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検索結果: 146 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Optimization of dissolved hydrogen concentration for mitigating corrosive conditions of Pressurized Water Reactor primary coolant under irradiation, 1; Evaluation of water radiolysis

端 邦樹; 塙 悟史; 知見 康弘; 内田 俊介

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(4), p.448 - 458, 2024/04



Optimization of dissolved hydrogen concentration for mitigating corrosive conditions of pressurised water reactor primary coolant under irradiation, 2; Evaluation of electrochemical corrosion potential

端 邦樹; 塙 悟史; 知見 康弘; 内田 俊介; Lister, D. H.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(8), p.867 - 880, 2023/08

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:48.47(Nuclear Science & Technology)



A Coupled analyses of water radiolysis and ECP for evaluation of the corrosive conditions in BWRs and PWRs

端 邦樹; 内田 俊介; 塙 悟史; 知見 康弘; 佐藤 智徳

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors (Internet), 14 Pages, 2023/08

The coupled code of water radiolysis and electrochemical corrosion potential (ECP) calculations (WRAC-JAEA) has been proposed for evaluating ECP both for boiling water reactor (BWR) and pressurized water reactor (PWR) systems. In the present study, some updates, such as pH control based on boron (B) and lithium (Li) concentration, were carried out. The calculated ECP were compared with the measured results in the INCA in-pile loop in the Studsvik R2 reactor for validation of the code. It was confirmed that the calculated ECP agreed with the measured ones in the INCA loop. The suitable rate constant set for water radiolysis calculation is also discussed. In particular, the rate constants for the chemical reaction of hydroxyl radical and molecular hydrogen and its backward reactions were carefully examined to evaluate the effects of pH and hydrogen concentration on hydrogen peroxide concentration. Moreover, the polarization curves were calculated, and the effects of Li$$^{+}$$ and the other species on ECP were estimated. In order to apply the code for both type of reactor systems, verification and validation (V&V) procedures of the code are proposed.


Constraint effect on fracture behavior of underclad crack in reactor pressure vessel

下平 昌樹; 飛田 徹; 高見澤 悠; 勝山 仁哉; 塙 悟史

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 144(1), p.011304_1 - 011304_7, 2022/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Engineering, Mechanical)



Development of an analysis method for electrochemical corrosion potential in PWR primary coolant under irradiation

端 邦樹; 内田 俊介; 塙 悟史; 知見 康弘

Proceedings of International Symposium on Contribution of Materials Investigations and Operating Experience to LWRs' Safety, Performance and Reliability (Fontevraud 10) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2022/00

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) is one of the key phenomena to determine material degradation in nuclear power plants, and the electrochemical potential (ECP) is known as an environmental factor of SCC initiation and propagation. In the PWR primary coolant, the low ECP level is maintained due to H$$_{2}$$ injection. On the other hand, material degradation attributed to H$$_{2}$$ attack was also reported. Thus, the optimization of H$$_{2}$$ concentration has been still discussed. In JAEA, an ECP analysis method has been developed. This method was originally prepared for BWR primary coolant, but it is improved to apply to PWR primary coolant. In the recent study, this ECP analysis method was modified by introducing pH adjustment based on boron-lithium combined control, and ECP calculation for stainless steels and Ni-based alloys were carried out. ECP calculation assuming a reactor core region and a steam generator region was also tried and the optimal hydrogen concentration without any serious adverse effect was discussed.


Constraint effect on fracture mechanics evaluation for an under-clad crack in a reactor pressure vessel steel

下平 昌樹; 飛田 徹; 高見澤 悠; 勝山 仁哉; 塙 悟史

Proceedings of ASME 2020 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2020) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2020/08



Ion-induced irradiation hardening of the weld heat-affected zone in low alloy steel

河 侑成; 高見澤 悠; 勝山 仁哉; 塙 悟史; 西山 裕孝

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 461, p.276 - 282, 2019/12

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:40.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The microstructural distribution in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) under the stainless overlay cladding of low alloy steel was investigated by metallurgical observation and finite element analysis (FEA). The distribution of the coarse-grain (CG) HAZ and the fine-grain (FG) HAZ in low alloy steel by metallurgical observation agreed well with the FEA results. Base metal contained mixed bainite with ferrite, whereas the CGHAZ and the FGHAZ contained mixed lower bainite with martensite and mixed upper bainite with ferrite, respectively. Ferrite fraction in FGHAZ was higher than those other areas. After ion irradiation at a fluence of 0.5 dpa, irradiation hardening and the formation of solute clusters were observed at the base metal, FGHAZ, and the CGHAZ. Atom probe tomography analysis revealed that irradiation hardening increased with increasing volume fraction of clusters, although irradiation hardening at the FGHAZ was greater than that at the CGHAZ, which contained more clusters than the FGHAZ. This difference in irradiation hardening may be due to the differences in the amount of ferrite, carbide precipitates and so on in the different microstructures.


