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奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I.-H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), p.2101704_1 - 2101704_4, 2021/08
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:7.99(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)超伝導転移端センサー(TES)マイクロ熱量計は、優れたエネルギー分解能と高い効率を持った、加速器施設での実験に理想的なX線検出器である。高強度パルス荷電粒子ビームを用いたTES検出器の性能を研究するために、日本の陽子加速器研究施設(J-PARC)でパルスミュオンビームを用いてX線スペクトルを測定した。X線エネルギーの実質的な時間的シフトがパルスミュオンビームの到着時間と相関していることを発見した。これは、最初のパルスビームからのエネルギー粒子の入射によるパルスパイルアップによって合理的に説明された。
奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I. H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 127(5), p.053001_1 - 053001_7, 2021/07
被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:78.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)超伝導遷移エッジ型センサーマイクロカロリメーターを用いて、鉄のミュー原子から放出される電子X線を観測した。FWHMでの5.2eVのエネルギー分解能により、電子特性およびX線の非対称の広いプロファイルを約6keVの超衛星線線とともに観察することができた。このスペクトルは、電子のサイドフィードを伴う、負ミュオンと殻電子による核電荷の時間依存スクリーニングを反映している。シミュレーションによると、このデータは電子殻および殻の正孔生成と、ミュオンカスケードプロセス中のそれらの時間発展を明確に示している。
Schmitt, C.*; Lemasson, A.*; Schmidt, K.-H.*; Jhingan, A.*; Biswas, S.*; Kim, Y. H.*; Ramos, D.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Curien, D.*; Ciemala, M.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 126(13), p.132502_1 - 132502_6, 2021/04
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:81.89(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Isotopic distributions of fragments from fission of the neutron-deficient Hg nuclide are reported. This experimental observable is obtained for the first time in the region around lead using an innovative approach based on inverse kinematics and the coincidence between the large acceptance magnetic spectrometer VAMOS++ and a new detection arm close to the target. The average fragment ratio and prompt neutron multiplicity are derived and compared with current knowledge from actinide fission. A striking consistency emerges, revealing the unexpected dominant role of the proton subsystem with atomic number between the = 28 and 50 magic numbers. The origin of nuclear charge polarization in fission and fragment deformation at scission are discussed.
Radoske, T.*; Kloditz, R.*; Fichter, S.*; Mrz, J.*; Kaden, P.*; Patzschke, M.*; Schmidt, M.*; Stumpf, T.*; Walter, O.*; 池田 篤史
Dalton Transactions (Internet), 49(48), p.17559 - 17570, 2020/12
被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:71.10(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)A series of tetradentate NO-type Schiff base complexes with tetravalent 4f- and 5f-block metals, [M(salpn)] (Hsalpn = -disalicylidene-1,3-diaminopropane; M = Ce, Th, U, Np, and Pu), were prepared to systematically investigate their solid state structure, and their complexation behaviour in solution with the goal to investigate the subtle differences between 4f- and 5f-elements. X-ray diffraction revealed that all investigated metal cations form [M(salpn)] complexes. All the complexes show the same ligand arrangement with meridional conformation, amongst which only Ce(IV) exhibits unique behaviour upon crystallisation. [Ce(salpn)] crystallises in two less symmetric systems ( or 2/), whilst all the other [M(salpn)] crystallise in a more symmetric orthorhombic system (ban). Quantum chemical calculations suggest that the observed structural peculiarity of Ce(IV) stems from the geometrical flexibility due to the more "ionic" nature of bonds to the 4f element. H NMR measurements revealed that [M(salpn)] forms two different species in solution with and without an additional solvent molecule, where the relative distribution of the two species depends mainly on the ionic radius of the metal centre. Again, Ce(IV) behaves differently from the tetravalent actinides with a higher ratio of the solvent-molecule-coordinated species than the ratio expected from its ionic radius. Hence, this study is successful in observing subtle differences between 4f- ( Ce) and 5f-elements (actinides; Th, U, Np, and Pu) both in the solid state and in solution on an analytically distinguishable level, and in relating the observed subtle differences to their electronic structure.
