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JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 41st Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Koda, Yuya; Matsuno, Hiroki; Matsushima, Akira; Kubota, Shintaro; Toda, Keisuke; Nakamura, Yasuyuki

JAEA-Review 2024-003, 38 Pages, 2024/06


"Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center", in planning and carrying out our decommissioning technical development, organizes "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened domestic and international, as the central place in research and development base of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report consists of presentation paper are "The current status of Fugen decommissioning", "Regarding dismantling and decontamination of steam drums", "Knowledge of radiation management in dismantling contaminated equipment", "Achievements and considerations for identifying and separating contaminated parts of nonradioactive waste" and "Regarding technology development plans for nuclear reactor dismantling" which is presented in the 41st Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning.

Journal Articles

Consideration of relationship between decommissioning with digital-twin and knowledge management

Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Hashimoto, Takashi*; Kobayashi, Shigeto*; Iguchi, Yukihiro; Kitamura, Koichi; Koda, Yuya; Tomoda, Koichi

Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2020/08

Decommissioning is a long-term project during which generations are expected to change. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriately transfer knowledge and technology to the next generation. In recent years, in the world of decommissioning, attempts have been made to apply advanced technologies such as utilization of knowledge management and virtual reality. This study describes adaptation in decommissioning from the viewpoint of utilizing IT technology called digital twin from the viewpoint of knowledge management.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 37th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Nakamura, Yasuyuki; Koda, Yuya; Yamamoto, Kosuke; Soejima, Goro; Iguchi, Yukihiro

JAEA-Review 2020-002, 40 Pages, 2020/05


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center, in planning and carrying out our decommissioning technical development, has been establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "Development of Dismantling Mon-hours Estimated system by Achieved Data in Fugen", "Future Plan Based on the Operational Status of Clearance System" and "The Result and Future Plan of the Sampling work from Core Internal of Fugen", presented in the 37th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on December 2, 2019.

Journal Articles

Result of dismantlement on the turbine systems in FUGEN

Aratani, Kenta; Takiya, Hiroaki; Koda, Yuya; Ishiyama, Masahiro; Tezuka, Masashi; Mizui, Hiroyuki

Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-27) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2019/05

The prototype advanced thermal reactor FUGEN is the heavy water-moderated, boiling light water-cooled, pressure tube-type reactor, and has progressing the decommissioning since 2008. The most of facilities such as turbine system have the system structure and the operating conditions similar to those of BWR, although FUGEN has the characteristic structure of reactor core and the heavy water treatment facilities. In Japan, the knowledge and findings from FUGEN decommissioning activities are very important and valuable to perform BWR decommissioning in future, because the decommissioning of FUGEN is research and development as the first decommissioning of real-scale reactor. In the first phase of FUGEN decommissioning activities, the dismantlement project of reactor core cooling system started. By 2017, the low-level contaminated equipment such as the condensers of turbine system and the main-steam pipes of main-steam system was dismantled, and the management data was accumulated. The knowledge and findings from the 10 years of dismantlement experience will be reflected to the future dismantlement of higher contaminated facilities.

Journal Articles

Distance information display system for supporting decommissioning work of nuclear power plants

Miki, Naoya*; Harazono, Yuki*; Ishii, Hirotake*; Shimoda, Hiroshi*; Koda, Yuya

International Electronic Journal of Nuclear Safety and Simulation (Internet), 9(2), p.162 - 171, 2018/12

Kyoto University reports on the distance information display system developed in collaboration between "Fugen" and Kyoto University. In the distance information display system, the worker can easily measure the distance of the object. In this presentation, we report the test results carried out with "Fugen" and the questionnaire results of the subjects.

Journal Articles

Distance Information Display System using augmented reality for supporting decommissioning work

Miki, Naoya*; Harazono, Yuki*; Ishii, Hirotake*; Shimoda, Hiroshi*; Koda, Yuya

Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2018) (USB Flash Drive), p.134 - 140, 2018/09

In this study, in order to make measuring lengths of the objects and the gaps at NPPs more efficient, the Distance Information Display System was developed, which make it easy for the dismantling workers to measure them. The results showed that the Distance Information Display System developed in this study can be used easily with extremely simple operation by the dismantling workers at NPPs, and the workers can also measure the lengths in a short time.

