayed thermal barrier coating with a columnar structure

Yamazaki, Yasuhiro*; Shinomiya, Keisuke*; Okumura, Tadaharu*; Suzuki, Kenji*; Shobu, Takahisa; Nakamura, Yuiga*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(2), p.14_1 - 14_12, 2023/05

Journal Articles

Actual stress analysis of small-bore butt-welded pipe by complementary use of synchrotron X-rays and neutrons

Suzuki, Kenji*; Miura, Yasufumi*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Toyokawa, Hidenori*; Saji, Choji*; Shobu, Takahisa; Morooka, Satoshi

Zairyo, 72(4), p.316 - 323, 2023/04

Journal Articles

A Study on stress measurement of weld part using double exposure method

Suzuki, Kenji*; Kura, Komoe*; Miura, Yasufumi*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Toyokawa, Hidenori*; Saji, Choji*; Kajiwara, Kentaro*; Shobu, Takahisa

Zairyo, 71(12), p.1005 - 1012, 2022/12

This paper describes a stress measurement from a welded part of an austenitic stainless steel using synchrotron X-rays. Difficulty measuring the X-ray stress of the welded part is caused by the broadening of the diffraction spot in the radial and circumferential directions. The bending strains of the rectangular bar made of the welded part were measured using synchrotron white X-rays and the double exposure method. To improve the energy resolution, monochromatic synchrotron X-ray of 70 keV was used. The diffraction pattern showed the sharp arc like a pattern from texture material. The diffraction profile was obtained from the integral of the diffraction intensity in the direction of the circumference. The diffraction angle was determined using the double exposure method. As a result, the distribution of the residual stresses of the welded part could be measured.

Journal Articles

Database for corrosion under irradiation

Sato, Tomonori; Hata, Kuniki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Taguchi, Mitsumasa*; Seito, Hajime*; Inoue, Hiroyuki*; Tada, Eiji*; Abe, Hiroshi*; Akiyama, Eiji*; Suzuki, Shunichi*

Isotope News, (782), p.40 - 44, 2022/08

The stagnant water in the reactor building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) is exposed to the radiation from fuel debris and radioactive species. This water contains much amounts of impurities from the seawater which was injected in the emergency cooling. The impurities will affect the radiolysis and corrosive conditions in the water under irradiation. So, the water radiolysis data, corrosion data of steels under irradiations, and the evaluated potential impacts of corrosion in the decommissioning process of 1F are arranged as the database for corrosion under irradiation. This paper introduces the outline of this database.

Journal Articles

Stress measurements of quasi-coarse grained material using double exposure method with high-energy monochromatic X-rays

Suzuki, Kenji*; Yamada, Minami*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Shobu, Takahisa; Toyokawa, Hidenori*; Saji, Choji*

Zairyo, 71(4), p.347 - 353, 2022/04

We have already succeeded in the residual stress of aluminum alloys using the double exposure method (DEM) with 30 keV synchrotron radiation X-rays. However, the DEM has not be applied in the range of high-energy synchrotron X-rays. In this study, the stress measurements of a shrink-fitted ring using the DEM with synchrotron monochromatic X-rays beyond about 70 keV were performed. A CdTe pixel detector and a CCD camera were used as a detector. The shrink-fitted specimen of SUS304 was quasi-coarse grains of 43 micro-meters, and the diffraction rings were spotty. Despite quasi-coarse grains, it was possible to measure the stresses of the shrink-fitted specimen using the DEM. As a result, the DEM is excellent method to measures the stress for coarse grained materials. In addition, it is better to make the length between the detection positions longer to improve precision of the DEM. On the other hand, it was ineffective to increase the positions of detection.

JAEA Reports

Carrying-out of whole nuclear fuel materials in Plutonium Research Building No.1

Inagawa, Jun; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Otobe, Haruyoshi; Nakada, Masami; Takano, Masahide; Akie, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Osamu; Komuro, Michiyasu; Oura, Hirofumi*; Nagai, Isao*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2021-001, 144 Pages, 2021/08


Plutonium Research Building No.1 (Pu1) was qualified as a facility to decommission, and preparatory operations for decommission were worked by the research groups users and the facility managers of Pu1. The operation of transportation of whole nuclear materials in Pu1 to Back-end Cycle Key Element Research Facility (BECKY) completed at Dec. 2020. In the operation included evaluation of criticality safety for changing permission of the license for use nuclear fuel materials in BECKY, cask of the transportation, the registration request of the cask at the institute, the test transportation, formulation of plan for whole nuclear materials transportation, and the main transportation. This report circumstantially shows all of those process to help prospective decommission.

