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Che, G.*; Fei, Y.*; Tang, X.*; Zhao, Z.*; 服部 高典; 阿部 淳*; Wang, X.*; Ju, J.*; Dong, X.*; Wang, Y.*; et al.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 27(2), p.1112 - 1118, 2025/01
水野 るり恵*; 新倉 潤*; 齋藤 岳志*; 松崎 禎市郎*; 櫻井 博儀*; Amato, A.*; 浅利 駿介*; Biswas, S.*; Chiu, I.-H.; Gianluca, J.*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1060, p.169029_1 - 169029_14, 2024/03
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:35.91(Instruments & Instrumentation)We have developed a photon detection system for muonic X-ray spectroscopy. The detector system consists of high-purity germanium detectors with BGO Compton suppressors. The signals from the detectors are readout with a digital acquisition system. The absolute energy accuracy, energy and timing resolutions, photo-peak efficiency, the performance of the Compton suppressor, and high count rate durability are studied with standard -ray sources and in-beam experiment using Al()Si resonance reaction. The detection system was demonstrated at Paul Scherrer Institute. A calibration method for a photon detector at a muon facility using muonic X-rays of Au and Bi is proposed.
Huang, Z.*; Wang, W.*; Ye, H.*; Bao, S.*; Shangguan, Y.*; Liao, J.*; Cao, S.*; 梶本 亮一; 池内 和彦*; Deng, G.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 109(1), p.014434_1 - 014434_9, 2024/01
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)TbMnSn is a correlated topological magnet with a Mn-based kagome lattice, in which a Chern gap opens at the Dirac point at low temperatures. The magnetic moment direction of the ferrimagnetic order changes from in the kagome plane to the out-of-plane upon cooling, which is essential for generating the Chern gap, but the underlying mechanism for the spin reorientation remains elusive. Here, we investigate the spin-reorientation transition in TbMnSn using neutron scattering. We provide direct evidence for the spin-reorientation transition and unveil the coexistence of two Tb modes at 200 K. To account for these results, we put forward a model based on SU(N) spin-wave theory, in which there is a temperature evolution of the ground state Tb orbitals, driven by the crystalline electric field, single-ion anisotropy, and exchange interactions between Tb and Mn ions. Our findings shed light on the complex magnetism of TbMnSn, despite its relatively simple ground state magnetic structure, and provide insights into the mechanisms for tuning magnetic topological materials.
Zhang, A.*; Deng, K.*; Sheng, J.*; Liu, P.*; Kumar, S.*; 島田 賢也*; Jiang, Z.*; Liu, Z.*; Shen, D.*; Li, J.*; et al.
Chinese Physics Letters, 40(12), p.126101_1 - 126101_8, 2023/12
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:81.71(Physics, Multidisciplinary)In a Dirac semimetal, the massless Dirac fermion has zero chirality, leading to surface states connected adiabatically to a topologically trivial surface state as well as vanishing anomalous Hall effect. Recently, itis predicted that in the nonrelativistic limit of certain collinear antiferromagnets, there exists a type of chiral "Dirac-like" fermion, whose dispersion manifests four-fold degenerate crossing points formed by spin-degenerate linear bands, with topologically protected Fermi arcs. Here, by combining with neutron diffraction and first-principles calculations, we suggest a multidomain collinear antiferromagnetic configuration, rendering the existence of the Fermi-arc surface states induced by chiral Dirac-like fermions.
