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The Design and implementation of the PGA measurement system in an integrated Active Neutron non-destructive analysis system, "Active-N"

古高 和禎; 大図 章; 藤 暢輔

Proceedings of INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting (Internet), 9 Pages, 2021/08

We have been developing an integrated active neutron non-destructive analysis system for highly radioactive nuclear materials, "Active-N", using an intense D-T neutron source. The system is composed of the following mutually complementing different measurement systems: Differential Die-away Analysis (DDA), Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA), and Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA). The former two are for measurements of total amount of fissile material and of isotopic composition, respectively. The purpose of the last one, i.e. PGA measurement system is the detection of explosives contained in e.g., dirty bombs and of chemical warfare agents, as well as of neutron poisons which absorb neutrons and disturb DDA measurements. This report describes mainly the PGA measurement system. In the PGA measurement system, to resolve individual gamma-ray peaks, a Ge detector is utilized. It is well known that irradiation of fast neutrons ($$gesim10$$ keV) to Ge detectors cause damages to the detectors and gradually worsen their resolution, and finally make them unusable without a laborious treatment. Therefore, it is essential to shield the PGA detector against the neutrons from the D-T neutron generator. In addition, to reduce background gamma rays from the materials used for the DDA system, they should also be carefully chosen. In order to design an appropriate neutron shield for the PGA measurement system and diminish the sources of the background gamma rays, simulation study was done using a particle transport code system PHITS. Based on the results, a shielding for the PGA measurement system has been designed which reduces the number of damaging neutrons by an order of magnitude. The Active-N system which incorporates the PGA measurement system equipped with the neutron shielding, has been installed at NUCEF facility in JAEA Tokai. This research was implemented under the subsidy for nuclear security promotion from MEXT.


Development of an integrated active neutron non-destructive analysis system; Active-N

藤 暢輔; 大図 章; 土屋 晴文; 古高 和禎; 北谷 文人; 米田 政夫; 前田 亮; 小泉 光生

Proceedings of INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting (Internet), 8 Pages, 2021/08

Since neutrons have exceptional ability to penetrate high-density materials and can induce fission, they are used in non-destructive analysis such as, Differential Die-Away Analysis (DDA), Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA) and Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA). The different analytical methods give us complementary information, which are particularly useful for the quantification of Special Nuclear Materials in highly radioactive nuclear materials, including spent fuel. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission are collaborating to develop an active neutron NDA system for nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security. In the second phase of the project, an integrated active neutron NDA system: Active-N which enables the simultaneous measurements of DDA, PGA and NRTA has been developed. The DDA detects fission neutrons, and it can determine small amounts of the fissile mass. PGA is utilized for the quantification of neutron absorber and particularly useful for the detection of explosives. NRTA can be used to quantify almost all medium and high-Z elements and considered as one of the most accurate NDA. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of Active-N and report the recent experimental results. This research was implemented under the subsidy for nuclear security promotion of MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


Development of active neutron NDA system

藤 暢輔

JAEA-Conf 2019-001, p.47 - 52, 2019/11

原子力機構と欧州委員会-共同研究センター(EC-JRC)との共同研究により、従来の非破壊測定技術が適用できない高線量核燃料物質のための非破壊測定技術開発を実施している。本プロジェクトでは、小型のパルス中性子源を用いる4つのアクティブ中性子法(ダイアウェイ時間差分析法: DDA、中性子共鳴透過分析法: NRTA、即発$$gamma$$線分析法: PGA、遅発$$gamma$$線分析法: DGA)の開発を実施しており、それらの手法を組み合わせ、それぞれの特長を生かすことによって高線量核燃料物質に対応できる非破壊測定法の確立を目指している。平成29年度で終了したフェーズIに続き、平成30年度から開始したフェーズIIでは、上述の4つのアクティブ中性子法の高度化を行うとともに、原子力機構燃料サイクル安全工学研究施設において、3つの分析手法(DDA, PGA, NRTA)を組み合わせた総合非破壊測定装置を開発する予定である。本講演では、プロジェクトの概要とこれまでに得られた主な研究成果について報告する。本研究開発は、文部科学省「核セキュリティ強化等推進事業費補助金」事業の一部である。


