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Assessment of internal doses from environmental medias contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident; Absorption fraction of Cs-137 from contaminated wild boars lived in Fukushima prefecture

高原 省五; Pratama, M. A.*; 池上 麻衣子*; 福谷 哲*

KURNS Progress Report 2018, P. 240, 2019/08



Estimation of radiocesium dietary intake from time series data of radiocesium concentrations in sewer sludge

Pratama, M. A.; 高原 省五; 宗像 雅広; 米田 稔*

Environment International, 115, p.196 - 204, 2018/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:7.01(Environmental Sciences)

After the Fukushima accident, it became important to determine the quantity of radionuclide ingested by inhabitants. The most common methods currently used to obtain such data are the market basket (MB) and duplicate (DP) methods. The newly proposed method, which we designate as SL, consists of three steps: (1) the separation of wet weather and dry weather data, (2) determining the mass balance of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), and (3) developing a reverse biokinetic model to relate the amount of radionuclides ingested to the amounts contained in the sewer sludge. We tested the new method using the time-dependent radiocesium concentrations in sewer sludge from the WWTP in Fukushima City. The results from the SL method agreed to those from the MB while overestimated those from DP method. The trend lines for all three methods, however, are in good agreement. Sensitivity analyses of SL method indicate further studies on uncertainties of sensitive parameters are deemed necessary to improve the accuracy of the method.


Evaluation of effective dose coefficient with variation of absorption fraction in gastrointestinal system for ingestion of radiocesium

Pratama, M. A.; 高原 省五; 波戸 真治*

保健物理, 52(3), p.200 - 209, 2017/09

本研究の目的は、胃腸管吸収率($$f_{1}$$ 値)の変動が預託実効線量換算係数にもたらす変化を特定することに加えて、年齢別に異なる$$f_{1}$$ 値に対する年齢別の預託実効線量換算係数を提供することである。この目的を達成するため、本研究では、$$f_{1}$$ 値を0から1の範囲で変化させて、1歳, 5歳および成人に対する預託実効線量換算係数を計算した。計算にはオークリッジ国立研究所の開発したDCALコードを利用した。この結果、吸収率が低くなると、他の年齢に比べて成人の換算係数が大きく減少することが分かった。これは、放射性セシウムが胃腸管で吸収された場合、その生物学的半減期は成人の方が長いため、1歳および5歳と比べて体内での被ばくが大きくなるためである。


Time-dependence of radiocesium concentration in separate sewer sludge; A New method to estimate the ingestion intake of cesium

Pratama, M. A.; 高原 省五; 宗像 雅広; 本間 俊充; 米田 稔*

no journal, , 

This study proposes a new method to estimate the ingestion intake based on the time-dependent cesium (Cs) concentration in separate sewer sludge by using mass balance analysis of Cs in wastewater treatment plant and reverse biokinetic model. The results showed that the new method successfully estimated ingestion intake of Cs. However, several uncertainties resulted from parameters used in the models are indeed presence. In addition, this method needs to be tested in other areas to ensure its reliability and to identify its limitation.


Time-dependent behaviour analysis and identification of factors affecting radiocaesium transfer to separate sewers in Fukushima Prefecture

Pratama, M. A.; 高原 省五; 宗像 雅広; 米田 稔*

no journal, , 

The time-dependent behavior analysis, parameterization, and the identification of factors affecting parameter values of radiocesium in sludges of 10 sewer systems in Fukushima Prefecture were attempted. It was obtained that the time-dependent cesium concentration follows two exponentials model consisting of the fast and slow transfer coefficient of cesium from ground surfaces to sewer systems and their statistical coefficients. Whereas values for the transfer coefficients are relatively the same between the sewer systems, the values of statistical coefficients significantly vary depending on the specific characteristic of each sewer's service area. Further analysis shows that decontamination activity and land use on each sewer's service area play important roles in determining the value of statistical coefficients.



高原 省五; Pratama, M. A.*; 池上 麻衣子*; 福谷 哲*; 米田 稔*

no journal, , 

福島第一原子力発電所事故で汚染されたイノシシ肉に含まれるCs-137の胃腸管吸収率を実験的に評価した。イノシシは2017年12月に帰還困難区域内で捕獲した。イノシシの3部位(ロース, バラ, モモ)に対して、口腔, 胃及び小腸での消化プロセスを模擬して実験を行った。実験には、Minekus他によるin vitro digestion法を採用した。実験の結果、小腸の模擬液中にはイノシシ肉中のCs-137の89%$$pm$$3%が抽出されており、肉中の約9割が小腸から吸収される可能性のあることがわかった。

6 件中 1件目~6件目を表示
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