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検索結果: 259 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Fundamental evaluation of hydrogen behavior in sodium for sodium-water reaction detection of sodium-cooled fast reactor

山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 早川 雅人; 下山 一仁; 荒 邦章; 畠山 望*; 山内 和*; 江田 優平*; 由井 正弘*

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(3), p.893 - 899, 2024/03

In a secondary cooling system of a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), rapid detection of hydrogen due to sodium-water reaction (SWR) caused by water leakage from a heat exchanger tube of a steam generator (SG) is important in terms of safety and property protection of the SFR. For hydrogen detection, the hydrogen detectors using atomic transmission phenomenon of hydrogen within Ni-membrane were used in Japanese proto-type SFR "Monju." However, during the plant operation, detection signals of water leakage were observed even in the situation without SWR concerning temperature up and down in the cooling system. For this reason, the study of a new hydrogen detector has been carried out to improve stability, accuracy and reliability. In this research, the authors focus on the difference in composition of hydrogen and the difference between the background hydrogen under normal plant operation and the one generated by SWR and theoretically estimate the hydrogen behavior in liquid sodium by using ultra-accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics (UA-QCMD). Based on the estimation, dissolved H or NaH, rather than molecular hydrogen (H$$_{2}$$), is the predominant form of the background hydrogen in liquid sodium in terms of energetical stability. On the other hand, it was found that hydrogen molecules produced by the sodium-water reaction can exist stably as a form of a fine bubble concerning some confinement mechanism such as a NaH layer on their surface. In parallel, we observed experimentally that the fine bubbles of H$$_{2}$$ stably existed in the liquid sodium than expected before. This paper describes the comparison between the theoretical estimation and experimental results based on hydrogen form in sodium in the development of the new hydrogen detector in Japan.


Evaluation of hydrogen behavior in sodium for sodium-water reaction detection of sodium-cooled fast reactor

山本 智彦; 加藤 篤志; 早川 雅人; 下山 一仁; 荒 邦章; 畠山 望*; 山内 和*; 江田 優平*; 由井 正弘*

Proceedings of 2023 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2023) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/04

In the secondary cooling system of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), a rapid detection of hydrogen explosion due to sodium-water reaction by water leakage from heat exchanger tube is steam generator (SG) is important in terms of safety and property protection. For the hydrogen detection, Ni-membrane hydrogen detectors using atomic transmission phenomenon were used in Japanese proto-type sodium-cooled fast reactor "Monju". However, during the plant operation, many alarms of water leakage were occurred without sodium-water reaction in relation to temperature up and down. The authors focus on the difference in composition of hydrogen and the difference between the background hydrogen under normal operation and the hydrogen generated by the sodium-water reaction and theoretically estimate the hydrogen behavior in liquid sodium by using ultra-accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics (UA-QCMD). As the results of theoretical estimation, dissolved H or NaH, rather than H$$_{2}$$, is the predominant form of the background hydrogen in liquid sodium, and hydrogen produced in large amounts by sodium-water reaction can exist stably as fine bubbles with a NaH layer on their surface. Currently, the authors study the new hydrogen detector system focusing on the difference between the background hydrogen (dissolved H) and the hydrogen by sodium-water reaction (fine bubbles H$$_{2}$$). This paper describes the comparison between the theoretical estimation and experimental results based on hydrogen form in sodium.



加藤 千明; 山岸 功; 佐藤 智徳; 山本 正弘*

材料と環境, 70(12), p.441 - 447, 2021/12




佐藤 智徳; 小松 篤史; 中野 純一*; 山本 正弘*

材料と環境, 70(12), p.457 - 461, 2021/12



Three-dimensional computational modeling and simulation of intergranular corrosion propagation of stainless steel

