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Thermotolerant mutants of entomopathogenic fungi obtained by ion beam- and $$gamma$$ ray-induced mutagenesis

西東 力*; Fitriana, Y.*; 佐藤 勝也; 大野 豊; 鳴海 一成*

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 121, 2015/03

Entomopathogenic fungi, such as ${it Metarhizium anisopliae}$, are economically important agents for integrated pest management programmes of insect pests. However, negative effects of temperature, such as heat stress that exceeds 35 $$^{circ}$$C, can have serious deleterious effects on conidial germination and persistence, vegetative growth, sporulation, and/or the infection process in these entomopathogenic fungi. In this study, we attempted to enhance thermotolerance in a model entomopathogenic fungus, ${it M. anisopliae}$, by mutagenesis using ion beams or $$gamma$$ rays and evaluated the relative virulence of the resulting mutants compared with the wild-type isolates. In conclusion, ion beams and $$gamma$$ rays are useful tools for improving biological characteristics, such as thermotolerance and fungicide-tolerance, in entomopathogenic fungi, but the mutants obtained in this study must be carefully evaluated for unpredictable negative side effects.


Benomyl-resistant ${it Beauveria bassiana}$ (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) mutants induced by ion beams

Fitriana, Y.*; 篠原 忍*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成*; 西東 力*

Applied Entomology and Zoology, 50(1), p.123 - 129, 2015/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:1.75(Chemistry, Physical)

Fungicides targeted at phytopathogens can be harmful to entomopathogenic fungi. The purpose of this study was to use ion-beam irradiation technology to produce benomyl-resistant mutants of the entomopathogenic fungus ${it Beauveria bassiana}$. After irradiation of conidia at 150 Gy, two mutant isolates, BB22 and BB24, were selected on media containing the fungicide. In an assay of vegetative growth, BB22 and BB24 were over 500 and 800 times more tolerant to benomyl, respectively, compared with the wild isolate. A mutation was found at position 198 of the $$beta$$-tubulin gene in the mutant isolates, with a substitution of glutamate for alanine (E198A). Ion beams have great potential as a tool to improve the traits of entomopathogenic fungi such as increasing tolerance to fungicides. Fungicide-resistant mutants produced in this way could be useful agents for biological control within IPM programmes where fungicides are also used.


Ion-beam and $$gamma$$-ray irradiations induce thermotolerant mutants in the entomopathogenic fungus ${it Metarhizium anisopliae s.l.}$

Fitriana, Y.*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成*; 西東 力*

Biocontrol Science and Technology, 24(9), p.1052 - 1061, 2014/06

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:15.87(Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

Entomopathogenic fungi, such as ${it Metarhizium anisopliae}$ Sorokin, are important agents for the biological control of insect pests. However, these fungi are not compatible with high temperatures. In this study, mutagenesis using ion beams or $$gamma$$ rays was used to generate five potentially thermotolerant mutants from two wild-type isolates of ${it M. anisopliae}$ (two using ion beams and three using $$gamma$$ rays). The mutant isolates had a higher upper thermal limit for vegetative growth compared to the wild types (by 2-3$$^{circ}$$C) and enhanced tolerance to wet-heat stress of 45$$^{circ}$$C for conidial germination. These results indicate that ion beams and $$gamma$$ rays are useful tools for improving biological characteristics, such as thermotolerance, in entomopathogenic fungi, but that mutants must be carefully evaluated for unpredictable negative side effects.


Benomyl-tolerant mutation of entomopathogenic fungi induced by carbon ion beams

西東 力*; Fitriana, Y.*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成*

JAEA-Review 2013-059, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012, P. 116, 2014/03

In order to identify the mutation sites of $$beta$$-tubulin in the benomyl-tolerant mutants, we determined the nucleotide sequences of $$beta$$-tubulin locus and compared with those of the wild-type strains. In ${it Isaria fumosorosea}$, the $$beta$$-tubulin sequences were identical to that of the wild-type, suggesting that other mechanisms might be responsible for the benomyl tolerance. On the other hand, in ${it Beauveria bassiana}$, the mutation was identified to be an A:T to C:G transversion at position 924 in the $$beta$$-tubulin gene. This mutation causes an amino acid substitution at position 198 (Glu to Ala) in the $$beta$$-tubulin protein. This site might be a binding target of benomyl or adjacent to the center of benomyl interaction with the $$beta$$-tubulin. These results suggest that mechanisms of benomyl tolerance were different between ${it I. fumosorosea}$ and ${it B. bassiana}$.


