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Overview of PHITS Ver.3.34 with particular focus on track-structure calculation

小川 達彦; 平田 悠歩; 松谷 悠佑; 甲斐 健師; 佐藤 達彦; 岩元 洋介; 橋本 慎太郎; 古田 琢哉; 安部 晋一郎; 松田 規宏; et al.

EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (Internet), 10, p.13_1 - 13_8, 2024/11

放射線挙動解析コードPHITSは、モンテカルロ法に基づいてほぼ全ての放射線の挙動を解析することができる放射線挙動解析計算コードである。その最新版であるPHITS version 3.34の、飛跡構造解析機能に焦点を置いて説明する。飛跡構造解析とは、荷電粒子が物質中を運動する挙動を計算する手法の一つで、個々の原子反応を識別することにより原子スケールでの追跡を可能にするものである。従来の飛跡構造解析モデルは生体を模擬する水だけにしか適用できず、遺伝子への放射線損傷を解析するツールとして使われてきた飛跡構造解析であるが、PHITSにおいてはPHITS-ETS、PHITS-ETS for Si、PHITS-KURBUC、ETSART、ITSARという飛跡構造解析モデルが補い合うことにより、生体の放射線影響だけでなく、半導体や材料物質など任意物質に対する適用が可能になっている。実際にこれらのモデルを使って、放射線によるDNA損傷予測、半導体のキャリア生成エネルギー計算、DPAの空間配置予測など、新しい解析研究も発表されており、飛跡構造解析を基礎とするボトムアップ型の放射線影響研究の推進に重要な役割を果たすことが期待できる。


Gradient residual strain determination of surface impacted railway S38C axles by neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging

Hu, F. F.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; Zhou, L.*; 徐 平光; Parker, J. D.*; 篠原 武尚; Chen, J.*; Wu, S. C.*

Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 306, p.110267_1 - 110267_18, 2024/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:0.00(Mechanics)

Non-destructive and quantitative mapping of gradient residual strain distribution in surface-hardened railway S38C axles could provide a positive reference for determining service lifetime and maintenance strategy. To tackle this concern, time-of-flight neutron Bragg-edge transmission imaging was employed by real axle samples with and without impacted crater. A novel and simple procedure to formulate the residual strain field was also developed in this work, with the transmission batch code in Appendix A. By mapping the global two- dimensional residual strains, it can be verified that the residual strains into the axle are uniformly distributed in the hoop direction. Subsequently, it was revealed that the axial and hoop residual strains, respectively in the cylinder and the long strip samples prepared from a real S38C hollow axle, indicated a gradient evolution distribution with a depth of $$sim$$ 8 mm, covering a range of -5500 $$sim$$ 1000 $$mu$$$$varepsilon$$ for axial strains and -6500 $$sim$$ 1000 $$mu$$$$varepsilon$$ for hoop strains. More importantly, the maximum compressive lattice strain of the cylinder sample was increased by 15.61%, and 22.35% at the impacting speeds of 100, and 125 m/s, respectively; and that of the long strip sample increased by 29.17%, and 43.70%, respectively. It can thus be concluded that lattice strains have redistributed around the impact crater, demonstrating the local alteration of the residual strain field. These new findings suggest the localized variation in residual strains should be taken into account while evaluating the service damage evolution of railway axles, especially those affected by high-speed impacts during operation.


Gradient residual stress and fatigue life prediction of induction hardened carbon steel S38C axles; Experiment and simulation

Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Zhang, H.*; Zhou, L.*; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; 菖蒲 敬久; Wu, S. C.*

International Journal of Fatigue, 185, p.108336_1 - 108336_13, 2024/08

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:93.69(Engineering, Mechanical)