原子炉圧力容器鋼の照射硬化メカニズム究明; 照射温度制御実験

河 侑成; 下平 昌樹; 飛田 徹; 塙 悟史; 山崎 翔太*; 宇野 定則*

2018年度量子科学技術研究開発機構施設共用実施報告書(インターネット), 3 Pages, 2019/09



Preliminary verification of water radiolysis and ECP calculation models by in-pile ECP measurements

塙 悟史; 端 邦樹; 知見 康弘; 笠原 茂樹

Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Water Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Systems (Internet), 12 Pages, 2019/09

Water radiolysis and ECP calculations models were preliminary verified using in-pile ECP and related measurement data obtained under BWR and PWR simulated conditions. Two separate anodic polarization curves were supposed in ECP calculations in order to deal with the material surface condition changed by water chemistry, and the measured ECP under BWR simulated conditions were well explained by the calculations. ECP calculations under PWR simulated conditions were also carried out supposing the other polarization curve applicable to the temperature range of 593 K and good agreement between the measurement and the calculations was obtained.



笠原 茂樹; 知見 康弘; 端 邦樹; 塙 悟史

材料と環境, 68(9), p.240 - 247, 2019/09

ステンレス鋼のBWR一次系水中環境助長割れ機構検討の一環として、荷重を付与したCT試験片を290$$^{circ}$$Cの高温水に浸漬し、疲労予亀裂先端近傍の酸化物を観察した。酸化物内層は、Fe, Ni, Crを含むスピネル構造の微細粒、外層はFe$$_{3}$$O$$_{4}$$の結晶粒であった。FEM解析によるCT試験片亀裂先端の応力、ひずみ分布との比較より、塑性変形に伴う転位と弾性ひずみの重畳によって酸化物内層の形成が促進されることが示唆された。


Improvement of plant reliability based on combining of prediction and inspection of crack growth due to intergranular stress corrosion cracking

内田 俊介; 知見 康弘; 笠原 茂樹; 塙 悟史; 岡田 英俊*; 内藤 正則*; 小嶋 正義*; 木倉 宏成*; Lister, D. H.*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 341, p.112 - 123, 2019/01

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:47.59(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Influence of Zn injection on PWSCC crack growth rates and oxide film properties of Alloy 600

知見 康弘; 佐藤 賢二*; 笠原 茂樹; 梅原 隆司*; 塙 悟史

Proceedings of Contribution of Materials Investigations and Operating Experience to Light Water NPPs' Safety, Performance and Reliability (FONTEVRAUD-9) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2018/09

一次系冷却水中での応力腐食割れ(PWSCC)進展挙動への亜鉛注入の影響を調べるため、加圧水型軽水炉(PWR)一次系水模擬環境での10%冷間加工600合金の亀裂進展試験を、320$$^{circ}$$C、低濃度(5$$sim$$10ppb)の亜鉛注入、溶存水素濃度(DH)5, 30、及び50cc/kgH$$_{2}$$Oの条件下で実施した。その結果、亀裂進展速度のDH依存性が亜鉛注入なしの試験データに基づく亀裂進展速度の予測値と同様の傾向を示し、実機環境を模擬した低濃度亜鉛注入が亀裂進展挙動に及ぼす影響はほとんど見られなかった。そこで、亀裂進展試験後の試験片の亀裂内及び表面に生成した酸化皮膜の微細組織分析を実施したところ、試験片表面の酸化皮膜からは亜鉛が検出されたが、亀裂内に生成した酸化皮膜からは亜鉛が検出されなかった。このことから、亀裂先端部の酸化皮膜への亜鉛の取り込みがないことが亀裂進展挙動への亜鉛注入の影響が見られない原因であることがわかった。


Fracture toughness evaluation of heat-affected zone under weld overlay cladding in reactor pressure vessel steel

河 侑成; 飛田 徹; 高見澤 悠; 塙 悟史; 西山 裕孝

Proceedings of 2018 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2018), 6 Pages, 2018/07

An evaluation of the fracture toughness of the heat-affected zone (HAZ), which is located under the weld overlay cladding of a reactor pressure vessel (RPV), was performed. Considering inhomogeneous microstructures of the HAZ, 0.4T-C(T) specimens were manufactured from the cladding strips locations, and Mini-C(T) specimens were fabricated from the distanced location as well as under the cladding. The reference temperature (T$$_{o}$$) values of HAZ for both 0.4T-C(T) and Mini-C(T) specimens were significantly lower than that of the base metal at a quarter thickness by 40$$^{circ}$$C$$sim$$60$$^{circ}$$C. Compared to the literature data that indicated fracture toughness at the surface without overlay cladding and base metal of a quarter thickness in a pressure vessel plate, this study concluded that the welding thermal history showed no significant effect on the fracture toughness of the inner surface of RPV steel.



