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茂木 孝介; 柴本 泰照; 日引 俊詞*; 塚本 直史*; 金子 順一*

JAEA-Review 2024-039, 45 Pages, 2024/09


既往研究において様々な対向複合対流の熱伝達相関式が提案されているが、それらは様々な試験装置、流路形状、試験流体、熱流動パラメータの範囲で実施された実験結果に基づいている。従って、使用に際してその適用範囲や外挿性を踏まえた上でどの相関式を選択すべきかを整理しておくことは重要である。本稿では既存の対向複合対流の熱伝達相関式についてレビューした。また、複数の既往実験データと各相関式との比較を行い、相関式の予測性能を評価した。その結果、Jackson and Fewster相関式、Churchill相関式、Swanson and Catton (IJHMT)相関式は、全ての実験データを精度良く予測可能であった。さらに、代表長さに水力等価直径を用いることにより流路形状の違いに関わらず相関式が適用可能であり、支配パラメータの無次元化により試験流体によらず相関式が適用可能であることを確認した。


Experimental investigation on local flow structures of upward cap-bubbly flows in a vertical large-size square channel

孫 昊旻; 功刀 資彰*; 横峯 健彦*; Shen, X.*; 日引 俊*

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 154, p.111171_1 - 111171_24, 2024/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.03

Taking the importance of gas-liquid two-phase flows in large square channels for advanced nuclear reactors, such as ESBWR, we experimented with upward cap-bubbly flows in a large square channel. Local void fractions, axial gas velocities, and interfacial area concentrations for two bubble-size groups were measured at three axial locations. Based on the database, cap-bubbly flow characteristics in a large square channel were understood. The existing drift-flux and interfacial area concentration correlations were validated. The void fraction covariances were obtained and used to validate their existing correlations.


CFD applications to pressurized thermal shock-related phenomena

岡垣 百合亜; 日引 俊詞*; 柴本 泰照

International Journal of Energy Research, 2024, p.5114542_1 - 5114542_37, 2024/04

In pressurized water reactor accident scenarios, the injection of water from the ECCS (ECC injection) might induce a PTS, affecting the RPV integrity. Therefore, PTS is a vital research issue in reactor safety, and its analysis is essential for evaluating the integrity of RPVs, which determines the reactor life. The PTS analysis comprises a coupled analysis between thermal-hydraulic and structural analysis. The thermal-hydraulic approach is particularly crucial, and reliable Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations should play a vital role in the future because predicting the temperature gradient of the RPV wall requires data on the transient temperature distribution of the downcomer. Since one-dimensional codes cannot predict the complex three-dimensional flow features during ECC injection, PTS is one reactor safety issue where CFD can benefit from complement evaluations with thermal-hydraulic system analysis codes. This study reviewed the code validation efforts for turbulence models most affecting PTS analysis based on papers published since 2010 on single- and two-phase flow CFD analysis for the experiment on PTS performed in the ROCOM, TOPFLOW, UPTF, and LSTF. The results revealed that in single-phase flow CFD analysis, where knowledge and experience are sufficient, various turbulence models have been considered, and many analyses using LES have been reported. For two-phase flow analysis of air-water conditions, interface capturing/tracking methods were used in addition to two-fluid models. The standard k-$$varepsilon$$ and SST k-$$omega$$ models were still in the validated phase, and various turbulence models have yet to be fully validated. In the two-phase flow analysis of steam-water conditions, many studies have used two-fluid models and RANS, and NEPTUNE_CFD, in particular, has been reported to show excellent prediction performance based on years of accumulated validation.


Simulation of a jet flow rectified by a grating-type structure using immersed boundary methods