Journal Articles

Adaptation for knowledge management to nuclear research fields

Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Iguchi, Yukihiro; Kitamura, Koichi; Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya

Chishiki Kyoso (Internet), 8, p.IV 2_1 - IV 2_12, 2018/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Research concept of decommissioning knowledge management for the Fugen NPP

Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Iguchi, Yukihiro; Kitamura, Koichi; Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya

Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-26) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2018/07

The IAEA are developed the discussion for those situations and pointed out the importance of nuclear knowledge management. The nuclear knowledge management is developing a database as nuclear knowledge management. In recent years, the IAEA has also advanced knowledge taxonomies on nuclear accidents. These studies are attempts to appropriately arrange and utilize huge amounts of information. Even in nuclear facilities in Japan, it is pointed out that veteran staff aging and loss of knowledge and skill caused by retirement. Therefore, we created a prototype database system to utilize past knowledge and information for ATR Fugen. Now, there are few cases of past decommissioning that can be utilized. This study of pilot model concept revealed that it is not sufficient to just prepare a past data and information. This is what information other than the construction report requires the decommissioning and what kind of information should be gathered.

Journal Articles

The Initiative towards construction of Knowledge Management System in FUGEN Decommissioning Engineering Center

Tezuka, Masashi; Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Koda, Yuya

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (56), p.46 - 54, 2017/09

Implementation of decommissioning needs much plant information in period of Design, construction and operation. In addition, it is essential for efficient dismantling works to advance the technologies, data, lessons and learns, experiences and documents by getting through the decommissioning process. On the other hands, as workers who operated or maintained the plant are aging and retiring, their empirical knowledge has been lost. For the purpose of safety and reasonability of further decommissioning activities, Knowledge Management System (KMS) has been producing in FUGEN which is now under decommissioning. KMS is an initiative of human resources development and to pass on expertise and knowledge to the younger generations. The system based on the prototype of FUGEN aims a high versatility system available for further decommissioning facilities.

JAEA Reports

A Study on optimization of dismantling scenarios in Fugen decommissioning project; Preliminary evaluation of dismantling scenario of the heat exchangers, etc.

Koda, Yuya; Tezuka, Masashi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*

JAEA-Technology 2015-050, 74 Pages, 2016/03


The implementation of the decommissioning work is accompanied by long-term period and considerable expense, so it is important that we make the most optimized work scenario in consideration of safety or the work and effectiveness. For this reason, we are studying selection method of the optimal work scenarios as a management index of the manpower and dose etc., in dismantling work for Fugen. In this report, results of a study shows the method of selecting the best scenarios for the heat exchangers of the reactor coolant purification system by evaluating execution multiple work scenarios, as well as evaluating the manpower and dose, etc., moreover by setting the importance of each evaluation item.

Journal Articles

Review on conformance to technical criteria for near surface disposal

Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya; Fujita, Yoshihiko*; Endo, Nobuyuki*; Kume, Kyo*

Heisei-26-Nendo Koeki Zaidan Hojin Wakasawan Enerugi Kenkyu Senta kenkyu Nempo, 17, P. 78, 2015/10

In FUGEN, asphalt solidified body which was solidified the concentrated liquid waste is, some of them might also be present which do not meet the criteria (buried technical standards) according to the buried disposal of waste Therefore, these can not be buried disposal remain status quo. Therefore, it is assumed that that may not conform to the above criteria, "Asphalt solid material" is to conform to the reference to "re-processing", in addition to the desk study on specific measures, and also to preliminary tests I went.

Journal Articles

Estimation of radioactive substance penetration in basement concrete

Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya; Fujita, Yoshihiko*; Kume, Kyo*

Heisei-26-Nendo Koeki Zaidan Hojin Wakasawan Enerugi Kenkyu Senta kenkyu Nempo, 17, P. 78, 2015/10

In order to contribute to the segregated management in accordance with the level of contamination such as dismantling products, as a basis frame concrete specimens of the condenser, which has been laid in the turbine building of the "Fugen", pre-observation of such cracks status of surface on which was carried out to investigate the pollution status of internal specimen.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of dismantling data in Fugen's decommissioning

Koda, Yuya; Tezuka, Masashi; Aratani, Kenta; Nanko, Takashi

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2015/05

Decommissioning Engineering Center, which is called FUGEN, has started dismantling works based on its decommissioning program since 2008. The dismantling works was launched in turbine system whose contamination was relatively low level. Feed-water-heaters and main-steam-pipes had been dismantled already, and now, main-condensers have been dismantling. Approximately 1000 tons of dismantled waste was produced from the dismantling works so far. Dismantling work needs to be done safely and effectively with appropriate cutting devices depending on the situations that is its method, quality and shape of the materials to be dismantled. Therefore, in FUGEN, varieties of conventional cutting devices, which are thermal cutting method and mechanical cutting method, are used in the dismantling works to evaluate their applicability depending on the work situations. Obtained cutting data are summarized and evaluated in order to reflect to the following own works and other decommissioning plants.

