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Containment atmosphere monitoring system for design and beyond design basis accident

Bentaib, A.*; Janin, T.*; Porcheron, E.*; Magne, S.*; Leroy, M.*; Dhote, J.*; Ruffien Ciszak, A.*; 孫 昊旻

Proceedings of OECD/NEA Specialist Workshop on Advanced Measurement Method and Instrumentation for enhancing Severe Accident Management in an NPP addressing Emergency, Stabilization and Long-term Recovery Phases (SAMMI 2020) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2020/12

To prevent hydrogen explosion hazard during a severe accident, dedicated mitigation strategies were adopted according to plants design and improved as results of stress tests after the Fukushima accident. The strategies commonly used combine the implementation of safety components, as the passive autocatalytic recombiners (PARs), and the definition of adequate SAMGs (Severe Accident Management Guidelines). Concerning French PWRs, SAMGs procedure relies on information provided by limited monitoring systems as pressure, core exit temperature and dose rate sensors. The containment atmosphere gaseous composition is not monitored and only PARs are equipped with thermocouples to detect hydrogen through the heat release of the exothermic recombination reaction. In the framework of the MITHYGENE project, a prototypic device had been developed based on Raman probes connected by optical fibers to a transportable unit. Several qualification campaigns had been conducted to check the effect of severe accident representative conditions, including radiation, on the device response. This paper aims to present an overview of the device development and qualification and presents its potential implementation inside the containment.


Experimental investigation on fiber-coupled Raman spectrometry in presence of aerosols; Application for reactor containment gas detection in severe accident conditions

孫 昊旻; Porcheron, E.*; Magne, S.*; Leroy, M.*; Dhote, J.*; Ruffien Ciszak, A.*; Bentaib, A.*

Proceedings of OECD/NEA Specialist Workshop on Advanced Measurement Method and Instrumentation for enhancing Severe Accident Management in an NPP addressing Emergency, Stabilization and Long-term Recovery Phases (SAMMI 2020) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2020/12

During a severe accident (SA), hydrogen may be generated. To avoid a hydrogen explosion, it is important to monitor gas concentrations of e.g. H$$_{2}$$, O$$_{2}$$, N$$_{2}$$, H$$_{2}$$O, CO and CO$$_{2}$$ in the containment during a SA. A spontaneous Raman spectrometry (SRS) associated with a fiber-coupled probe had been developed. Since the probe had been designed to be implemented in the reactor containment, the SRS was qualified experimentally with the probe being surrounded by aerosols. Particles attached on the probe optical components (contamination) due to a continuous aerosol exposure as well as those in the atmosphere (aerosol) can cause photon-particle interactions such as light scattering (Mie) and fluorescence which may influence the Raman spectrum (RS). In our experiment, the contamination effect and the aerosol effect on the RS were investigated separately. It was found both effects increase the spectrum counts in whole wavelength range. Elementary criterion for the onset of each effect was suggested.

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