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$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy of Sm-based heavy fermion compounds

筒井 智嗣; 東中 隆二*; 水牧 仁一朗*; 小林 義男*; 中村 仁*; 伊藤 孝; 依田 芳卓*; 松田 達磨*; 青木 勇二*; 佐藤 英行*

Interactions (Internet), 245(1), p.9_1 - 9_10, 2024/12

$$^{149}$$Sm synchrotron-radiation-based M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy has been applied to Sm-based heavy fermion intermetallics, Sm$$Tr_2$$Al$$_{20}$$ ($$Tr$$ = Ti, V and Cr) and SmOs$$_{4}$$Sb$$_{12}$$. The isomer shifts obtained demonstrate that the Sm valence states in these compounds are intermediate. Since the difference of the isomer shifts in 22.502 keV $$^{149}$$Sm M$"{o}$ssbauer effect between Sm$$^{2+}$$ and Sm$$^{3+}$$ state is comparable to the 2nd order Doppler shift, consideration of the 2nd order Doppler shift is required to precisely discuss Sm valence state through the shifts of the M$"{o}$ssbauer spectra. In addition, the plots of the isomer shifts obtained by the M$"{o}$ssbauer spectroscopy against the Sm valence states estimated from Sm L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy exhibit a linear correlation except for that in SmOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$. This implies that the origin of the intermediate valence state in SmOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$ differs from that in Sm$$Tr_2$$Al$$_{20}$$ ($$Tr$$ = Ti, V and Cr).


Radioactivity estimation of radioactive hotspots using a Compton camera and derivation of dose rates in the surrounding environment

佐藤 優樹

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 212, p.111421_1 - 111421_8, 2024/10

At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, radiation sources released in the accident were deposited on various equipment and building structures. During decommissioning, it is crucial to understand the distribution of radiation sources and ambient dose equivalent rates to reduce worker exposure and implement detailed work planning. In this study, the author introduces a method for visualizing radiation sources, estimates their radioactivity using a Compton camera, and derives the dose rate around the radiation sources. In the demonstration test, the Compton camera was used to visualize radioactive hotspots caused by $$^{137}$$Cs radiation sources deposited in the outdoor environment and estimated the radioactivity. Furthermore, the dose rate around the hotspots was calculated from the estimated radioactivity, which confirmed that the calculated dose rate correlated with the dose rate measured using a survey meter. This approach is novel, where a series of analyses were conducted using the Compton camera to visualize radioactive hotspots, estimate the radioactivity, and derive the dose rate in the surrounding environment.


Current status of high temperature gas-cooled reactor development in Japan

永塚 健太郎; 野口 弘喜; 長住 達; 野本 恭信; 清水 厚志; 佐藤 博之; 西原 哲夫; 坂場 成昭

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 425, p.113338_1 - 113338_11, 2024/08




木名瀨 暁理; 後藤 勝則*; 青野 竜士; 今田 未来; 佐藤 義行; 原賀 智子; 石森 健一郎; 亀尾 裕

JAEA-Data/Code 2024-004, 60 Pages, 2024/07




Detailed visualization of radioactive hotspots inside the Unit 1 reactor building of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station using an integrated Radiation Imaging System mounted on a Mecanum wheel robot

佐藤 優樹; 寺阪 祐太; 大浦 正利*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.856 - 870, 2024/07

In the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, understanding the distribution of radioactive substances and dose-equivalent rates is crucial to develop detailed decontamination plans and minimize worker exposure. In this study, we remotely visualized radioactive hotspots and dose-equivalent rate distribution in Unit 1 reactor building of the station using a Mecanum wheel robot equipped with a Compton camera, simultaneous localization and mapping device, and survey meter. We successfully visualized high-concentration radiation hotspots on the U-shaped piping of the drywell humidity control system and the atmospheric control piping in the ceiling in front of the transverse in-core probe room. Furthermore, the hotspot location was identified in three dimensions using the Compton camera used to analyze the atmospheric control piping. By simultaneously analyzing the dose-equivalent rate data acquired by the survey meter and the hotspot locations visualized by the Compton camera, it was confirmed that the hotspots caused elevated dose-equivalent rates in the surrounding area. Using this robot system in unexplored areas, such as the higher floors of reactor buildings, in future will enable us to obtain information on radiation hotspot locations and dose-equivalent rate distribution.