五十嵐 誉廣; 小松 篤史; 本岡 隆文*; 上野 文義; 山本 正弘

Corrosion Science and Technology, 20(3), p.105 - 111, 2021/06




山本 正弘

計算工学, 25(3), p.4105 - 4108, 2020/07




山本 正弘

材料と環境2020講演集(CD-ROM), p.9 - 16, 2020/05



Modelling of intergranular corrosion using cellular automata, 1; Characteristics and corrosion rates of stainless steels in modified nuclear reprocessing solution

山本 正弘; 入澤 恵理子; 五十嵐 誉廣; 小松 篤史; 加藤 千明; 上野 文義

Proceedings of Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion (EUROCORR 2019) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2019/09




大谷 恭平; 佐藤 智徳; 加治 芳行; 山本 正弘

JAEA-Review 2019-007, 15 Pages, 2019/06




Effect of re-oxidation rate of additive cations on corrosion rate of stainless steel in boiling nitric acid solution

入澤 恵理子; 山本 正弘; 加藤 千明; 本岡 隆文; 伴 康俊

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(4), p.337 - 344, 2019/04

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:54.32(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The boiling nitric acid solution containing highly oxidizing cations dissolved from the spent nuclear fuels corrodes stainless steels because of the nobler corrosion potential and their fast reduction rate. The cations themselves are re-oxidized to higher oxidizing states in a bulk solution after the corrosion reaction. In this paper, the re-oxidation rate constants of typical cations, such as Cr, V, Pu, and Np, were analyzed, and discussed about the effect on time dependencies of the corrosion rate. It was indicated that the cations with a large re-oxidation rate constant, such as Np, could keep the corrosion rate at high level continuously for the long immersion duration.


Mass transfer inside narrow crevice of SUS316L in high temperature water

山本 正弘; 相馬 康孝; 五十嵐 誉廣; 上野 文義

Proceedings of Annual Congress of the European Federation of Corrosion (EUROCORR 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2018/09



Effects of environmental factors inside the crevice on corrosion of stainless steel in high temperature water

山本 正弘; 佐藤 智徳; 五十嵐 誉廣; 上野 文義; 相馬 康孝

Proceedings of European Corrosion Congress 2017 (EUROCORR 2017) and 20th ICC & Process Safety Congress 2017 (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2018/09



Effect of long-term thermal aging on SCC initiation susceptibility in low carbon austenitic stainless steels

青木 聡; 近藤 啓悦; 加治 芳行; 山本 正弘

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems - Water Reactors, Vol.2, p.663 - 672, 2018/00

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:57.41(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

本研究は、低炭素オーステナイトステンレス鋼の応力腐食割れ発生感受性に及ぼす長時間熱時効の影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。試料にはステンレス鋼の304Lおよび316Lを用いた。両ステンレス鋼とも20%の冷間加工(CW)を施し、その後288$$^{circ}$$Cで14,000時間熱時効(LTA)を加えた。応力腐食割れ発生感受性の評価として、BWRを模擬した環境下ですき間付き定ひずみ曲げ試験(CBB)試験を実施した。304L CW + LTAは応力腐食割れ発生感受性を示さなかった。一方で、316Lの応力腐食割れ発生感受性は冷間加工と長時間熱時効が組み合わさることで増大した。これらの結果を理解するために、CWおよびLTAによって引き起こされる金属組織や機械的性質の変化、およびそれらと応力腐食割れ発生感受性との関係について議論した。


Effect of oxidizing metallic ions on corrosion of stainless steel during concentration process simulating High-level Activity Liquid Waste (HALW) concentrator

入澤 恵理子; 加藤 千明; 鴨志田 美智雄*; 袴塚 保之*; 上野 文義; 山本 正弘

Proceedings of European Corrosion Congress 2017 (EUROCORR 2017) and 20th ICC & Process Safety Congress 2017 (USB Flash Drive), 9 Pages, 2017/09