JAEA Reports

Database for corrosion under irradiation conditions (Contract research)

Sato, Tomonori; Hata, Kuniki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Ueno, Fumiyoshi; Inoue, Hiroyuki*; Taguchi, Mitsumasa*; Seito, Hajime*; Tada, Eiji*; Abe, Hiroshi*; Akiyama, Eiji*; et al.

JAEA-Review 2021-001, 123 Pages, 2021/06


In the implement of the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), there are many problems to be solved. Specially, the mitigation of the aging degradation by the corrosion of the structural materials is important to implement the decommissioning safely and continuously. However, there are limited data for the environmental factors of corrosion in 1F, and the condition of 1F is continuously changing. So, the literature data for the water radiolysis and the corrosion under irradiation are listed as the database of corrosion under irradiation in this report. And the new obtained radiolysis and corrosion data, which have not been reported in the literature and will be required in the decommissioning of 1F, are reported.

Journal Articles

Alternation of magnetic anisotropy accompanied by metal-insulator transition in strained ultrathin manganite heterostructures

Kobayashi, Masaki*; Anh, L. D.*; Suzuki, Masahiro*; Kaneta-Takada, Shingo*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Fujimori, Shinichi; Shibata, Goro*; Tanaka, Arata*; Tanaka, Masaaki*; Oya, Shinobu*; et al.

Physical Review Applied (Internet), 15(6), p.064019_1 - 064019_10, 2021/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:42.31(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Radioactivity and radionuclides in deciduous teeth formed before the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Takahashi, Atsushi*; Chiba, Mirei*; Tanahara, Akira*; Aida, Jun*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; Murakami, Shinobu*; Koarai, Kazuma; Ono, Takumi*; Oka, Toshitaka; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 11(1), p.10355_1 - 10355_11, 2021/05

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:38.85(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

Kitazato, Kohei*; Milliken, R. E.*; Iwata, Takahiro*; Abe, Masanao*; Otake, Makiko*; Matsuura, Shuji*; Takagi, Yasuhiko*; Nakamura, Tomoki*; Hiroi, Takahiro*; Matsuoka, Moe*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:96.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Here we report observations of Ryugu's subsurface material by the Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) on the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. Reflectance spectra of excavated material exhibit a hydroxyl (OH) absorption feature that is slightly stronger and peak-shifted compared with that observed for the surface, indicating that space weathering and/or radiative heating have caused subtle spectral changes in the uppermost surface. However, the strength and shape of the OH feature still suggests that the subsurface material experienced heating above 300 $$^{circ}$$C, similar to the surface. In contrast, thermophysical modeling indicates that radiative heating does not increase the temperature above 200 $$^{circ}$$C at the estimated excavation depth of 1 m, even if the semimajor axis is reduced to 0.344 au. This supports the hypothesis that primary thermal alteration occurred due to radiogenic and/or impact heating on Ryugu's parent body.

Journal Articles

High-spin states in $$^{35}$$S

Go, Shintaro*; Ideguchi, Eiji*; Yokoyama, Rin*; Aoi, Nori*; Azaiez, F.*; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Kimura, Atsushi; Kisamori, Keiichi*; Kobayashi, Motoki*; et al.

Physical Review C, 103(3), p.034327_1 - 034327_8, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:54.40(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

A Unique high natural background radiation area; Dose assessment and perspectives

Hosoda, Masahiro*; Nugraha, E. D.*; Akata, Naofumi*; Yamada, Ryohei; Tamakuma, Yuki*; Sasaki, Michiya*; Kelleher, K.*; Yoshinaga, Shinji*; Suzuki, Takahito*; Rattanapongs, C. P.*; et al.

Science of the Total Environment, 750, p.142346_1 - 142346_11, 2021/01

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:84.59(Environmental Sciences)

The biological effects of low dose-rate radiation exposures on humans remains unknown. In fact, the Japanese nation still struggles with this issue after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Recently, we have found a unique area in Indonesia where naturally high radiation levels are present, resulting in chronic low dose-rate radiation exposures. We aimed to estimate the comprehensive dose due to internal and external exposures at the particularly high natural radiation area, and to discuss the enhancement mechanism of radon. A car-borne survey was conducted to estimate the external doses from terrestrial radiation. Indoor radon measurements were made in 47 dwellings over three to five months, covering the two typical seasons, to estimate the internal doses. Atmospheric radon gases were simultaneously collected at several heights to evaluate the vertical distribution. The absorbed dose rates in air in the study area vary widely between 50 nGy h$$^{-1}$$ and 1109 nGy h$$^{-1}$$. Indoor radon concentrations ranged from 124 Bq m$$^{-3}$$ to 1015 Bq m$$^{-3}$$. That is, the indoor radon concentrations measured exceed the reference levels of 100 Bq m$$^{-3}$$ recommended by the World Health Organization. Furthermore, the outdoor radon concentrations measured were comparable to the high indoor radon concentrations. The annual effective dose due to external and internal exposures in the study area was estimated to be 27 mSv using the median values. It was found that many residents are receiving radiation exposure from natural radionuclides over the dose limit for occupational exposure to radiation workers. This enhanced outdoor radon concentration might be as a result of the stable atmospheric conditions generated at an exceptionally low altitude. Our findings suggest that this area provides a unique opportunity to conduct an epidemiological study related to health effects due to chronic low dose-rate radiation exposure.

