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Evaluation of DNA damage induced by Auger electrons from $$^{137}$$Cs

渡辺 立子; 服部 佑哉; 甲斐 健師

International Journal of Radiation Biology, 92(11), p.660 - 664, 2016/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:19.46(Biology)



Roles of hydrated water in inducing destruction of sugar moiety in DNA by ionization of oxygen core-electrons

藤井 健太郎; 泉 雄大; 成田 あゆみ*; Krishna, G.*; Alain, T.*; Rodolphe, V.*; Marie-Pierre, G.*; Marie-Francoise, P.*; Marie-Anne, H.*; 横谷 明徳

no journal, , 



Autophagy activated by Auger effect induced by soft X-ray microbeam

野口 実穂; 横谷 明徳; 神長 輝一; 藤井 健太郎; 鈴木 啓司*; 宇佐美 徳子*

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In this study, to clarify activation of autophagy on energy deposition in the cell nucleus or cytoplasm by the photoelectric effect, we investigated change of autophagic activity in human fibroblast cells irradiated with soft X-ray microbeam (5.35keV).Using a synchrotron X-ray microbeam, we irradiated 25 to 61 cells by targeting nuclei with square X-ray microbeam (10 $$mu$$m $$times$$ 10 $$mu$$m). For irradiating cytoplasm, 60 $$mu$$m $$times$$ 60 $$mu$$m square X-ray microbeam was used with a metal mask of 10$$mu$$m $$times$$ 10 $$mu$$m central area not to irradiate the cell nucleus. Induction of autophagy was measured using the fluorescent probe, Cyto-ID Green, which stains specifically autophagic vacuoles. Irradiated cells were treated with the dye 15 min before observation. The cells observed by a fluorescent microscope were quantified as mean values of the fluorescent intensity per cell. We observed autophagic fluorescence in nucleus- or cytoplasm-irradiated cells at 1 day to 4 days after irradiation. Some of these cells showed highly localized strong fluorescence. Such localized fluorescence was rarely observed when irradiated with a wide beam from a conventional higher energy X-ray machine (150 kVp). A lot of nucleic irradiated cells, rather than cytoplasm-irradiated cell, showed cell death especially at 4 days after irradiation. When irradiated with the wide beam X-rays, on the other hand, the cells sustained irreversible growth arrest, and maintained their viability. These results indicate that the soft X-ray microbeam exposure is a powerful probe to provide us an aspect of autophagic activation by photoelectric (Auger) effect in a particular part of cells.


Cellular imaging with a laser-plasma soft X-ray microscope

加道 雅孝; 岸本 牧; 保 智己*; 安田 恵子*; 青山 雅人*; 刀祢 重信*; 篠原 邦夫*

no journal, , 

レーザープラズマ軟X線顕微鏡すなわち高強度レーザーによって発生した高輝度短パルス軟X線をX線感光材上に直接培養した細胞に照射する密着型顕微法を開発し、生きている細胞の内部構造を直接観察することに成功した。さらに蛍光顕微鏡を併用し、軟X線顕微鏡と蛍光顕微鏡による同時観察を実現するハイブリッド顕微法を発案することにより細胞内器官の正確な位置の特定と高空間分解観察を両立した。その結果、様々な細胞内器官の詳細な構造の観察が可能となった。開発したレーザープラズマ軟X線顕微鏡によりこれまでにマウスの精巣ライディッヒ細胞の内部構造、アポトーシスの誘発により構造変化を起こしたHeLa S3細胞核の詳細な構造やマウスの免疫細胞の観察を実現した。マウスの免疫細胞の観察では、免疫機能発現に起因すると考えられる特徴的な構造変化を発見した。


Yields of DNA strand breaks and base lesions induced by oxygen K-shell electron ionization

菅谷 雄基*; 藤井 健太郎; 横谷 明徳

no journal, , 

We have tried oxygen selective damage induction in DNA by tuning soft X-ray energy. Thin DNA films of closed circular plasmid (pUC18) without any additives were prepared and tested the stability of DNA in the film by observing conformational changes using gel electrophoresis. We performed soft X-ray irradiation to the films at BL23SU in SPring-8. The yields of strand breaks, base lesions, as well as AP sites produced by irradiation of several soft X-ray energies around oxygen K-shell ionization threshold. The yields of base lesions and AP sites are determined by post-irradiation-treatment of the DNA with enzymatic probes. The yield of AP site, as well as those of other lesions, shows a minimum at the resonance excitation energy (538 eV) absorbed by the sample with a highest probability. The results indicate that the resonance excitation of 1s electron does not rather enhance the DNA damage induction.


Deceleration process of Auger electrons in liquid water calculated by a dynamic Monte Carlo method for prediction of DNA damage induction

甲斐 健師; 横谷 明徳; 鵜飼 正敏*; 藤井 健太郎; 渡辺 立子

no journal, , 

We simulated the electron deceleration for initial electron energies ranging from 0.1 eV to 100 keV using a dynamic Monte Carlo code. The thermalization period calculated is longer than that previously predicted. Thus the thermalization process significantly contributes the series of processes, from ionization to hydration. Particularly for the electron with incident energy of 1 eV, the temporal evolution of total track length, mean traveling distance and energy distributions of the decelerating electron were investigated. Pre-hydration and thermalization period were estimated to be 50 and 220 fs, respectively, indicating that the initial pre-hydration begins before or competitively with thermal equilibrium. These results suggest that the pre-hydrated electrons play an important role in the very early process of multiple DNA damage induction.

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