In the PUREX method for reprocessing of nuclear spent fuels, the HNO$$_{3}$$ media with high concentration is heated up to boiling point to dissolve fuels. The process solutions containing oxidizing metallic ions dissolved from spent fuels are very corrosive because of these high oxidizing activities, and the corrosion problem have appeared on the stainless steel concentrators and evaporators such as the intergranular corrosion of stainless steel. We focused how the change of solution composition and temperature on the corrosion rate of stainless steel under the operation condition of High-level Active Liquid West concentrator of reprocessing plant in Japan. The corrosion immersion tests and the electrochemical measurements were performed using R-SUS304ULC as stainless steel test samples and the HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions containing following oxidizing metallic ions. The corrosion rate increased caused by increasing of the HNO$$_{3}$$ and metallic ions concentration. The cathodic polarization curves showed that the current density increased with increasing of the concentration of HNO$$_{3}$$ and metallic ions. Moreover, the results showed that the contribution of Ru and V which can maintain the acceleration effect on the corrosion because of high re-oxidation rate after the reductant with the corrosion reaction in the solution.


Former researches on cost of corrosion in Japan

山本 正弘

材料と環境2017講演集(CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2017/05



Deposition of uranium oxide following the reduction in weak acid solution using Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM)

大内 和希; 音部 治幹; 北辻 章浩; 山本 正弘

ECS Transactions, 75(27), p.51 - 57, 2017/01

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:38.46(Electrochemistry)



複雑な実環境をシミュレートしたデータ取得にもとづく腐食要因の解明; 海洋環境と原子力施設を例として

山本 正弘

材料と環境, 66(1), p.3 - 12, 2017/01



The Effect of crystal textures on the anodic oxidization of zirconium in a boiling nitric acid solution

加藤 千明; 石島 暖大; 上野 文義; 山本 正弘

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(9), p.1371 - 1379, 2016/09


 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:36.03(Nuclear Science & Technology)

硝酸水溶液でジルコニウムの応力腐食割れに関して、ジルコニウムの陽極酸化に及ぼす結晶配向の影響を調査した。酸化ジルコニウム膜の成長挙動は、脱不動態化電位(1.47V vs. SSE)で、劇的に変化した。1.5Vでは、酸化皮膜は速く成長し、その平均皮膜厚さは電荷量に比例して増加した。酸化皮膜は周期的な3乗則に従った成長挙動を示した。周期的な3乗則に従った成長挙動への遷移前では、酸化皮膜の成長挙動に結晶配向の影響を及ぼさなかった。しかし、皮膜成長の遷移後は、酸化皮膜の平均皮膜厚さと厚い酸化皮膜の下に生じたき裂は結晶配向の影響を受けた。(0002)面が配向している圧延面では、その平均皮膜厚さは減少し、皮膜内のき裂により皮膜の剥離が生じた。(0002)面に垂直面である圧延方向面では、厚い酸化皮膜の下には、圧延方向に深く進展したき裂が観察された。き裂は酸化物層の中をジルコニウム母材の(0002)面に沿って進展した。酸化物層は、ひも状の酸化ジルコニウムとジルコニウム水素化物からなり、ひも状の酸化ジルコニウムは、単斜晶ZrO$$_{2}$$に加えて斜方晶ZrO$$_{2}$$を含んでいた。外部応力が無い条件でき裂が発生・進展した機構の1つの仮定として、(0002)面に析出した水素化物の酸化と、その後に生じる斜方晶ZrO$$_{2}$$から単斜晶ZrO$$_{2}$$への相変態がその原因の一つと考えられた。


Seawater effects on the soundness of spent fuel cladding tube

本岡 隆文; 上野 文義; 山本 正弘

Proceedings of 2016 EFCOG Nuclear & Facility Safety Workshop (Internet), 6 Pages, 2016/09



Effect of boiling of nitric acid solution on corrosion of Stainless steel-made concentrator in reduced pressure

上野 文義; 入澤 恵理子; 加藤 千明; 五十嵐 誉廣; 山本 正弘; 阿部 仁

Proceedings of European Corrosion Congress 2016 (EUROCORR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), 7 Pages, 2016/09


259 件中 1件目~20件目を表示