Journal Articles

Behavior of radiocesium in sediments in Fukushima coastal waters; Verification of desorption potential through pore water

Otosaka, Shigeyoshi*; Kambayashi, Shota*; Fukuda, Miho*; Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Misono, Toshiharu; Suzuki, Takashi; Aono, Tatsuo*

Environmental Science & Technology, 54(21), p.13778 - 13785, 2020/11

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:52.19(Engineering, Environmental)

Concentrations of $$^{137}$$Cs in seawater, seabed sediment, and pore water collected from the area around Fukushima were investigated from 2015 to 2018, and the potential of coastal sediments to supply radiocesium to the bottom environment was evaluated. The $$^{137}$$Cs concentration in the pore water ranged from 33 to 1934 mBq L$$^{-1}$$ and was 10-40 times higher than that in the overlying water (seawater overlying within 30 cm on the seabed). At most stations, the $$^{137}$$Cs concentrations in the overlying water and the pore water were approximately proportional to those in the sediment. The conditional partition coefficient between pore water and sediment was 0.9-14$$times$$10$$^{2}$$ L kg$$^{-1}$$, independent of the year of sampling. These results indicated that an equilibrium of $$^{137}$$Cs between pore water and sediment has established in a relatively short period, and $$^{137}$$Cs in the pore water is gradually exported to seawater near the seabed. A simple box model estimation based on these results showed that the $$^{137}$$Cs in the sediment was decreased by about 6% per year by desorption/diffusion of $$^{137}$$Cs from the seabed.

Journal Articles

The Impact of nuclear shape on the emergence of the neutron dripline

Tsunoda, Naofumi*; Otsuka, Takaharu; Takayanagi, Kazuo*; Shimizu, Noritaka*; Suzuki, Toshio*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Yoshida, Sota*; Ueno, Hideki*

Nature, 587, p.66 - 71, 2020/11

 Times Cited Count:42 Percentile:93.04(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Double-exposure method with synchrotron white X-ray for stress evaluation of coarse-grain materials

Suzuki, Kenji*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Toyokawa, Hidenori*; Saji, Choji*; Shobu, Takahisa

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(3), p.25_1 - 25_14, 2020/09

It is difficult to evaluate stress by the strain scanning method using a conventional diffractometer and a point detector since the two-dimensional diffraction pattern of a material composed of coarse grains does not have a ring but a spotty. To solve this problem, we proposed a double exposure method using a two-dimensional detector and monochromatized X-rays. In this study, we have developed a technique to apply that technique to white X-rays. The diffraction obtained by irradiating white X-rays for a material with of coarse grains becomes a Laue spot. Therefore, we have carried out developing a CdTe pixel two-dimensional detector that can limit the energy to be detected, and we evaluated the stress using that detector. As a result, we succeeded to measure the strain distribution of a bending specimen made to austenitic stainless steel. In the future, we would like to improve this technology and apply it to actual machine materials.

Journal Articles

FEMAXI-7 analysis for modeling benchmark for FeCrAl

Yamaji, Akifumi*; Susuki, Naomichi*; Kaji, Yoshiyuki

IAEA-TECDOC-1921, p.199 - 209, 2020/07

The thermo-physical models and irradiation behavior of FeCrAl as defined by the benchmark organizer have been implemented to FEMAXI-7. Analyses were carried out firstly for the specified normal operation condition. Then, some sensitivity analyses were carried out with different assumptions and model parameters. Under the normal operating condition, the predicted FeCrAl cladded fuel performance was similar to that of Zry cladded fuel with notable, but not major difference regarding late gap closure. Under the simulated LOCA conditions, the burst pressure could be evaluated. The predicted cladding creep strain at burst was mainly attributed to creep strain with negligible plastic strain. Overall, FEMAXI-7 analyses have demonstrated excellent robustness and flexibility in modeling FeCrAl-UO$$_{2}$$ system under normal and LOCA conditions.

805 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)