Plompen, A. J. M.*; Cabellos, O.*; De Saint Jean, C.*; Fleming, M.*; Algora, A.*; Angelone, M.*; Archier, P.*; Bauge, E.*; Bersillon, O.*; Blokhin, A.*; et al.
European Physical Journal A, 56(7), p.181_1 - 181_108, 2020/07
被引用回数:412 パーセンタイル:98.82(Physics, Nuclear)本論文では、核分裂と核融合のための統合評価済み核データファイルのバージョン3.3(JEFF-3.3)について説明する。中性子との反応が重要な核種のU, U, Pu, Am, Na, Ni, Cr, Cu, Zr, Cd, Hf, Au, Pb, Biについて、新しい核データ評価結果を示す。JEFF-3.3には、核分裂収率, 即発核分裂スペクトル, 核分裂平均中性子発生数の新しいデータが含まれる。更に、放射崩壊, 熱中性子散乱, ガンマ線放出, 中性子による放射化, 遅発中性子, 照射損傷に関する新しいデータも含まれている。JEFF-3.3は、TENDLプロジェクトのファイルで補完しており、光子, 陽子, 重陽子, 三重陽子, He核, アルファ粒子による反応ライブラリについては、TENDL-2017から採用した。また、不確かさの定量化に対する要求の高まりから、多くの共分散データが新しく追加された。JEFF-3.3を用いた解析の結果と臨界性, 遅発中性子割合, 遮蔽, 崩壊熱に対するベンチマーク実験の結果を比較することにより、JEFF-3.3は幅広い原子核技術の応用分野、特に原子力エネルギーの分野において優れた性能を持っていることが分かった。
Sales, M.*; 篠原 武尚; Srensen, M. K.*; Knudsen, E. B.*; Tremsin, A.*; Strobl, M.*; Schmidt, S.*
Journal of Physics D; Applied Physics, 52(20), p.205001_1 - 205001_6, 2019/05
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:37.54(Physics, Applied)Three dimensional polarimetric neutron tomography is an emerging method for nondestructive investigation of magnetic field strength and direction distribution in three dimensions. It utilises the Larmor precession of the neutron spin in the presence of an external magnetic field and has so far been restricted to the measurement of magnetic fields weak enough to keep the neutron precession below the phase-wrapping limit at 180 degree. Through the use of polychromatic time-of-flight information in combination with an iterative forward model reconstruction algorithm we have gone beyond this limit, thereby vastly broadening the potential of the technique. We present the reconstructed magnetic field of a measured current carrying solenoid as a proof-of-principle for this novel method, as well as successfully applying the method to a simulated data set of a sample consisting of multiple magnetic domains.
Strobl, M.*; Heimonen, H.*; Schmidt, S.*; Sales, M.*; Kardjilov, N.*; Hilger, A.*; Manke, I.*; 篠原 武尚; Valsecchi, J.*
Journal of Physics D; Applied Physics, 52(12), p.123001_1 - 123001_14, 2019/03
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:23.71(Physics, Applied)While neutron imaging is a well established technique for investigations of inner structures and processes in materials, complex systems, and devices, the utilization of polarized neutron beams to visualize magnetic phenomena has been introduced only about a decade ago. In contrast to neutron scattering studies, where the interaction of the neutron's magnetic moment with magnetic states of matter has been exploited for a long time, the direct visualization of magnetic fields in neutron imaging is a relatively new field and is still developing. Here, we give an overview of the status and provide approaches to visualizing magnetic fields with polarized neutrons, together with a report on the latest developments in attempting to record neutron tomographies for 3D reconstructions of magnetic vector fields.
