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Catalog of gamma-ray glows during four winter seasons in Japan

和田 有希*; 松本 崇弘*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 中澤 知洋*; 湯浅 孝行*; 古田 禄大*; 米徳 大輔*; 澤野 達哉*; 岡田 豪*; 南戸 秀仁*; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 3(4), p.043117_1 - 043117_31, 2021/12

In 2015 the Gamma-Ray Observation of Winter Thunderstorms (GROWTH) collaboration launched a mapping observation campaign for high-energy atmospheric phenomena related to thunderstorms and lightning discharges. This campaign has developed a detection network of gamma rays with up to 10 radiation monitors installed in Kanazawa and Komatsu cities, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, where low-charge-center winter thunderstorms frequently occur. During four winter seasons from October 2016 to April 2020, in total 70 gamma-ray glows, minute-lasting bursts of gamma rays originating from thunderclouds, were detected. Their average duration is 58.9 sec. Among the detected events, 77% were observed in nighttime. The gamma-ray glows can be classified into temporally-symmetric, temporally-asymmetric, and lightning-terminated types based on their count-rate histories. An averaged energy spectrum of the gamma-ray glows is well fitted with a power-law function with an exponential cutoff, whose photon index, cutoff energy, and flux are 0.613 $$pm$$ 0.009, 4.68 $$pm$$ 0.04 MeV, and (1.013 $$pm$$ 0.003) $$times$$ 10$$^{-5}$$ erg cm$$^{-2}$$s$$^{-1}$$ (0.2-20.0 MeV), respectively. The present paper provides the first catalog of gamma-ray glows and their statistical analysis detected during winter thunderstorms in the Kanazawa and Komatsu areas.


Meteorological aspects of gamma-ray glows in winter thunderstorms

和田 有希*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 久保 守*; 中澤 知洋*; 篠田 太郎*; 米徳 大輔*; 澤野 達哉*; 湯浅 孝行*; 牛尾 知雄*; 佐藤 陽祐*; et al.

Geophysical Research Letters, 48(7), 11 Pages, 2021/04

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:88.42(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)



Gamma-ray glow preceding downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash

和田 有希*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 中村 佳敬*; 古田 禄大; 湯浅 孝行*; 中澤 知洋*; 森本 健志*; 佐藤 光輝*; 松元 崇弘*; 米徳 大輔*; et al.

Communications Physics (Internet), 2(1), p.67_1 - 67_9, 2019/06

 被引用回数:49 パーセンタイル:92.92(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Two types of high-energy events have been detected from thunderstorms. One is "terrestrial gamma-ray flashes" (TGFs), sub-millisecond emissions coinciding with lightning discharges. The other is minute-lasting "gamma-ray glows". Although both phenomena are thought to originate from relativistic runaway electron avalanches in strong electric fields, the connection between them is not well understood. Here we report unequivocal simultaneous detection of a gamma-ray glow termination and a downward TGF, observed from the ground. During a winter thunderstorm in Japan on 9 January 2018, our detectors caught a gamma-ray glow, which moved for $$/sim$$ 100 s with ambient wind, and then abruptly ceased with a lightning discharge. Simultaneously, the detectors observed photonuclear reactions triggered by a downward TGF, whose radio pulse was located within $$sim$$ 1 km from where the glow ceased. It is suggested that the highly-electrified region producing the glow was related to the initiation of the downward TGF.


Quantitative measurements of element distributions using the neutron-transmission resonance-absorption method

原田 正英; Parker, J. D.*; 澤野 達哉*; 窪 秀利*; 谷森 達*; 篠原 武尚; 前川 藤夫; 酒井 健二

Physics Procedia, 43, p.314 - 322, 2013/00

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:53.08(Physics, Applied)

研究の目的は、$$mu$$PIC検出器を用いて、中性子共鳴吸収のテスト実験を行い、その定量性を確認することである。検出器は、NOBORUの分光器室内のモデレータから14.5mに設置した。試料は、厚さ5, 10, 20, 100$$mu$$mのタンタル箔を用い、検出器の15cm上流に設置した。実験では、試料の有り無しでの透過スペクトルを測定した。この測定では、バックグランド成分は小さくない。そこで、中性子輸送計算より、バックグランド成分の源は、分光器室内の散乱中性子であることを確認した。そこで、測定データから、バックグランド成分を差し引いた。最終的に、実験値と核データとの差は、7%程度であることがわかった。


Application of Electron Tracking Compton Camera (ETCC) in medical imaging

園田 真也*; 鍋谷 明*; 木村 寛之*; 株木 重人*; 高田 淳史*; 久保 英俊*; 古村 翔太郎*; 澤野 達哉*; 谷森 達*; 松岡 義弘*; et al.

no journal, , 

F-18による点線源および棒状ファントムをもちいた新しく開発したETCCカメラによる撮像および原子力機構において生成したTc-95mから発せられる204, 583, and 835keVの$$gamma$$線による多重エネルギー撮像を行った。この開発により位置分解能を10度から8度に改善することができた。さらにシンチレーターの厚みを1radから2radに増加させ、ガス圧を1気圧から3気圧に増すことにより検出効率を5倍程度改善することにより新たなETCCの開発を行い、数時間要していたマウスのイメージングを0.1-2.0MeVの多種類のRIから発せられる多種の$$gamma$$線に対して20分以内での撮像が期待できる。


Quantitative measurements of element distributions using neutron-transmission resonance-absorption method

原田 正英; Parker, J.*; 澤野 達哉*; 窪 秀利*; 谷森 達*; 篠原 武尚; 前川 藤夫

no journal, , 

Neutron Resonance Absorption method (NRA) which is one of the imaging methods is very suitable for nondestructive analysis of element distributions in a sample. In this study, the NRA test experiments used by Micro Pixel Chamber ($$mu$$PIC) developed by Kyoto University as a detector were done at NOBORU in J-PARC to confirm the quantitativity. The detector was located at 14.5 m from the moderator. A sample was located at 15 cm upstream from the detector. Neutron intensity, neutron irradiation field size and $$gamma$$-ray intensity were controlled by a rotary collimator, slits and a filter exchange device. Thin tantalum foils of 20 $$mu$$m and 100 $$mu$$m in thickness were used as a sample. Transmittance spectra were obtained from the measured transmission spectra with and without the samples. It was found that the measurement error in case of the tantalum sample of 100$$mu$$m in thickness was within about 7% compared with nuclear data.



原田 正英; Parker, J.*; 澤野 達哉*; 窪 秀利*; 谷森 達*; 篠原 武尚; 前川 藤夫

no journal, , 




原田 正英; Parker, J.*; 澤野 達哉*; 窪 秀利*; 谷森 達*; 篠原 武尚; 前川 藤夫

no journal, , 


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