Li, P. J.*; Beaumel, D.*; Lee, J.*; Assi, M.*; Chen, S.*; Franchoo, S.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hammache, F.*; Harada, T.*; 延与 佳子*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 131(21), p.212501_1 - 212501_7, 2023/11
被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:84.75(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Beのクラスター構造を()反応を用いて調査した。三重微分断面積が実験的に測定され、Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Rpke波動関数の方法や反対称化分子動力学を用いた歪曲波インパルス近似計算と比較した。実験データと理論計算の顕著な一致が確認され、Beの比較的コンパクトな分子状態を確認した。
Wang, Z.; 松本 俊慶; Duan, G.*; 松永 拓也*
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 414, p.116168_1 - 116168_49, 2023/09
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:83.49(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)Recently, consistent meshfree particle methods have been intensively studied. It has been pointed out that numerical inaccuracy or instability could easily occur with incomplete or biased neighbor support. This study proposes a new meshfree particle method called the compact moving particle semi-implicit (CMPS) method to decrease the condition number. In the proposed CMPS, the first-order and second-order derivatives are discretized separately, enhancing the numerical stability significantly. By adopting a small dilation parameter of the compact support, the CMPS can remarkably improve accuracy and reduce computational costs. Formulations for zeroth-order, first-order, and second-order derivatives are derived, and various boundary conditions, e.g., Dirichlet and Neumann, are discussed. In order to better deal with complex free-surface flows using the CMPS, some new numerical techniques, i.e., optimized regularization and reconstructed particle shifting schemes, are also developed. Furthermore, the surface fitting method is extended to address the surface tension. A convergence study is conducted in complex geometry to verify the stability, accuracy, and efficiency of the CMPS. Then, second-order accuracy is confirmed using the Taylor-Green vortex problem. After that, numerical examples concerning various free-surface flows, including square patch, hydrostatic pressure, dam break, droplet oscillation, and droplet coalescence, are calculated to demonstrate the potential of the CMPS.
近藤 洋介*; Achouri, N. L.*; Al Falou, H.*; Atar, L.*; Aumann, T.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Boretzky, K.*; Caesar, C.*; Calvet, D.*; Chae, H.*; et al.
Nature, 620(7976), p.965 - 970, 2023/08
被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:95.45(Multidisciplinary Sciences)非常に中性子が過剰な原子核Oは、陽子、中性子ともに魔法数であることから古くからその性質に興味が持たれていたが、酸素の最後の束縛核Oよりも中性子が4個も多いため、これまで観測されてこなかった。この論文では、理化学研究所RIBFにてFからの1陽子ノックアウト反応によってOを生成し、そこから放出される中性子を測定することによって初めてその観測に成功した。核構造の観点からは、Oでは二重閉殻が保たれているか興味が持たれていたが、実験で得られた分光学的因子が殻模型計算で予言されて程度の大きいことから、閉殻構造をもたない可能性が高いことがわかった。
Ren, Q.*; Gupta, M. K.*; Jin, M.*; Ding, J.*; Wu, J.*; Chen, Z.*; Lin, S.*; Fabelo, O.*; Rodriguez-Velamazan, J. A.*; 古府 麻衣子; et al.
Nature Materials, 22(8), p.999 - 1006, 2023/08
被引用回数:54 パーセンタイル:99.10(Chemistry, Physical)Ultralow thermal conductivity and fast ionic diffusion endow superionic materials with excellent performance both as thermoelectric converters and as solid-state electrolytes. Yet the correlation and interdependence between these two features remain unclear owing to a limited understanding of their complex atomic dynamics. Here we investigate ionic diffusion and lattice dynamics in argyrodite AgSnSe using synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering techniques along with machine-learned molecular dynamics. We identify a critical interplay of the vibrational dynamics of mobile Ag and a host framework that controls the overdamping of low-energy Ag-dominated phonons into a quasi-elastic response, enabling superionicity. Concomitantly, the persistence of long-wavelength transverse acoustic phonons across the superionic transition challenges a proposed 'liquid-like thermal conduction' picture. Rather, a striking thermal broadening of low-energy phonons, starting even below 50 K, reveals extreme phonon anharmonicity and weak bonding as underlying features of the potential energy surface responsible for the ultralow thermal conductivity ( 0.5 WmK) and fast diffusion. Our results provide fundamental insights into the complex atomic dynamics in superionic materials for energy conversion and storage.