Evaluation of relative biological effectiveness for diseases of the circulatory system based on microdosimetry

佐藤 達彦; 松谷 悠佑; 浜田 信行*

Journal of Radiation Research (Internet), 65(4), p.500 - 506, 2024/07



Single-shot laser-driven neutron resonance spectroscopy for temperature profiling

Lan, Z.*; 有川 安信*; Mirfayzi, S. R.*; Morace, A.*; 早川 岳人*; 佐藤 博隆*; 加美山 隆*; Wei, T.*; 巽 湧太*; 小泉 光生; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 15, p.5365_1 - 5365_7, 2024/07

The temperature measurement of material inside of an object is one of the key technologies for control of dynamical processes. For this purpose, various techniques such as laser-based thermography and phase-contrast imaging thermography have been studied. However, it is, in principle, impossible to measure the temperature of an element inside of an object using these techniques. One of the possible solutions is measurements of Doppler brooding effect in neutron resonance absorption (NRA). Here we present a method to measure the temperature of an element or an isotope inside of an object using NRA with a single neutron pulse of approximately 100 ns width provided from a high-power laser. We demonstrate temperature measurements of a tantalum (Ta) metallic foil heated from the room temperature up to 617 K. Although the neutron energy resolution is fluctuated from shot to shot, we obtain the temperature dependence of resonance Doppler broadening using a reference of a silver (Ag) foil kept to the room temperature. A free gas model well reproduces the results. This method enables element(isotope)-sensitive thermometry to detect the instantaneous temperature rise in dynamical processes.



稲葉 良知; 佐藤 博之; 角田 淳弥; 大橋 弘史; 西原 哲夫; 坂場 成昭

日本機械学会誌, 127(1267), p.25 - 28, 2024/06



Development of a radioactive substance detection system integrating a Compton camera and a LiDAR camera with a hexapod robot

佐藤 優樹; 角藤 壮*; 田中 孝幸*; 嶋野 寛之*; 諸橋 裕子; 畠山 知圭*; 中島 準作; 石山 正弘

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1063, p.169300_1 - 169300_7, 2024/06

A system for locating radioactive substances using a hexapod robot equipped with a Compton camera and light detection and ranging camera was developed, and its performance evaluation test was conducted at FUGEN, a nuclear facility owned by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. In the test, by projecting images of radioactive substances acquired with the Compton camera onto a three-dimensional model of the work environment acquired with a light detection and ranging camera, the locations where radioactive substances have accumulated and the dose rate is higher than the surrounding area were successfully visualized and identified.



野口 弘喜; 佐藤 博之; 西原 哲夫; 坂場 成昭

化学工学, 88(5), p.211 - 214, 2024/05



First demonstration of a single-end readout position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station based on wavelength-resolving analysis

寺阪 祐太; 佐藤 優樹; 瓜谷 章*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1062, p.169227_1 - 169227_6, 2024/05

We have developed a new position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor that achieves single-end readout and high dose rate application. The sensor determines the incident position of radiation on the optical fiber by using the wavelength dependency of light attenuation within the fiber. Through the analysis of the output wavelength spectrum from the fiber end, the incident position of radiation on the optical fiber can be inversely estimated using the spectrum unfolding procedure. Using this optical fiber sensor, we conducted a measurement of radiation distribution inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). The actual trend of incident position of radiation was successfully reproduced in a high dose rate area, with a maximum dose rate exceeding 100 mSv/h. This validates the effectiveness of our new position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor.


Production rates of long-lived radionuclides $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al under direct muon-induced spallation in granite quartz and its implications for past high-energy cosmic ray fluxes

櫻井 敬久*; 紅林 泰*; 鈴木 颯一郎*; 堀内 一穂*; 高橋 唯*; 堂下 典弘*; 菊地 聡*; 門叶 冬樹*; 岩田 尚能*; 田島 靖*; et al.

Physical Review D, 109(10), p.102005_1 - 102005_18, 2024/05

銀河宇宙線の永年変化は銀河の活動に密接に関係しており、局所的な銀河磁場・星間雲・超新星残骸の近くの環境が反映される。高エネルギー銀河宇宙線によって大気中で生成される高エネルギーミューオンは、深い地層まで透過し、岩石中に放射性同位体を生成する。$$^{10}$$Beや$$^{26}$$Alのような長寿命の放射性核種は岩石中に蓄積されるため、高エネルギーミューオンの収量の長期変動、ひいては数百万年間の高エネルギー銀河宇宙線(GCR)の長期変動の調査に利用できる。本研究では、CERN SPSのCOMPASS実験ラインにて、160GeV/cの正ミューオンを合成石英プレートと花崗岩コアに照射して、岩石中の$$^{10}$$Beと$$^{26}$$Alの生成断面積を測定した。更に、ミューオンが直接起こす核破砕反応とミューオンが生成した二次粒子が引き起こす反応が、岩石中での長寿命核種の生成にそれぞれどの程度寄与するかを明らかにした。


宇宙天気研究に基づく社会インフラ防護と被害予測,4; 航空機被ばく

佐藤 達彦; 久保 勇樹*

プラズマ・核融合学会誌, 100(5), p.218 - 223, 2024/05



The Impact of dose rate on responses of human lens epithelial cells to ionizing irradiation

松谷 悠佑; 佐藤 達彦; 谷内 淑恵*; 伊達 広行*; 浜田 信行*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 14, p.12160_1 - 12160_14, 2024/05



Determination of $$^{90}$$Sr in highly radioactive aqueous samples via conversion to a kinetically stable 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid complex followed by concentration-separation-fractionation based on capillary electrophoresis-liquid scintillation