Gradient distribution of triaxial residual stresses to a depth of several millimeters is retained in middle carbon steel S38C axles after high-frequency induction hardening, which has become a critical concern for fatigue structural integrity. To address this, the axial, hoop, and radial gradient residual strains inside the axles were measured for the first time by advanced neutron diffraction. The SIGINI Fortran subroutine was then adopted to reconstruct the global initial residual stress field from the measured data. Experimental and simulation results show that residual stresses of about -520 MPa (axial), -710 MPa (hoop), and -40 MPa (radial) residual stress were retained below the axle surface. Subsequently, the fatigue crack propagation behavior of S38C axles was numerically investigated in the framework of fracture mechanics. The calculated results clearly show that the compressive residual stresses at a depth of 0?3 mm from the axle surface lead to a low crack growth driving force, and that fatigue cracks do not propagate as long as the crack depth is less than 3.7 mm for hollow S38C axles. These results further indicate that the maximum defect size allowed in routine inspections is acceptable from a safety and economic point of view. Accurate measurement and characterization of the global gradient residual stress field through experiments and simulations can provide an important reference for optimizing the mileage intervals of nondestructive testing (NDT) of surface defects in these surface-strengthened railway axles.


Gradient residual strain measurement procedure in surface impacted railway steel axles by using neutron scattering

Zhou, L.*; Zhang, H.*; Qin, T. Y.*; Hu, F. F.*; 徐 平光; Ao, N.*; Su, Y. H.; He, L. H.*; Li, X. H.*; Zhang, J. R.*; et al.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(7), p.2175 - 2185, 2024/07

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:81.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

High-speed railway S38C axles undergo surface induction hardening for durability, but are susceptible to fatigue cracks from foreign object impact. The neutron diffraction method was employed to measure the residual strain in S38C axles, obtaining microscopic lattice distortion data, for the gradient layer at a depth of 8 mm under the surface. The results showed that after induction-hardening, the microscopic lattice distortion had a gradient distribution, decreasing with the distance from the surface. However, in the case of impacting speed of 600 km/m, the average microscopic lattice distortion increased with the distance from the surface, reaching a maximum augmentation of 55 pct. These findings indicate a strong experimental basis, and improve our understanding of the relationship between macroscopic residual stress and decision-making, in regard to operation and maintenance.


Low spin spectroscopy of neutron-rich $$^{43,44,45}$$Cl via $$beta^-$$ and $$beta n$$ decay

Tripathi, V.*; Bhattacharya, S.*; Rubino, E.*; Benetti, C.*; Perello, J. F.*; Tabor, S. L.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Bender, P. C.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Carroll, J. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 109(4), p.044320_1 - 044320_15, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Nuclear)



Recent improvements of the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System; PHITS version 3.33

佐藤 達彦; 岩元 洋介; 橋本 慎太郎; 小川 達彦; 古田 琢哉; 安部 晋一郎; 甲斐 健師; 松谷 悠佑; 松田 規宏; 平田 悠歩; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(1), p.127 - 135, 2024/01

 被引用回数:80 パーセンタイル:99.96(Nuclear Science & Technology)

放射線挙動解析コードPHITSは、モンテカルロ法に基づいてほぼ全ての放射線の挙動を解析することができる。その最新版であるPHITS version 3.31を開発し公開した。最新版では、高エネルギー核データに対する親和性や飛跡構造解析アルゴリズムなどが改良されている。また、PHIG-3DやRT-PHITSなど、パッケージに組み込まれた外部ソフトウェアも充実している。本論文では、2017年にリリースされたPHITS3.02以降に導入された新しい機能について説明する。


Validation of the $$^{10}$$Be ground-state molecular structure using $$^{10}$$Be($$p,palpha$$)$$^{6}$$He triple differential reaction cross-section measurements

Li, P. J.*; Beaumel, D.*; Lee, J.*; Assi$'e$, M.*; Chen, S.*; Franchoo, S.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hammache, F.*; Harada, T.*; 延与 佳子*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 131(21), p.212501_1 - 212501_7, 2023/11

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:90.93(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Multiple mechanisms in proton-induced nucleon removal at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon

Pohl, T.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Obertelli, A.*; Lee, J.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; 緒方 一介*; 吉田 数貴; Cai, B. S.*; Yuan, C. X.*; Brown, B. A.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 130(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_8, 2023/04

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:90.93(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior of a structurally gradient steel for high-speed railway axles

Ao, N.*; Zhang, H.*; Xu, H. H.*; Wu, S. C.*; Liu, D.*; 徐 平光; Su, Y. H.; Kang, Q. H.*; Kang, G. Z.*

Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 281, p.109166_1 - 109166_14, 2023/03

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:84.20(Mechanics)

Considering the complex service environments that high-speed railway axles are subjected to, the fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior of a structurally gradient axle steel with different pre-crack depths both in air and corrosive medium was investigated at a frequency of 5 Hz. The results indicated that in the high $$Delta$$$$K$$ region, FCG rate was dramatically accelerated by corrosion, but the gap narrows as $$Delta$$$$K$$ decreased. The accelerated corrosion FCG rate was a comprehensive result of the acceleration effect of the anodic dissolution, hydrogen-enhanced localized plasticity and the retardation effect of corrosion-induced crack-tip blunting. Despite the fact that the corrosion resistance gradually decreased as the pre-crack depth increased, the FCG rate in the corrosive medium gradually decreased. This was because fatigue loading played a more important role than corrosion in accelerating the corrosion FCG rate.


A Quantitative method of eutectic reaction study between boron carbide and stainless steel

Hong, Z.*; Pellegrini, M.*; Erkan, N.*; Liao, H.*; Yang, H.*; 山野 秀将; 岡本 孝司*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 180, p.109462_1 - 109462_9, 2023/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:34.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Fatigue crack non-propagation behavior of a gradient steel structure from induction hardened railway axles

Zhang, H.*; Wu, S. C.*; Ao, N.*; Zhang, J. W.*; Li, H.*; Zhou, L.*; 徐 平光; Su, Y. H.

International Journal of Fatigue, 166, p.107296_1 - 107296_11, 2023/01

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:81.02(Engineering, Mechanical)

Abnormal damages in railway axles can lead to a significant hazard to running safety and reliability. To this end, a surface treatment was selected to effectively inhibit fatigue crack initiation and growth. In this study, a single edge notch bending fatigue test campaign with artificial notches was conducted to elucidate the fatigue crack non-propagation behavior in railway S38C axles subjected to an induction hardening process. The fatigue cracking behavior in the gradient structure was revealed by optical microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, and fractography. The microhardness distribution was measured using a Vickers tester. The obtained results show that the microhardness of the strengthening layer is nearly triple that of the matrix. Owing to the gradient microstructures and hardness, as well as compressive residual stress, the fatigue long crack propagates faster once it passes through the hardened zone (approximately 2.0 mm in the radial depth). Thereafter, local retarding (including deflection, branching, and blunting) of the long crack occurs because of the relatively coarse ferrite and pearlite in the transition region and matrix. Totally, this fatigue cracking resistance is reasonably believed to be due to the gradient microstructure and residual stress. These findings help to tailor a suitable detection strategy for maximum defects or cracks in railway axles.


$$beta^-$$ decay of exotic P and S isotopes with neutron number near 28

Tripathi, V.*; Bhattacharya, S.*; Rubino, E.*; Benetti, C.*; Perello, J. F.*; Tabor, S. L.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Bender, P. C.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Carroll, J. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064314_1 - 064314_14, 2022/12

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:58.74(Physics, Nuclear)



New $$K$$ isomers in $$^{248}$$Cf

Orlandi, R.; 牧井 宏之; 西尾 勝久; 廣瀬 健太郎; 浅井 雅人; 塚田 和明; 佐藤 哲也; 伊藤 由太; 洲嵜 ふみ; 永目 諭一郎*; et al.

Physical Review C, 106(6), p.064301_1 - 064301_11, 2022/12

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:49.32(Physics, Nuclear)

The nuclear structure of $$^{248}$$Cf produced by the $$^{18}$$O+$$^{249}$$Cf multinucleon transfer reaction was investigated using $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy. Analysis of the $$gamma$$-ray spectrum of $$^{248}$$Cf revealed the presence of multiple long-lived (isomeric) excited states at low excitation energies. The energies and half-lives of the isomers contain information on the proton and neutron orbits in the heavy-element region and the deformation of atomic nuclei, and are important data to predict the properties of nuclei in the "island of stability".