廣瀬 意育; 安部 諭; 石垣 将宏*; 柴本 泰照; 日引 俊*

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 169, p.105085_1 - 105085_13, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.05(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Immersed boundary methods (IBMs) have been developed as complementary methods for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). They allow a flow simulation in a mock-up model that includes complex-shaped inner structures and/or boundaries with a non-body conformal mesh. Such a model might force us to create a complicated body-fitted mesh with a high cost in the conventional CFD (CCFD) approach. We focus on the Brinkman penalization (BP) method and its extended version, which we call here the extended Brinkman penalization method (EBP), among the different types of IBMs, aiming to apply them to the phenomena that occur during severe accidents in a nuclear reactor containment vessel and explore the possibility that the methods can partially replace the CCFD. In this paper, as a preliminary step to validate the applicability of these methods, we measure the jet flow rectified by a grating-type structure used for the validation of numerical techniques and apply them to simulate the behavior of an upward jet rectified by a horizontally placed grating-type structure modeled as an immersed body. This type of structure is generally used in reactor buildings, and it is crucial to evaluate their influence on gaseous flows because the behaviors of hydrogen produced during severe accidents may be influenced by them. The structure is selected as our subject because it has moderate complexity, enabling us to examine the effects of the IBMs and compare them with CCFD. We investigate whether these methods can reproduce a result of corresponding CCFD in which the grating is modeled as body-conformal mesh and show that the former can produce the latter with equivalent accuracy. All these results are also compared with the experimental data on the flow velocity distributions downstream of the grating measured using particle image velocimetry.


Critical heat flux for downward flows in vertical round pipes

廣瀬 意育; 柴本 泰照; 日引 俊*

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 168, p.105027_1 - 105027_17, 2024/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This study reviewed the literature that measured critical heat flux (CHF) for downward flow in round pipes and arranged the proposed correlations. Each correlation shows relatively good prediction accuracy for experimental data from their literature, but the accuracies sometimes decrease for experimental data from other literature. No correlation accurately predicts all the experimental data of the literature, indicating an issue in extrapolating existing correlations. Therefore, we developed a correlation that can accurately predict the experimental data of the collected literature. First, we used a neural network to select the essential dimensionless quantities that comprise the correlation. Then, we regarded the prediction accuracy when all candidate dimensionless quantities extracted from the literature were used for the input variables of the network as the achievable limit prediction accuracy and searched for the minimum combination of dimensionless quantities required to achieve it. The results showed that only the dimensionless mass flux and the ratio of the heating length to the channel diameter are the essential parameters to achieve it. We developed a correlation equation using these two dimensionless quantities and achieved 17.6% of the average prediction accuracy. This result considerably improved existing correlation equations with 25%-40% average prediction accuracy for the same experimental data.


Opposing mixed convection heat transfer for turbulent single-phase flows

茂木 孝介; 柴本 泰照; 日引 俊詞*; 塚本 直史*; 金子 順一*

International Journal of Energy Research, 2024, p.6029412_1 - 6029412_22, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.05(Energy & Fuels)

自然対流熱伝達と強制対流熱伝達が共存する流れを複合対流と呼ぶ。特に強制対流が下降流の場合をopposing flow複合対流と呼ぶ。既往研究において様々な単相opposing flow複合対流の熱伝達相関式が提案されているが、それらは様々な試験装置流路形状、作動流体、熱流動パラメータの範囲で実施された実験結果に基づいている。無次元支配因子の定義や実験的に確認された適用範囲も相関式ごとに異なるため、使用に際してその適用範囲や外挿性を踏まえた上でどの相関式を選択すべきかを整理しておくことは重要である。本稿では既存のopposing flow複合対流の熱伝達相関式と、熱水力システムコードに実装されている単相流壁面熱伝達相関式についてレビューした。また、複数の既往実験データと各相関式との比較を行い、相関式の予測性能を評価した。その結果、Jackson and Fewster相関式、Churchill相関式、Swanson and Catton (IJHMT)相関式は全ての実験データを精度よく予測可能であった。また、乱流複合対流では等温・等熱流束の熱的境界条件による熱伝達率への影響は顕著ではなく、既存の相関式は熱伝達率予測に適用可能であった。さらに、代表長さに水力学相当直径を用いることにより試験装置流路形状の違いに関わらず相関式が適用可能であり、支配パラメータの無次元化により作動流体によらず相関式が適用可能であることを確認した。幅広い無次元数範囲に対して相関式の外挿性を調査した所、Jackson and Fewster相関式、Churchill相関式、Aicher and Martin相関式は自然対流熱伝達、強制対流熱伝達への優れた外挿性を有しており、実験で妥当性が確認されたパラメータ範囲を超えて相関式が適用できることを示した。