Development of active neutron NDA system for radioactive nuclear materials

藤 暢輔; 大図 章; 土屋 晴文; 古高 和禎; 北谷 文人; 米田 政夫; 前田 亮; 小泉 光生

Proceedings of INMM 60th Annual Meeting (Internet), 7 Pages, 2019/07

Nuclear material accountancy plays a key role in nuclear safeguards and security. The collaboration between the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission aims to develop an active neutron NDA system for Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) and Minor Actinides (MA) in highly radioactive nuclear materials. Several active neutron NDA techniques, namely Differential Die-Away Analysis (DDA), Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA), Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA), Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA) and Delayed Gamma-ray Analysis (DGA) have been developed. The different methods can provide complementary information. In the first phase of the project, we developed a combined NDA system, which enables the simultaneous measurements of DDA and PGA. The DDA technique can determine very small amounts of the fissile mass. PGA is valuable for the measurement of light elements. In the second phase, we will continue to conduct additional research to improve the methodology and develop a new integrated NDA system which can use for NRTA as well as DDA and PGA. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the project and report the recent results, especially the design of new integrated NDA system. This research was implemented under the subsidiary for nuclear security promotion of MEXT.


Development of active neutron NDA system for nuclear materials

藤 暢輔; 大図 章; 土屋 晴文; 古高 和禎; 北谷 文人; 米田 政夫; 前田 亮; 小泉 光生; Heyse, J.*; Paradela, C.*; et al.

Proceedings of INMM 59th Annual Meeting (Internet), 9 Pages, 2018/07

Nuclear material accountancy is of fundamental importance for nuclear safeguards and security. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no established technique that enables us to accurately determine the amount of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) and Minor Actinides (MA) in high radioactive nuclear materials. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission Collaboration Action Sheet-7 started in 2015. The purpose of this project is to develop an innovative non-destructive analysis (NDA) system using a D-T pulsed neutron source. Active neutron NDA techniques, namely Differential Die-Away Analysis (DDA), Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA), Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA), Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA) and Delayed Gamma-ray Analysis (DGA) have been studied and developed. The different methods can provide complementary information which is particularly useful for quantification of SNM and MA in high radioactive nuclear materials. The second phase of the project has started. In the second phase, we will continue to conduct additional research to improve the methodology and develop an integrated NDA system. This presentation gives an overview of the project and the NDA system and reports the recent results. This research was implemented under the subsidiary for nuclear security promotion of MEXT.


廃棄物ドラム缶のウラン量を短時間で精度良く定量できる革新的アクティブ中性子非破壊測定技術; 高速中性子直接問いかけ法の実用化

大図 章; 米田 政夫; 呉田 昌俊; 中塚 嘉明; 中島 伸一

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 59(12), p.700 - 704, 2017/12



Development and implementation of GloveBox Cleanout Assistance Tool (BCAT) to detect the presence of MOX by computational approach

中村 仁宣; 中道 英男; 向 泰宣; 細馬 隆; 栗田 勉; LaFleur, A. M.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2017/04



Development of active neutron NDA techniques for nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security

藤 暢輔; 大図 章; 土屋 晴文; 古高 和禎; 北谷 文人; 米田 政夫; 前田 亮; 呉田 昌俊; 小泉 光生; 瀬谷 道夫; et al.

EUR-28795-EN (Internet), p.684 - 693, 2017/00

In 2015, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission collaboration started to develop an active neutron non-destructive assay system for nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security. To the best of our knowledge, no adequate technique exists that allows us to determine the amount of special nuclear materials and minor actinides in high radioactive nuclear materials, such as spent fuel, transuranic waste, etc. The collaboration aims at contributing to the establishment of an innovative NDA system using a D-T pulsed neutron source for various applications. We utilize several active neutron NDA techniques, namely Differential Die-Away Analysis (DDA), Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA), Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis (NRCA), Neutron Resonance Transmission Analysis (NRTA) and Delayed Gamma Spectroscopy (DGS). All of these techniques have advantages and disadvantages. The different methods can provide complementary information which is particularly useful for nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security. In this project, we have developed a combined NDA system, which enables the measurements of DDA and PGA, at NUclear fuel Cycle safety Engineering research Facility (NUCEF) in JAEA. In this presentation, we will introduce our project and report the recent progress of developments, especially in NRTA, DDA and PGA.