Two-dimensional quantum universality in the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice quantum antiferromagnet Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$

Sheng, J.*; Wang, L.*; Candini, A.*; Jiang, W.*; Huang, L.*; Xi, B.*; Zhao, J.*; Ge, H.*; Zhao, N.*; Fu, Y.*; et al.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(51), p.e2211193119_1 - e2211193119_9, 2022/12

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:89.41(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Although considerable progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of the low-dimensional frustrated quantum magnets, experimental realizations of a well-established scaling analysis are still scarce. This is particularly true for the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic triangular lattices. Owing to the small exchange strength, the newly discovered compound Na$$_{2}$$BaCo(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ provides a rare opportunity for clarifying the quantum criticality in an ideal triangular lattice with quantum spin S=1/2. In addition to the establishment of the complete phase diagrams, the spin Hamiltonian with a negligible interplane interaction has been determined through the spin wave dispersion in the polarized state, which is consistent with the observation of a two-dimensional quantum critical point with the Bose-Einstein condensation of diluted free bosons.


Intercomparison of radiation damage calculations in target materials at proton accelerator facilities using various Monte Carlo particle transport codes

岩元 洋介; $c{C}$elik, Y.*; Cerutti, F.*; Froeschl, R.*; Lorenzon, T.*; Mokhov, N.*; Pujol, F. S.*; Vlachoudis, V.*; Yao, L.

Proceedings of 15th Workshop on Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-15) (Internet), p.25 - 34, 2022/09

大強度陽子加速器施設において、陽子ビームの標的への照射で生成する二次粒子が、材料科学,放射線治療,物理学研究等の分野で広く利用されている。陽子加速器施設の設計等において、FLUKA, MARS, MCNP, PHITS等のモンテカルロ(MC)粒子輸送計算コードを用いて、標的の放射線損傷量に関連する指標として、原子はじき出し数(DPA),エネルギー付与,粒子フルエン等の計算が必要となる。ここで、利用されているMCコードにおける陽子と標的の核反応モデル等は異なるため、損傷量の計算結果の相互比較及び検証が重要となる。本研究では、これらMCコードを用いて、(1)30MeVの陽子をベリリウム標的に照射する中性子源、(2)800MeVの陽子をタングステン標的に入射する米国ロスアラモス国立研究所の核破砕中性子源、(3)30GeVの陽子を黒鉛標的に照射するJ-PARCのニュートリノ源、及び(4)120GeV陽子を銅標的に入射する米国フェルミ国立加速器研究所の反陽子源を想定した損傷量の計算を行い、各MCコードによる計算結果の相互比較を実施することとした。本会合では、相互比較の詳細、結果を報告する。


Competition between allowed and first-forbidden $$beta$$ decays of $$^{208}$$At and expansion of the $$^{208}$$Po level scheme

Brunet, M.*; Podoly$'a$k, Zs.*; Berry, T. A.*; Brown, B. A.*; Carroll, R. J.*; Lica, R.*; Sotty, Ch.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Borge, M. J. G.*; Cubiss, J. G.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 103(5), p.054327_1 - 054327_13, 2021/05

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:67.32(Physics, Nuclear)

The structure of $$^{208}$$Po populated through the EC/$$beta^{+}$$ decay of $$^{208}$$At is investigated using $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy at the ISOLDE Decay Station. The presented level scheme contains 27 new excited states and 43 new transitions, as well as a further 50 previously observed $$gamma$$ rays which have been (re)assigned a position. Through the analysis using the shell model calculations approximately half of the $$beta$$-decay strength of $$^{208}$$At is found to proceed via allowed decay and half via first-forbidden decay. The first-forbidden transitions predominantly populate core excited states at high excitation energies, which is qualitatively understood using shell model considerations.


Suppressed lattice disorder for large emission enhancement and structural robustness in hybrid lead iodide perovskite discovered by high-pressure isotope effect

Kong, L.*; Gong, J.*; Hu, Q.*; Capitani, F.*; Celeste, A.*; 服部 高典; 佐野 亜沙美; Li, N.*; Yang, W.*; Liu, G.*; et al.

