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Zheng, Y.*; Xiao, H.*; Li, K.*; Wang, Y.*; Li, Y.*; Wei, Y.*; Zhu, X.*; Li, H.-W.*; 松村 大樹; Guo, B.*; et al.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(37), p.42274 - 42284, 2020/09
被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:73.95(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)Interactions between the active components with the support are one of the fundamentally factors in determining the catalytic performance of a catalyst. In this study, we investigated the interaction between CeO and LaFeO, the two important oxygen storage materials in catalysis area, by tuning the sizes of CeO particles and highlight a two-fold effect of the strong oxide-oxide interaction in determining the catalytic activity and selectivity for preferential CO oxidation in hydrogen feeds. It is found that the anchoring of ultra-fine CeO particles at the framework of three-dimensional-ordered macroporous LaFeO surface results in a strong interaction between the two oxides that induces the formation of abundant uncoordinated cations and oxygen vacancy at the interface. This discovery demonstrates that in hybrid oxide-based catalysts, tuning the interaction among different components is essential for balancing the catalytic activity and selectivity.
Sun, M. D.*; Liu, Z.*; Huang, T. H.*; Zhang, W. Q.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ding, B.*; Wang, J. G.*; Liu, X. Y.*; Lu, H. Y.*; Hou, D. S.*; et al.
Physics Letters B, 800, p.135096_1 - 135096_5, 2020/01
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:79.08(Astronomy & Astrophysics)Fine structure in the decay of U was observed in the fusion-evaporation reaction Re(Ar,p3n) by using fast digital pulse processing technique. Two -decay branches of U feeding the ground state and 244 keV excited state of Th were identified by establishing the decay chain UThRaRn. The -particle energy for the ground-state to ground-state transition of U was determined to be 8993(17) keV, 213 keV higher than the previous value, the half-life was updated to be 62s. Evolution of nuclear structure for =131 even- isotones from Po to U was discussed in the frameworks of nuclear mass and reduced -decay width, a weakening octupole deformation in the ground state of U relative to its lighter isotones Ra and Th was suggested.
三木 一弘; Diamond, P. H.*; Hahn, S.-H.*; Xiao, W. W.*; Grcan, . D.*; Tynan, G. R.*
Physics of Plasmas, 20(8), p.082304_1 - 082304_11, 2013/08
被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:53.73(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)LH遷移が刺激される場合のモデル研究を簡易化メゾスケールモデルを用いて行った。粒子入射を亜臨界加熱状態のプラズマに入射することでLH遷移が誘発された。粒子入射はプラズマ周辺領域の密度・温度勾配を変化させて、径電場を変える。この周辺領域の径電場変化が亜臨界状態でのLH遷移において重要である。弱い加熱状態で、強い粒子入射を行うと、過渡的な輸送障壁の形成が予測された。このとき、過渡的な輸送障壁の持続時間よりも短い周期で粒子入射を連続的に与えると、輸送障壁が維持された。ガスパフによってLH遷移を誘発させる場合と粒子入射の場合と比較すると、LH遷移を起こすのに必要な粒子数はガスパフの場合の方が非常に多い。これは、LH遷移を起こすために、短い時間で強い粒子入射を与えた方が良いことを示している。LH遷移が誘発される場合には、帯状流は遷移のトリガーとしての役割を果たさない。
内田 健一*; 太田 岳*; 安立 裕人; Xiao, J.*; 野中 挙海*; 梶原 瑛祐*; Bauer, G. E. W.*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Journal of Applied Physics, 111(10), p.103903_1 - 103903_11, 2012/05
被引用回数:127 パーセンタイル:96.02(Physics, Applied)The spin-Seebeck effect (SSE) in ferromagnetic metals and insulators has been investigated systematically by means of the inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE) in paramagnetic metals. The SSE generates a spin voltage as a result of a temperature gradient in a ferromagnet, which injects a spin current into an attached paramagnetic metal. In the paramagnet, this spin current is converted into an electric field due to the ISHE, enabling the electric detection of the SSE. The observation of the SSE is performed in longitudinal and transverse configurations consisting of a ferromagnet/paramagnet hybrid structure, where thermally generated spin currents flowing parallel and perpendicular to a temperature gradient are detected, respectively.
Anderson, H.*; Vonarx, E.*; Pastushok, L.*; 中川 繭; 片渕 淳*; Gruz, P.*; Rubbo, A.*; Grice, D.*; Osmond, M.*; 坂本 綾子; et al.
Plant Journal, 55(6), p.895 - 908, 2008/09
被引用回数:43 パーセンタイル:72.23(Plant Sciences)We assessed the roles of and in TLS mediated UV resistance. defective mutants sensitized growth of roots and whole plants to UV radiation indicating AtPol contributes to UV resistance. alone did not complement the UV sensitivity conferred by deletion of yeast , although AtPol exhibited cyclobutane dimer bypass activity and interacted with yeast PCNA in vitro. Co-expression of and , but not , restored normal UV resistance and mutation kinetics in the mutant. A single residue difference at site 201, which lies adjacent to the lysine ubiquitylated in PCNA, appeared responsible for the inability of PCNA1 to function with AtPol in UV treated yeast. PCNA interacting protein boxes and an ubiquitin-binding motif in AtPol were found to be required for restoration of UV resistance in the mutant by and . These observations indicate AtPol can catalyse TLS past UV induced DNA damage, and link the biological activity of AtPol in UV irradiated cells to PCNA2 and PCNA-and ubiquitin-binding motifs in AtPol.
三木 一弘; Diamond, P. H.*; Hahn, S.-H.*; Xiao, W. W.*; Grcan, . D.*; Tynan, G. R.*
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