Design study on differential die-away technique in an integrated active neutron NDA system for non-nuclear proliferation

大図 章; 前田 亮; 米田 政夫; 飛田 浩; 呉田 昌俊; 小泉 光生; 瀬谷 道夫

Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2016) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2016/00

原子力機構では、MA核変換用MA-Pu燃料などの高線量核燃料や共存物質が多数含まれるため従来の測定技術では測定が困難な難測定核物質を対象として、中性子源を用いた次世代の非破壊測定技術の開発に着手した。その測定技術は、核分裂性核種の総質量を計測するダイアウェイ時間差分析法(DDA)、固体物質を核種分析する中性子共鳴透過分析法(NRTA)、計測妨害物質等を分析する即発$$gamma$$線スペクトル分析(PGA)または中性子共鳴捕獲分析法(NRCA)、及び核種組成比を分析する遅発$$gamma$$線スペクトル分析(DGS)法から構成される。それらの技術を相補的に組み合わせることよって難測定核物質の測定を目指している。本報では、その測定技術開発の中で核分裂性物質量の高精度測定を目指して設計した次世代型DDA装置部の構造、及び シミュレーションによる設計性能に関して報告する。


Partition of total excitation energy between fragment pairs in asymmetric and symmetric fission modes

西中 一朗; 永目 諭一郎; 池添 博; 谷川 勝至*; Zhao, Y. L.*; 末木 啓介*; 中原 弘道

Physical Review C, 70(1), p.014609_1 - 014609_10, 2004/07

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:66.70(Physics, Nuclear)

核分裂における分裂片間での励起エネルギー分配機構と二重分裂モードとの関連性を調べるため、$$^{232}$$Thの陽子誘起核分裂において、核分裂片の質量数,運動エネルギーを二重飛行時間測定法を用いて精密に測定した。モンテカルロ計算によって、飛行時間測定で機器的に生じる「ゆらぎ」の影響がない分裂片から放出される即発中性子数をもとめた。非対称に質量分割する分裂モードと対称に質量分割する分裂モードが共存する分裂片質量領域(質量数98-107, 126-135)では、即発中性子数と分裂片全運動エネルギーとの相関に二重モードに由来する構造が観測された。この相関から二重分裂モードそれぞれの即発中性子数をもとめ、それに基づいて分裂片間での励起エネルギー分配機構を明らかにした。二重核分裂モードにおける励起エネルギー分配機構を初めて実験的に明らかにした。



石井 敏満

非破壊検査, 51(6), p.328 - 332, 2002/06

赤外線サーモグラフィを利用した非破壊試験は、機器構造物及び構造材料の欠陥検出や応力測定を遠隔かつ非接触で可能な方法として注目されているが、我が国では、試験法や評価法に関する規格基準の整備が諸外国に比べて遅れている。本報告では、「赤外線サーモグラフィによる非破壊試験の標準用語」に関する非破壊検査協会規格(NDIS)の作成に向けたこれまでの活動及びNDIS原案の内容について紹介する。また、国際標準化機構 (International Organization for Standardization:ISO)の中に設けられている非破壊試験の国際標準化のための第135専門委員会(Technical Committee 135:TC135)の中に、新たな分科委員会(Sub-committee:SC)として1999年に設置された赤外線サーモグラフィ試験に関する分科委員会への我が国の対応状況についても述べる。


炉心槽内流速分布測定への超音波流速計の適用性評価; 粒子画像流速計測を含めた水試験への適用

木村 暢之; 田中 正暁; 林田 均; 小林 順; 上出 英樹; アキラ トーマス トクヒロ; 菱田 公一

JNC TN9400 2000-057, 60 Pages, 2000/05





澤村 卓史*

JNC TJ1400 99-002, 73 Pages, 1999/03





岡田 利典*

JNC TJ7440 99-008, 58 Pages, 1999/02




Nuclear fission of neutron-deficient protactinium nuclides

西中 一朗; 永目 諭一郎; 塚田 和明; 池添 博; 末木 啓介*; 中原 弘道*; 谷川 勝至*; 大槻 勤*

Physical Review C, 56(2), p.891 - 899, 1997/08

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:71.98(Physics, Nuclear)





PNC TJ1603 97-002, 66 Pages, 1997/03





渡邊 美紀*; 天野 光

JAERI-Research 97-016, 28 Pages, 1997/03






PNC TJ1647 97-001, 131 Pages, 1997/02





長尾 誠也; 鈴木 康弘*; 中口 譲*; 妹尾 宗明; 平木 敬三*

分析化学, 46(5), p.335 - 342, 1997/00




天野 光

JAERI-Research 96-029, 190 Pages, 1996/06



68 件中 1件目~20件目を表示