知見 康弘; 岩田 景子; 飛田 徹; 大津 拓与; 高見澤 悠; 吉本 賢太郎*; 村上 毅*; 塙 悟史; 西山 裕孝

JAEA-Research 2017-018, 122 Pages, 2018/03


原子炉圧力容器の加圧熱衝撃(Pressurized Thermal Shock: PTS)事象に対する構造健全性評価に与える影響項目の一つである高温予荷重(Warm Pre-stress: WPS)効果は、高温時に予め荷重を受けた場合に、冷却中の荷重減少過程では破壊が生じず、低温での再負荷時の破壊靱性が見かけ上増加する現象である。WPS効果については、主として弾性データによって再負荷時の見かけの破壊靱性を予測するための工学的評価モデルが提案されているが、試験片の寸法効果や表面亀裂に対して必要となる弾塑性評価は考慮されていない。本研究では、実機におけるPTS時の過渡事象を模擬した荷重-温度履歴を与える試験(WPS効果確認試験)を行い、WPS効果に対する試験片寸法や荷重-温度履歴の影響を確認するとともに、工学的評価モデルの検証を行った。再負荷時の見かけの破壊靭性について、予荷重時の塑性の程度が高くなると試験結果は工学的評価モデルによる予測結果を下回る傾向が見られた。比較的高い予荷重条件に対しては、塑性成分等を考慮することにより工学的評価モデルの高精度化が可能となる見通しが得られた。



岩田 景子; 高見澤 悠; 河 侑成; 岡本 芳浩; 下山 巖; 本田 充紀; 塙 悟史; 西山 裕孝

Photon Factory Activity Report 2017, 2 Pages, 2018/00



An Empirical model for the corrosion of stainless steel in BWR primary coolant

内田 俊介*; 塙 悟史; 内藤 正則*; 岡田 英俊*; Lister, D. H.*

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 52(8), p.587 - 595, 2017/10

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:20.99(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Radiolysis of mixed solutions of Cl$$^{-}$$ and Br$$^{-}$$ and its effect on corrosion of a low-alloy steel

端 邦樹; 井上 博之*; 小嶋 崇夫*; 笠原 茂樹; 塙 悟史; 上野 文義; 塚田 隆; 岩瀬 彰宏*

Proceedings of Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia 2017 (AWC 2017) (USB Flash Drive), p.304 - 314, 2017/09

NaClとNaBrの混合水溶液についてラジオリシス計算を実施し、過酸化水素生成量についてこれまでの$$gamma$$線照射実験結果との比較を行った。計算結果は実験結果をほぼ再現したが、高純度NaCl水溶液に対しては酸性条件で過小評価される傾向にあった。各化学反応に対する感度解析を実施したところ、塩化物イオン(Cl$$^{-}$$)とOHラジカル($$^{.}$$OH)との反応の初期の3反応(Cl$$^{-}$$ + $$^{.}$$OH $$rightarrow$$ ClOH$$^{.-}$$、ClOH$$^{.-}$$ $$rightarrow$$ Cl$$^{-}$$ + $$^{.}$$OH、ClOH$$^{.-}$$ + H$$^{+}$$ $$rightarrow$$ Cl$$^{.}$$ + H$$_{2}$$O)の速度定数の変化によって過酸化水素量は大きく変化した。本結果はこれらの化学反応の速度定数の正確な評価が海水のようなNaClを含む水溶液のラジオリシス計算の信頼性向上に重要であることを示している。さらに低合金鋼SQV2Aを用いた$$gamma$$線照射下浸漬試験も実施し、NaClやNaBrが鋼材の照射下腐食に与える影響について調べた。基本的には腐食速度の変化は過酸化水素発生量の変化に追随したが、アルカリ性条件ではpH11付近で腐食速度が極大値をとり、12以上では高い過酸化水素濃度であるのに腐食がほとんど進行しなくなった。これは不働態皮膜が形成しているためであると考えられた。


A Modelling study on water radiolysis for primary coolant in PWR

向井 悟*; 梅原 隆司*; 塙 悟史; 笠原 茂樹; 西山 裕孝

Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems (NPC 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 9 Pages, 2016/10



Study of irradiation effect on ECP using in-pile loops in the JMTR

塙 悟史; 内田 俊介; 端 邦樹; 知見 康弘; 笠原 茂樹*; 西山 裕孝

Proceedings of 20th Nuclear Plant Chemistry International Conference (NPC 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2016/10



Evaluation of ECP measured in in-pile environment

塙 悟史; 内田 俊介; 端 邦樹; 知見 康弘; 笠原 茂樹*; 西山 裕孝

Proceedings of 20th Nuclear Plant Chemistry International Conference (NPC 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 11 Pages, 2016/10


146 件中 1件目~20件目を表示