安岡 弘志; 久保 徹郎*; 岸本 恭来*; Kasinathan, D.*; Schmidt, M.*; Yan, B.*; Zhang, Y.*; 籐 秀樹*; Felser, C.*; Mackenzie, A. P.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 118(23), p.236403_1 - 236403_6, 2017/07
被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:84.45(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Ta四重極共鳴(NQR)法を用いてワイル半金属TaPの微視的磁気特性を調べた。核スピン=7/2のTa核におけるエネルギー準位の四極子分裂間の遷移に基づく3つのゼロ磁場NQR信号を見出した。四重極結合定数= 19.250MHz、および電場勾配の非対称パラメータ= 0.423は理論計算とよく一致する。磁気励起を調べるために、線(遷移)のスピン格子緩和率()の温度依存性を測定した。異なる緩和プロセスを有する2つの領域が存在することを見出した。*30K以上においては、温度に依存する軌道超微細結合とワイルノードによる磁気励起に起因する(の振る舞いが見出された。*の下では、緩和は、()=定数のKorringaプロセスによって主に支配されるが、我々の実験データを再現するためにはの依存性を含まなければならない。我々は、Ta-NQRがバルクワイルlフェルミオンとそれらの励起のための新規プローブであることを示す。
Monti, S.*; Toti, A.*; Stanculescu, A.*; Pascal, V.*; Fontaine, B.*; Herrenschmidt, A.*; Prulhiere, G.*; Vanier, M.*; Varaine, F.*; Vasile, A.*; et al.
IAEA-TECDOC-1742, 247 Pages, 2014/06
Before the definitive shutdown in 2009, PHNIX end-of-life tests were conducted to gather additional experience on the operation of sodium cooled reactors. Thanks to the CEA, the IAEA decided in 2007 to launch the CRP entitled Control Rod Withdrawal Test performed during the PHNIX end-of-life experiments. The objective of this publication is to document the results and main achievements of the benchmark analyses on the control rod withdrawal test performed within the framework. For the total control rod worth, two groups of results were observed. The difference between the groups can be explained on the basis of the control rod model treatment on self-shielded cross-sections of absorbing media with deterministic codes. Heat transfers and sodium mixing phenomena strengthened by sodium turbulent flows in the hot plenum disturb power balances and degrade the comparisons. It leads the systematic overestimation in power deviation calculations for all the participants.
原田 秀郎; 柴田 恵一; 西尾 勝久; 井頭 政之*; Plompen, A.*; Hambsch, F.-J.*; Schillebeeckx, P.*; Gunsing, F.*; Ledoux, X.*; Palmiotti, G.*; et al.
NEA/NSC/WPEC/DOC(2014)446, 111 Pages, 2014/02
This report includes investigations performed by the OECD/NEA/NSC Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) Subgroup 31, whose mission was to utilise the collective knowledge of the international nuclear data measurement community to consider the appropriate resources to address and meet the data needs quantified by WPEC Subgroup 26 for Advanced Reactor Systems. The members of Subgroup 31 performed reviews of uncertainty evaluations by evaluators, of state-of-art experimental techniques, of current experimental situations, and summarised an appropriate path to meet the requirements.
Bonoli, P. T.*; Harvey, R. W.*; Kessel, C. E.*; Imbeaux, F.*; 及川 聡洋; Schneider, M.*; Barbato, E.*; Decker, J.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Forest, C. B.*; et al.
Proceedings of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2007/03
篠原 武尚; 廣井 孝介; 林田 洋寿*; Su, Y. H.; 甲斐 哲也; Parker, J. D.*; Sales, M.*; Strobl, M.*; Schmidt, S.*; 鬼柳 善明*
no journal, ,
Magnetic field imaging using polarized neutrons is an attractive technique for neutron imaging due to its capability to study magnetic field distributions not only in free space but also inside bulk materials. The use of a pulsed neutron beam with the polarization imaging technique allows us to analyze the wavelength dependent polarization efficiently and precisely and enables us to evaluate accumulated field strength along the beam trajectory. Recently, we have constructed a 3D polarization analysis apparatus at the RADEN beam line of the J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility, which is the world's first dedicated pulsed neutron imaging instrument. In this presentation, we will introduce our pulsed polarized neutron imaging technique and show results of recent application studies and technical development.