Journal Articles

Decommissioning activities in FUGEN

Kitamura, Koichi; Kutsuna, Hideki; Matsushima, Akira; Koda, Yuya; Iwai, Hiroki

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (51), p.2 - 10, 2015/04

Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center (herein after called as "FUGEN") obtained the approval of the decommissioning program on February 2008. FUGEN has been carrying out decommissioning works based on its decommissioning program since then. Now is in initial stage, the dismantling works was launched in turbine system whose contamination was relatively low level and their various data have been accumulating. And the draining heavy water, tritium decontamination and transferring of heavy water were carried out safely and reasonably. The preparation for the clearance system and the research and development works for the reactor core dismantling have been progressed steadily as well. Meanwhile, FUGEN has affiliation with local industries and universities for collaboration research, and has exchanged the decommissioning information with domestic and overseas organizations continuously.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 30th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Koda, Yuya; Imagawa, Yasuhiro

JAEA-Review 2014-045, 38 Pages, 2015/01


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center, in planning and carrying out our decommissioning technical development, has been establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "Evaluation for Dismantlement Work Experience on Turbine System and its Future Plan" and "Completion of Taking-Out Heavy Water from Fugen", presented in the 30th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on September 19, 2014.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation formulas of manpower needs for dismantling of equipment in FUGEN, 3; Dismantling process of the condenser removal

Kubota, Shintaro; Izumo, Sari; Usui, Hideo; Kawagoshi, Hiroshi; Koda, Yuya; Nanko, Takashi

JAEA-Technology 2014-022, 22 Pages, 2014/07


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been developing the PRODIA code which supports to make decommissioning plan and has been preparing evaluation functions. Manpower needs for the dismantling the condenser that had conducted from 2010 to 2012 was analyzed and compared with existing evaluation functions. Applicability of evaluation function for a large scale reactor facility was confirmed in dismantling of the heat insulating materials and feed water heaters and reliability of unit productivity factor was improved. Evaluation function of work for clearance was made in dismantling of pipes and supports. Statistically meaningful data was provided from the dismantling of the condenser. Manpower needs for dismantling of a condenser has positive correlation to the weight of equipment and can be described in linear expression. Reliability of each unit productivity factor will be improved with accumulating actual dismantling data in future.

JAEA Reports

Document collection of the 26th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning

Kutsuna, Hideki; Koda, Yuya; Shibahara, Yuji; Kadowaki, Haruhiko

JAEA-Review 2012-040, 36 Pages, 2013/01


Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center is establishing "Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning" which consists of the members well-informed, aiming to make good use of Fugen as a place for technological development which is opened inside and outside the country, as the central point in the energy research and development base making project of Fukui prefecture, and to utilize the outcome in our decommissioning to the technical development effectively. This report compiles presentation materials "The Current Situation of Fugen Decommissioning", "The Application Results of Various Cutting Methods in the Dismantling of the Equipments of the Turbine System", "Study of Work Program on the Dismantling Activities with the Project Management Data Evaluation System", "Record and Knowledge in Working for a Heavy Water Withdraw and a Tritium Removal", presented in the 26th Technical special committee on Fugen decommissioning which was held on September 13, 2012.

Oral presentation

A Study on evaluation of project management data in "Fugen" decommissioning

Koda, Yuya; Tezuka, Masashi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

A Knowledge organization of the ATR FUGEN

Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Mizoguchi, Riichiro*; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Iguchi, Yukihiro; Kitamura, Koichi; Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development and demonstration of the axial cutting device for small diameter brass tubes

Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya; Nakanishi, Eitoku*; Sugiura, Koji*; Yoshino, Ichiro*; Hachikawa, Shuichi*

no journal, , 

Demonstratin of axial cutting against the condenser cooling tubes.

53 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)