Multi-dimensional characteristics of upward bubbly flows in a vertical large-size square channel

孫 昊旻; 功刀 資彰*; 横峯 健彦*; Shen, X.*; 日引 俊*

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 211, p.124214_1 - 124214_17, 2023/09

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:70.57(Thermodynamics)

An experiment for upward bubbly flows was conducted in a large square channel. The local void fraction, axial gas velocity, axial liquid velocity, interfacial area concentration, and Sauter mean diameter were measured at three axial locations. Based on the measurement data, the flow characteristics through flow development were investigated. The drift-flux parameters were directly determined from the local measurement data through their definitions. It was found that the distribution parameters and the void fractions could be fairly reproduced by the existing correlations for large circular pipes. Furthermore, the interfacial area concentrations could be predicted by existing correlations with reasonable accuracy.


Numerical simulation of bubble hydrodynamics for pool scrubbing

岡垣 百合亜; 柴本 泰照; 和田 裕貴; 安部 諭; 日引 俊詞*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(8), p.955 - 968, 2023/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Pool scrubbing is an important filtering process that prevents radioactive aerosols from entering the environment in the event of severe accidents in a nuclear reactor. In this process of transporting aerosol particles using bubbles, bubble hydrodynamics plays a crucial role in modeling pool scrubbing and significantly affects particle removal in a bubble. The pool scrubbing code based on Lumped Parameter (LP) approach includes the particle removal model, and its hydrodynamic parameters are determined based on simple assumptions. We aim to apply the three-dimensional Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach to understand the detailed bubble interaction. This study validated the applicability of the CFD simulation to bubble hydrodynamics at the flow transition from a globule to a swarm region, which is critical in the stand-alone pool scrubbing code-SPARC-90. Two types of solvers based on the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) and the Simple Coupled Volume Of Fluid with Level Set (S-CLSVOF) methods were used to capture the gas-liquid interface in the CFD simulation. We used the experimental data for validation. As a result, the VOF and S-CLSVOF methods accurately predicted the bubble size and void fraction distributions. In addition, we confirmed that the bubble rise velocity of the S-CLSVOF method almost agreed with the experimental results.


Flow regime and void fraction predictions in vertical rod bundle flow channels

Han, X.*; Shen, X.*; 山本 俊弘*; 中島 健*; 孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178, p.121637_1 - 121637_24, 2021/10

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:56.44(Thermodynamics)

This paper studies the flow regimes, their transitions and the drift-flux correlations in upward gas-liquid two-phase flows in vertical rod bundle flow channels. The flows are classified into 5 flow regimes, namely, bubbly, finely dispersed bubbly, cap-bubbly, churn and annular flows according to their different flow characteristics. Transition criteria between the flow regimes are proposed mechanistically. Those criteria can correctly predict 83% of the existing experimental observation of the flow regime. The drift-flux correlations for the distribution parameter and the drift velocity are also improved. The void fractions predicted by those correlations are compared with the existing experimental data, showing satisfactory agreement with mean relative error of 8%.


Experimental study on local interfacial parameters in upward air-water bubbly flow in a vertical 6$$times$$6 rod bundle

Han, X.*; Shen, X.*; 山本 俊弘*; 中島 健*; 孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 144, p.118696_1 - 118696_19, 2019/12

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:65.99(Thermodynamics)

This paper presents a database of local flow parameters for upward adiabatic air-water two-phase flows in a vertical 6$$times$$6 rod bundle flow channel. The local void fraction, interfacial area concentration (IAC), bubble diameter and bubble velocity vector were measured by using a four-sensor optical probe. Based on an existing state-of-the-art four-sensor probe methodology with the characteristic to count small bubbles, IAC in this study was derived more reliably than those in the existing studies. In addition, bubble velocity vector could be measured by the methodology. Based on this database, flow characteristics were investigated. The area-averaged void fraction and IAC were compared with the predictions from the drift-flux model and the IAC correlations, respectively. The applicability of those to the rod bundle flow channel was evaluated.