Chen, S.*; Browne, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Lee, J.*; Obertelli, A.*; 角田 佑介*; 大塚 孝治*; 茶園 亮樹*; Hagen, G.*; Holt, J. D.*; et al.
Physics Letters B, 843, p.138025_1 - 138025_7, 2023/08
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:88.80(Astronomy & Astrophysics)Scからの1陽子ノックアウト反応を用いて、CaとCaのガンマ崩壊を観測した。Caでは1456(12)keVの線遷移が、Caでは1115(34)keVの遷移が観測された。どちらの遷移も暫定的にと割り当てられた。有効核子間相互作用をわずかに修正した広い模型空間での殻模型計算では、準位エネルギー、2中性子分離エネルギー、反応断面積が実験とよく一致し、N=34閉殻の上に新しい殻が形成されていることを裏付けた。その構成要素であると軌道はほぼ縮退しており、これはCaが二重魔法核である可能性を排除し、Ca同位体のドリップラインをCaあるいはそれ以上にまで広げる可能性がある。
鶴見 美和*; 榎戸 輝掲*; 一方井 祐子*; Wu, T.*; Wang, D.*; 篠田 太郎*; 中澤 知洋*; 辻 直樹*; Diniz, G.*; 片岡 淳*; et al.
Geophysical Research Letters, 50(13), p.e2023GL103612_1 - e2023GL103612_9, 2023/07
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:41.12(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)Gamma-ray glows are observational evidence of relativistic electron acceleration due to the electric field in thunderclouds. However, it is yet to be understood whether such relativistic electrons contribute to the initiation of lightning discharges. To tackle this question, we started the citizen science "Thundercloud Project," where we map radiation measurements of glows from winter thunderclouds along Japan's sea coast area. We developed and deployed 58 compact gamma-ray monitors at the end of 2021. On 30 December 2021, five monitors simultaneously detected a glow with its radiation distribution horizontally extending for 2 km. The glow terminated coinciding with a lightning flash at 04:08:34 JST, which was recorded by the two radio-band lightning mapping systems, FALMA and DALMA. The initial discharges during the preliminary breakdown started above the glow, that is, in vicinity of the electron acceleration site. This result provides one example of possible connections between electron acceleration and lightning initiation.
Fang, Y.*; Kong, L.*; Wang, R.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, Z.*; Wu, Y.*; Bu, K.*; Liu, X.*; Yan, S.*; 服部 高典; et al.
Materials Today Physics (Internet), 34, p.101083_1 - 101083_7, 2023/05
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:63.08(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)層状ファンデルワールスハライドは、外部圧力に対して特に敏感であるため、目的とする性質を持つ構造にチューンすることが可能となる。一方で、圧力に非常に敏感であるという特性は、同時に目的とする機能の実現に有害な相転移や格子歪みを引き起こす可能性があるためその操作は依然として困難である。この研究では、層状RhI結晶が持つ極めて弱い層間結合と高い機能可変性を観察した。5GPaという適度な圧力をかけると圧力誘起相転移が起こり、積層構造に変化が現れた。驚くべきことに、この相転移は、圧力に対してほぼ直線的なバンドギャップ減少という傾向に影響を与えなかった。また、より高い圧力では、1.3eVの赤方偏移というかなり大きな調整幅を伴う金属相が観測された。さらに、RhIのキャリア濃度は30GPaで4桁増加し、光電流は7.8GPaで5桁増加することが確認された。これらの結果は、ファンデルワールスハライドの層状構造という特異な特徴を生かした探索、調整、理解のための新たな機会を創出し、原子レベルの薄さを持つマテリアルバイデザインに基づく将来のデバイスとして有望である。
Meng, L.*; Wang, B.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Zhu, S.-L.*
Physics Reports; A Review Section of Physics Letters, 1019, p.1 - 149, 2023/05
被引用回数:72 パーセンタイル:97.47(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking play an important role both in the light hadron and heavy hadron systems. The chiral perturbation theory (PT) is the low energy effective field theory of the Quantum Chromodynamics. In this work, we shall review the investigations on the chiral corrections to the properties of the heavy mesons and baryons within the framework of PT. We will also review the scatterings of the light pseudoscalar mesons and heavy hadrons, through