大内 和希; 原賀 智子; 廣瀬 和生*; 黒澤 結香*; 佐藤 義行; 渋川 雅美*; 齋藤 伸吾*

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1298, p.342399_1 - 342399_7, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01



Microbiome analysis of the restricted bacteria in radioactive element-containing water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

藁科 友朗*; 佐藤 朝子*; 比内 浩; Shaikhutdinov, N.*; Shagimardanova, E.*; 森 宙史*; 玉木 聡志*; 斎藤 元文*; 眞田 幸尚; 佐々木 祥人; et al.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(4), p.e02113-23_1 - e02113-23_23, 2024/04

A major incident occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station following the tsunami triggered by the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake in March 2011, whereby seawater entered the torus room in the basement of the reactor building. Here, we identify and analyze the bacterial communities in the torus room water and several environmental samples. Samples of the torus room water (1 $$times$$ 10$$^{9}$$ Bq$$^{137}$$Cs/L) were collected by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings from two sampling points between 30 cm and 1 m from the bottom of the room (TW1) and the bottom layer (TW2). A structural analysis of the bacterial communities based on 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed that the predominant bacterial genera in TW1 and TW2 were similar. TW1 primarily contained the genus Limnobacter, a thiosulfate-oxidizing bacterium. $$gamma$$-Irradiation tests on Limnobacter thiooxidans, the most closely related phylogenetically found in TW1, indicated that its radiation resistance was similar to ordinary bacteria. TW2 predominantly contained the genus Brevirhabdus, a manganese- oxidizing bacterium. Although bacterial diversity in the torus room water was lower than seawater near Fukushima, $$sim$$70% of identified genera were associated with metal corrosion. Latent environment allocation - an analytical technique that estimates habitat distributions and co-detection analyses - revealed that the microbial communities in the torus room water originated from a distinct blend of natural marine microbial and artificial bacterial communities typical of biofilms, sludge, and wastewater. Understanding the specific bacteria linked to metal corrosion in damaged plants is important for advancing decommissioning efforts.


Existence of local polar domains in perovskite oxyfluoride, BaFeO$$_2$$F

勝又 哲裕*; 鈴木 涼*; 佐藤 直人*; 小田 良哉*; 本山 慎吾*; 鈴木 俊平*; 中島 護*; 稲熊 宜之*; 森 大輔*; 相見 晃久*; et al.

Chemistry of Materials, 36(8), p.3697 - 3704, 2024/04



$$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section measurement using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC

Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 片渕 竜也*; 児玉 有*; 中野 秀仁*; 佐藤 八起*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(4), p.459 - 477, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The neutron capture cross-section of $$^{241}$$Am was measured from 10 meV to about 1 MeV using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) beamline in the Materials and Life Science (MLF) facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The total energy detection principle was applied in conjunction with the pulse-height weighting technique to derive the neutron capture yield. The present cross-section results were normalized using a $$^{197}$$Au sample measurement by applying the saturated resonance method. The thermal cross section was measured to be 708 $$pm$$ 22 b, in agreement within uncertainties to the present evaluation in JENDL-5 of 709 b. Moreover, the results of a shape resonance analysis of the resolved resonance region are also provided in the present dissertation.


東海再処理施設周辺の環境放射線モニタリング結果; 2022年度

國分 祐司; 中田 陽; 瀬谷 夏美; 小池 優子; 根本 正史; 飛田 慶司; 山田 椋平*; 内山 怜; 山下 大智; 永井 信嗣; et al.

JAEA-Review 2023-046, 164 Pages, 2024/03




Application of transition-edge sensors for micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements and micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy; a case study of uranium speciation in biotite obtained from a uranium mine

蓬田 匠; 橋本 直; 奥村 拓馬*; 山田 真也*; 竜野 秀行*; 野田 博文*; 早川 亮大*; 岡田 信二*; 高取 沙悠理*; 磯部 忠昭*; et al.

Analyst, 149(10), p.2932 - 2941, 2024/03

本研究では、ウラン鉱山より採取した黒雲母に含まれるUの分布状態と化学種を分析するため、超電導転移端センサー(TES)をマイクロビーム蛍光X線分光分析時の検出器として用いる手法を開発した。通常のシリコンドリフト検出器(SDD)の約220 eVのエネルギー分解能の蛍光X線スペクトルでは、13.615 keVのU L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$線の蛍光X線と13.395 keVのRb K$$alpha$$線の蛍光X線を分離することは困難であった。一方、TESを用いることにより13 keVのエネルギー領域で50 eVのエネルギー分解能が達成され、U L$$alpha$$$$_{1}$$とRb K$$alpha$$の蛍光X線を完全に分離することができた。このTESを用いたピーク分離により、マイクロ蛍光X線分析における微量Uの正確なマッピング解析と、マイクロX線吸収端近傍構造分光における信号対バックグラウンド比の減少を達成できた。

2786 件中 1件目~20件目を表示