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A New Standard DNA Damage (SDD) data format

Schuemann, J.*; McNamara, A. L.*; Warmenhoven, J. W.*; Henthorn, N. T.*; Kirkby, K.*; Merchant, M. J.*; Ingram, S.*; Paganetti, H.*; Held, K. D.*; Ramos-Mendez, J.*; et al.

Radiation Research, 191(1), p.76 - 93, 2019/01

 被引用回数:48 パーセンタイル:94.51(Biology)



Monte Carlo modelling for the ${it in vivo}$ lung monitoring of enriched uranium; Results of an international comparison

Broggio, D.*; Bento, J.*; Caldeira, M.*; Cardenas-Mendez, E.*; Farah, J.*; Fonseca, T.*; Konvalinka, C.*; Liu, L.*; Perez, B.*; Capello, K.*; et al.

Radiation Measurements, 47(7), p.492 - 500, 2012/07

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:83.76(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In order to assess the reliability of Monte-Carlo (MC) based numerical calibration of ${it in vivo}$ counting systems, and in order to provide training for this issue, particularly the use of voxel phantoms, the EURADOS network supported a comparison of MC simulation results of well defined experiments. ${it In vivo}$ measurements of enriched uranium in a thoracic phantom have been carried out and the needed information to simulate these measurements was distributed to participants. About half of the participants managed to simulate the measured counting efficiency without support from the organizers. Following additional support all participants managed to simulate the counting efficiencies within a typical agreement with experiment of $$pm$$5%.


The Accelerator prototype of the IFMIF/EVEDA project

Mosnier, A.*; Beauvais, P. Y.*; Branas, B.*; Comunian, M.*; Facco, A.*; Garin, P.*; Gobin, R.*; Gournay, J. F.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ibarra, A.*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.588 - 590, 2010/05

The objectives of the IFMIF/EVEDA project are to produce the detailed design of the entire IFMIF facility, as well as to build and test a number of prototypes, including a high-intensity CW deuteron accelerator (125 mA @ 9 MeV). Most of the accelerator components (injector, RFQ, superconducting RF-linac, transport line and beam dump, RF systems, local control systems, beam instrumentation) are designed and provided by European institutions (CEA/Saclay, CIEMAT, INFN/LNL, SCK-CEN), while the RFQ couplers, the supervision of the control system and the building including utilities constructed at Rokkasho BA site are provided by JAEA. The coordination between Europe and Japan is ensured by an international project team, located in Rokkasho, where the accelerator will be installed and commissioned. The design and R&D activities are presented, as well as the schedule of the prototype accelerator.


A Demonstration of advanced nuclear fuel cycle transparency concepts

井上 尚子; 入江 勤; 北端 琢也; Rochau, G.*; York, D.*; Mendez, C.*

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勝村 聡一郎; 鈴木 美寿; 橋本 裕; 井上 尚子; 北端 琢也; 入江 勤; Rochau, G.*; Cleary, V.*; McMcfadden, K.*; Mendez, C.*

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原子力施設の運転時の核拡散抵抗性をリスク評価手法等を用いて評価する「透明性フレームワーク」の試験システムの開発を行ってきた。試験システムでは高速増殖原型炉もんじゅの燃料取扱模型装置の運転信号を用いリスク評価手法の開発を行ってきた。今回新たに模型の運転制御プログラムと運転信号の調査を行い、Extrinsic Sensorと外部信号発生装置及びシーケンサーを模型に設置した。試験システムでは「もんじゅ」の燃料取扱模型の運転データをリアルタイムに受信し、転用リスクを評価する見通しが立った。模型のIntrinsic Sensor及びExtrinsic Sensorと外部信号発生器による人工的なデータを活用し、予測データと観測データ間の解析を行うことができるようになった。今後さらに客観的なリスク評価手法の開発を行う予定である。


Evaluating high-alpha MOX assay improvements within the multiplicity analysis framework

Broughton, D.*; 鈴木 梨沙; 長谷 竹晃; 岡田 豊史; Henzlova, D.*; Longo, J.*; Mendez, J.*; Rael, C.*; Swinhoe, M. T.*

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