Enhanced fungicide resistance in ${it Isaria fumosorosea}$ following ionizing radiation-induced mutagenesis

篠原 忍*; Fitriana, Y.*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成*; 西東 力*

FEMS Microbiology Letters, 349(1), p.54 - 60, 2013/12

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:29.25(Microbiology)

The application of entomopathogenic fungi such as ${it Isaria fumosorosea}$ to combat insect pests on plants is complicated by their sensitivity to commonly used fungicides. In this study, ${it I. fumosorosea}$ mutations with enhanced resistance to the fungicide benomyl were induced by irradiation using either ion beams, $$gamma$$ rays, or a combination of the two. When grown on agar containing benomyl, mycelial growth was observed for five of the six mutant isolates at benomyl concentrations that were more than 2000-fold those observed for the wild-type isolate. Ion beams and $$gamma$$ rays are thus potentially useful tools for inducing beneficial fungal mutations and thereby improving the potential for application of entomopathogenic fungi as microbial control agents.



西東 力*; Fitriana, Y.*; 篠原 忍*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成*

no journal, , 

本研究の目的は、炭素イオンビームの照射による突然変異育種技術を用いて、昆虫病原糸状菌(${it Isaria fumosorosea}$及び${it Beauveria bassiana}$)の殺菌剤(ベノミル)耐性変異体を創出するとともに、変異体の諸性質を明らかにすることである。得られた変異体については、これまでにベノミル耐性レベル、他剤に対する耐性獲得、標的昆虫に対する病原性などを検討してきた。植物病原糸状菌の場合、ベノミル耐性の発現に$$beta$$チューブリン領域の変異が関与していることから、本研究で得られたベノミル耐性変異体について、この領域における塩基配列の変異を調べた。${it I. fumosorosea}$では、変異体の$$beta$$チューブリン遺伝子領域の塩基配列は親株と同じであった。一方、${it B. bassiana}$の場合、決定した変異体の$$beta$$チューブリン遺伝子の924番目の塩基AがCに変異しており、これにより$$beta$$チューブリンの198番目のアミノ酸がGluからAlaに置換されていた。これらの結果から、${it I. fumosorosea}$及び${it B. bassiana}$の変異体におけるベノミル耐性は、異なるメカニズムが寄与していると考えられた。



西東 力*; Fitriana, Y.*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成*

no journal, , 

化学合成農薬は数多くの課題を抱えていることから、天敵を利用する生物的防除法の開発が注目されている。害虫の生物的防除法の基幹技術のひとつとして昆虫病原糸状菌があるが、高温下において感染しにくいという難題を抱えている。本研究の目的は、炭素イオンビームあるいは$$gamma$$線の照射による突然変異育種技術を用いて、昆虫病原糸状菌(${it Metarhizium anisopliae}$)の高温耐性を強化することである。得られた高温耐性変異体については、植物病原糸状菌などにおいて高温耐性との関連が示唆されている遺伝子の変異を解析した。



Fitriana, Y.*; 佐藤 勝也; 鳴海 一成; 田上 陽介*; 西東 力*

no journal, , 

生物農薬は、昆虫の天敵である昆虫病原糸状菌が主体となっており、おもに温室栽培で利用されている。しかし、昆虫病原糸状菌は高温条件下では、発育しにくいうえ、殺菌剤と併用しにくいという課題を抱えている。そこで、昆虫病原糸状菌(ボーベリア菌,イザリア菌及びメタリジウム菌)に炭素イオンビーム(100$$sim$$1,000Gy)を照射し、Sabouraud dextrose液体培地(SDB)及びSabouraud dextrose寒天培地(SDA)を用いて高温耐性変異株の選抜を試みた。3種の昆虫病原糸状菌の野生株は、SDAを用いた33$$^{circ}$$Cの培養では、コロニーの形成異常を起こす。これに対して、照射したメタリジウム菌から、SDBを用いて35$$^{circ}$$Cで正常に増殖する41株の変異体の選抜に成功した。以上のことから、炭素イオンビームは、昆虫病原糸状菌の高温耐性変異株の創出に利用可能であると考えられる。しかし、ボーベリア菌及びイザリア菌については、まだ高温耐性変異株を取得できていないため、今後、さらなる選抜を試みる予定である。

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