Advanced Functional Materials, 31(9), p.2009131_1 - 2009131_12, 2021/02

 被引用回数:30 パーセンタイル:83.45(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Fine structure in the $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{223}$$U

Sun, M. D.*; Liu, Z.*; Huang, T. H.*; Zhang, W. Q.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ding, B.*; Wang, J. G.*; Liu, X. Y.*; Lu, H. Y.*; Hou, D. S.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 800, p.135096_1 - 135096_5, 2020/01

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:76.16(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Fine structure in the $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{223}$$U was observed in the fusion-evaporation reaction $$^{187}$$Re($$^{40}$$Ar,p3n) by using fast digital pulse processing technique. Two $$alpha$$-decay branches of $$^{223}$$U feeding the ground state and 244 keV excited state of $$^{219}$$Th were identified by establishing the decay chain $$^{223}$$U$$rightarrow$$$$^{219}$$Th$$rightarrow$$$$^{215}$$Ra$$rightarrow$$$$^{211}$$Rn. The $$alpha$$-particle energy for the ground-state to ground-state transition of $$^{223}$$U was determined to be 8993(17) keV, 213 keV higher than the previous value, the half-life was updated to be 62$$^{+14}_{-10} mu$$s. Evolution of nuclear structure for $$N$$=131 even-$$Z$$ isotones from Po to U was discussed in the frameworks of nuclear mass and reduced $$alpha$$-decay width, a weakening octupole deformation in the ground state of $$^{223}$$U relative to its lighter isotones $$^{219}$$Ra and $$^{211}$$Th was suggested.


Search for $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{104}$$Te with a novel recoil-decay scintillation detector

Xiao, Y.*; Go, S.*; Grzywacz, R.*; Orlandi, R.; Andreyev, A. N.; 浅井 雅人; Bentley, M. A.*; de Angelis, G.*; Gross, C. J.*; Hausladen, P.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 100(3), p.034315_1 - 034315_8, 2019/09

 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:82.48(Physics, Nuclear)

A search for super-allowed $$alpha$$ decay of N=Z nuclei $$^{104}$$Te and $$^{108}$$Xe was carried out using a novel recoil-decay scintillator detector at the tandem accelerator facility at Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Inorganic crystal scintillation material of YAP:Ce (Yttrium Aluminium Perovskite) coupled to position-sensitive photo-multiplier tube (PSPMT) was implemented for the first time in a radioactive decay experiment. Residues from the fusion-evaporation reaction $$^{58}$$Ni+$$^{54}$$Fe$$rightarrow$$ $$^{112}$$Xe$$^*$$ were separated by the JAEA Recoil Mass Separator (RMS) and implanted into the YAP:Ce crystal. $$alpha$$ decays of neutron-deficient tellurium isotopes were identified and proton-emission of $$^{109}$$I was observed. No conclusive evidence was found for the decay chain $$^{108}$$Xe$$rightarrow$$$$^{104}$$Te$$rightarrow$$ $$^{100}$$Sn within 3 days experiment. The cross section limit of 130 pb was obtained for production of two events of $$^{108}$$Xe, about an order of magnitude below the expectation based on earlier cross section measurements and HIVAP calculations.


Nature of dynamic ferrite transformation revealed by ${it in-situ}$ neutron diffraction analysis during thermomechanical processing

柴田 曉伸*; 竹田 泰成*; Park, N.*; Zhao, L.*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; Gong, W.*; 辻 伸泰*

Scripta Materialia, 165, p.44 - 49, 2019/05

 被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:85.06(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Nowadays, a new concept of process utilizing dynamic ferrite transformation, which can achieve ultrafine-grained structure with a mean grain size of approximately 1$$mu$$m, has been proposed. This paper reports transformation mode of dynamic ferrite transformation and formation mechanism of ultrafine-grained structure revealed by our novel technique of ${it in-situ}$ neutron diffraction analysis during thermomechanical processing. Dynamic ferrite transformation occurs in a diffusional manner, whose partitioning behavior changes from para- to ortho-equilibrium with the progress of transformation. Moreover, we propose that dynamic recrystallization of dynamically-transformed ferrite is the main mechanism for the formation of ultrafine-grained structure.

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