which many new resonances such as the D*s0(2317) could be understood. Moreover, many new hadron states were observed experimentally in the past decades. A large group of these states is near-threshold resonances, such as the charged charmoniumlike and states, bottomoniumlike states, hidden-charm pentaquark and states and the doubly charmed state, etc. They are very good candidates of the loosely bound molecular states composed of a pair of charmed (bottom) hadrons, which are very similar to the loosely bound deuteron. The modern nuclear force was built upon the chiral effective field theory (LEFT), which is the extension of the PT to the systems with two matter fields. The long-range and medium-long-range interactions between two nucleons arise from the single-and double-pion exchange respectively, which are well constrained by the chiral symmetry and its spontaneous breaking. The short-distance interactions can be described by the low energy constants. Such a framework works very well for the nucleon-nucleon scattering and nuclei. In this work, we will perform an extensive review of the progress on the heavy hadronic molecular states within the framework of LEFT. We shall emphasize that the same chiral dynamics not only govern the nuclei and forms the deuteron, but also dictates the shallow bound states or resonances composed of two heavy hadrons.
山口 尚登*; 遊佐 龍之介*; Wang, G.*; Pettes, M. T.*; Liu, F.*; 津田 泰孝; 吉越 章隆; 虻川 匡司*; Moody, N. A.*; 小川 修一*
Applied Physics Letters, 122(14), p.141901_1 - 141901_7, 2023/04
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:76.16(Physics, Applied)単層BMをコートしたLaBの仕事関数の低減に関して報告する。hBNでコートされた領域は、非被覆あるいはグラフェンコートされたLaB(100)単結晶領域に比べて仕事関数が低下していることが、光電子顕微鏡(PEEM)および熱電子顕微鏡(TEEM)実験から分かった。グラフェンコートに比べてhBNコートされたLaB(100)では、非常に大きな仕事関数の低下が起きることが、DFT計算から定性的に分かった。計算に酸化層を考慮すると、計算と実験の間の整合性が改善された。放射光XPSによって、我々のLaB表面に酸化層が実在することを確認した。
Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; 岡 眞; Zhu, S.-L.*
Journal of High Energy Physics (Internet), 2023(1), p.058_1 - 058_19, 2023/01
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:70.34(Physics, Particles & Fields)ハミルトニアン有効理論にクォーク模型、クォークペア生成、相互作用の情報を含むベアな状態と散乱状態の結合を取り入れた形式を用いて、しきい値近傍の波の4個の状態のスペクトルを研究した。
Li, G.*; Duan, G.*; Liu, X.*; Wang, Z.
Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method; Recent Developments and Applications, 266 Pages, 2023/00
Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method has experienced decades of research and development since it was firstly proposed in 1996. The advanced numerical models have been developed. As the MPS method is becoming mature and stable, more and more researchers are engaging in its development and applying it to the simulations of complex multicomponent and multiphase flow in engineering. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the advanced numerical models of MPS method, including the improved discretization scheme, stabilization method, boundary condition, multiphase flow and fluid-structure interaction. The applications in the fields of nuclear engineering and ocean engineering are summarized as well. It promotes a deep understanding of the current challenges and the future development directions of the MPS method. This book is a valuable reference resource for the researchers, engineers and postgraduates with an interest in computational fluid dynamics and meshless particle methods.