Local gas-liquid two-phase flow characteristics in rod bundle geometry

Xiao, Y.*; Shen, X.*; 三輪 修一郎*; 孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*

混相流シンポジウム2018講演論文集(インターネット), 2 Pages, 2018/08



Some characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase flow in vertical large-diameter channels

Shen, X.*; Schlegel, J. P.*; 日引 俊*; 中村 秀夫

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 333, p.87 - 98, 2018/07

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:34.13(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Two phase flows in large-diameter channels are important to efficiently and safely transfer mass and energy in a wide variety of applications including nuclear power plants. Two-phase flows in vertical large-diameter channels, however, show much more complex multi-dimensional nature than those in small diameter channels. Various constitutive equations are required to mathematically close the model to predict two-phase flows with two-fluid model. Validations of the constitutive equations require extensive experiment effort. This paper summarizes the recent experimental studies on two-phase flows in vertical large-diameter channels, which includes measuring technique and available databases. Then, a comprehensive review of constitutive equations is provided covering flow regime transition criteria, drift-flux correlations, interfacial area concentration correlations and one- and two-group interfacial area transport equation(s), with discussions on typical characteristics of large-diameter channel flows. Recent 1D numerical simulations of large-diameter channel flows is reviewed too. Finally, future research directions are suggested.


Experimental study on interfacial area transport of two-phase bubbly flow in a vertical large-diameter square duct

Shen, X.*; 孫 昊旻; Deng, B.*; 日引 俊*; 中村 秀夫

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 67(Part A), p.168 - 184, 2017/10

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:63.65(Thermodynamics)



Axial flow characteristics of bubbly flow in a vertical large-diameter square duct

Shen, X.*; 孫 昊旻; Deng, B.*; 日引 俊*; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17) (USB Flash Drive), 14 Pages, 2017/09



Multi-dimensional gas-liquid two-phase flow in vertical large-diameter channels

Shen, X.*; Schlegel, J. P.*; 日引 俊*; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 2017 Japan-US Seminar on Two-Phase Flow Dynamics (JUS 2017), 6 Pages, 2017/06

Large-diameter (D) channels are extensively used to increase the mass, momentum and heat transport capability of working fluid. Comparing with small-D pipes, two-phase flows in large-D channels show quite different and more complicated flow characteristics, since much larger cap bubbles can exist and interfacial instability prevents the cap bubbles from forming a large stable Taylor bubble. Flow regimes and radial void fraction profiles are also different from those in small-D pipes especially in cap/slug flow regime. The relative velocities between phases are greatly increased. This paper reviews recent progresses in the researches on two-phase flows in large-D channels. The state-of-the-art tool of four-sensor probe may enable classification of two-group bubbles by the measurement of bubble diameter instead of bubble chord length. Databases and most of the updated constitutive equations that cover flow regime transition criteria, drift-flux correlations, interfacial area concentration (IAC) correlations and one- and two-group interfacial area transport equation(s) are summarized and analyzed. Typical multi-dimensional characteristics of flows in large-D channels are presented and their one-dimensional numerical simulations are reviewed. Finally the future research directions are suggested.


Gas-liquid bubbly flow structure in a vertical large-diameter square duct

Shen, X.*; 孫 昊旻; Deng, B.*; 日引 俊*; 中村 秀夫

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 89, p.140 - 158, 2016/05

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:90.22(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Local measurements of 3-D bubble velocity vector, bubble diameter and interfacial area concentration in a vertical large diameter square duct

Shen, X.*; 日引 俊*; 孫 昊旻; 中村 秀夫

Proceedings of 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-9) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2014/11



An Improved fast neutron radiography quantitative measurement method

松林 政仁; 日引 俊*; 三島 嘉一郎*; 吉井 康司*; 岡本 孝司*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 533(3), p.481 - 490, 2004/11

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:36.28(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Development of a fast neutron radiography converter using wavelength-shifting fibers

松林 政仁; 日引 俊*; 三島 嘉一郎*; 吉井 康司*; 岡本 孝司*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 510(3), p.325 - 333, 2003/09

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:53.15(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Study on point of net vapor generation by neutron radiography in subcooled boiling flow along narrow rectangular channels with short heated length

呉田 昌俊; 日引 俊*; 三島 嘉一郎*; 秋本 肇

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46(7), p.1171 - 1181, 2003/03

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:49.06(Thermodynamics)


49 件中 1件目~20件目を表示