Sheng, J.*; Wang, L.*; Candini, A.*; Jiang, W.*; Huang, L.*; Xi, B.*; Zhao, J.*; Ge, H.*; Zhao, N.*; Fu, Y.*; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(51), p.e2211193119_1 - e2211193119_9, 2022/12
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:80.69(Multidisciplinary Sciences)Although considerable progress has been made in the theoretical understanding of the low-dimensional frustrated quantum magnets, experimental realizations of a well-established scaling analysis are still scarce. This is particularly true for the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic triangular lattices. Owing to the small exchange strength, the newly discovered compound NaBaCo(PO) provides a rare opportunity for clarifying the quantum criticality in an ideal triangular lattice with quantum spin S=1/2. In addition to the establishment of the complete phase diagrams, the spin Hamiltonian with a negligible interplane interaction has been determined through the spin wave dispersion in the polarized state, which is consistent with the observation of a two-dimensional quantum critical point with the Bose-Einstein condensation of diluted free bosons.
Wang, G.-J.*; Meng, Q.*; 岡 眞
Physical Review D, 106(9), p.096005_1 - 096005_9, 2022/11
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:91.77(Astronomy & Astrophysics)クォーク模型を用いて、チャームクォークの4体系であるテトラクォークのS波の共鳴状態の探索を行った。複素スケーリング法を用いた計算でスピンーパリティが, , の各チャネルに2個ずつ共鳴が存在することを明らかにした。しかし、これらの共鳴は最近の実験で見つかったと比べると100MeV近く高いところに存在していることが解った。
Zhang, M. M.*; Tian, Y. L.*; Wang, Y. S.*; Zhang, Z. Y.*; Gan, Z. G.*; Yang, H. B.*; Huang, M. H.*; Ma, L.*; Yang, C. L.*; Wang, J. G.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 106(2), p.024305_1 - 024305_6, 2022/08
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:50.12(Physics, Nuclear)The extremely neutron-deficient even-even uranium isotopes U were produced in the complete-fusion reactions induced by impinging Ar and Ca ions on W targets. Fusion evaporation residues were separated in flight by the gas-filled recoil separator SHANS (Spectrometer for Heavy Atoms and Nuclear Structure) and subsequently identified using the recoil--correlation method. In this paper, we report on new -decay activities with keV for U and keV for U, which decay from the 8 isomeric states of U into the 2 states of their daughter nuclei Th, respectively. The new results extend the systematics of the -decay fine structure for the = 124 and 126 even-even isotones.
Thiessen, K. M.*; Boznar, M. Z.*; Charnock, T. W.*; Chouhan, S. L.*; Federspiel, L.; Grai, B.*; Grsic, Z.*; Helebrant, J.*; Hettrich, S.*; Hulka, J.*; et al.
Journal of Radiological Protection, 42(2), p.020502_1 - 020502_8, 2022/06
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:69.23(Environmental Sciences)The IAEA's model testing programmes (1988-2019) have included a series of Working Groups concerned with modelling radioactive contamination in urban environments. This paper describes the exercises conducted during the MODARIA I (2012-2015) and MODARIA II (2016-2019) programmes. These exercises have included short-range and mid-range atmospheric dispersion exercises based on data from field tests or tracer studies, hypothetical urban dispersion exercises, and an exercise based on data collected after the Fukushima accident. Improvement of model capabilities will lead to improvements in assessing various contamination scenarios (real or hypothetical), and in turn, to improved decision-making and communication with the public following a nuclear or radiological emergency.
Yang, Z.*; Wang, G.-J.*; Wu, J.-J.*; 岡 眞; Zhu, S.-L.*
Physical Review Letters, 128(11), p.112001_1 - 112001_6, 2022/03
被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:94.82(Physics, Multidisciplinary)閾値近傍のハドロン共鳴を有限サイズの格子QCDのデータを用いて解析する新しい手法を提案し、正パリティのメソンのスペクトルに応用した。ハミルトニアン有効理論にクォーク模型,クォークペア生成,DK相互作用の情報を入れてベアな状態と散乱状態の結合を取り入れた。4個の状態のうち、との状態は散乱状態と強く混合する。一方で、とはほとんどベアなクォーク模型状態で記述できる。有限格子サイズでのレベル交差が再現されることを示した。