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Magnetic properties of single crystalline Tb$$_5$$Sb$$_3$$

北折 暁*; 金澤 直也*; 木田 孝則*; 鳴海 康雄*; 萩原 政幸*; 金道 浩一*; 竹内 徹也*; 仲村 愛*; 青木 大*; 芳賀 芳範; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(2), p.024702_1 - 024702_6, 2023/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Magnetic properties of Tb$$_5$$Sb$$_3$$ are reported. Unlike previous investigations on a polycrystal showing multiple phase transitions, the present single crystal sample shows a single transition 133 K. It is also shown that the magnetic hysteresis increases at low temperatures.


Split Fermi surface properties of noncentrosymmetric compounds Fe$$_2$$P, Ni$$_2$$P, and Pd$$_2$$Si

大貫 惇睦*; 仲村 愛*; 青木 大*; 松田 達磨*; 芳賀 芳範; 播磨 尚朝*; 竹内 徹也*; 金子 良夫*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(6), p.064712_1 - 064712_10, 2022/06

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:24.98(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Fermi surface of noncentrocymmetric Fe$$_2$$P, Ni$$_2$$P and Pd$$_2$$Si was studied by means of de Haas-van Alphen experiments. The splitting energy of Fermi surfaces due to antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling is estimated.


Single crystal growth and magnetic properties of noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet Mn$$_3$$IrSi

大貫 惇睦*; 金子 良夫*; 青木 大*; 仲村 愛*; 松田 達磨*; 中島 美帆*; 芳賀 芳範; 竹内 徹也*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(6), p.065002_1 - 065002_2, 2022/06

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:42.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Single crystals of Mn$$_3$$IrSi were grown using Bridgman method. Mn$$_3$$IrSi shows a remarkable increase of the electrical resistivity below antiferromagnetic transition temperature accompanied by a large jump of specific heat.


Abrupt change in electronic states under pressure in new compound EuPt$$_3$$Al$$_5$$

小泉 尭嗣*; 本多 史憲*; 佐藤 芳樹*; Li, D.*; 青木 大*; 芳賀 芳範; 郷地 順*; 長崎 尚子*; 上床 美也*; 金子 良夫*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(4), p.043704_1 - 043704_5, 2022/04

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:42.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A new ternary europium compound EuPt$$_3$$Al$$_5$$ is reported. It orders antiferromagnetically at 12.4 K. Application of hydrostatic pressure varies the transition temperature and the compound becomes non-magnetic above the critical pressure 9 GPa. The pressure-temperature phase diagram is indicative of a possible valence crossover at the critical pressure.


Science from the initial operation of HRC

伊藤 晋一*; 横尾 哲也*; 益田 隆嗣*; 吉澤 英樹*; 左右田 稔*; 池田 陽一*; 井深 壮史*; 川名 大地*; 佐藤 卓*; 南部 雄亮*; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 8, p.034001_1 - 034001_6, 2015/09

Since the installation of the High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer, HRC, experiments using the HRC are being conducted to observe the dynamics in wide range of physics. Scientific results during the period since the initial construction are summarized.


Emergent phenomena in perovskite-type manganites

田口 康二郎*; 酒井 英明*; 奥山 大輔*; 石渡 晋太郎*; 藤岡 淳*; 福田 竜生; 橋爪 大輔*; 賀川 史敬*; 高橋 陽太郎*; 島野 亮*; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 407(11), p.1685 - 1688, 2012/06

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:23.80(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Perovskite-type manganites exhibit various interesting phenomena arising from complex interplay among spin, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom. As the respective examples, perovskite-type YMnO$$_3$$ and Sr$$_{1-x}$$Ba$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$ are discussed. In the YMnO$$_3$$, the ferroelectric lattice distortion associated with the $$E$$-type spin order is observed for the first time. Displacement-type ferroelectricity with off-center magnetic ions is discovered for Sr$$_{0.5}$$Ba$$_{0.5}$$MnO$$_3$$, which shows both large polarization value and strong coupling between ferroelectricity and magnetism.


Multiferroic $$M$$-type hexaferrites with a room-temperature conical state and magnetically controllable spin helicity

徳永 祐介*; 金子 良夫*; 奥山 大輔*; 石渡 晋太郎*; 有馬 孝尚*; 脇本 秀一; 加倉井 和久; 田口 康二郎*; 十倉 好紀*

Physical Review Letters, 105(25), p.257201_1 - 257201_4, 2010/12

 被引用回数:269 パーセンタイル:98.33(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Magnetic and magnetoelectric (ME) properties have been studied for single crystals of Sc-doped $$M$$-type barium hexaferrites. Magnetization ($$M$$) and neutron diffraction measurements revealed that by tuning Sc concentration a longitudinal conical state is stabilized up to above room temperatures. ME measurements have shown that a transverse magnetic field ($$H$$) can induce electric polarization ($$P$$) at lower temperatures and that the spin helicity is nonvolatile and endurable up to near the conical magnetic transition temperature.



斎藤 公明; 齋藤 秀敏*; 国枝 悦夫*; 成田 雄一郎*; 明上山 温*; 藤崎 達也*; 川瀬 貴嗣*; 金子 勝太郎*; 尾嵜 真浩*; Deloar, H. M.*; et al.

情報処理, 48(10), p.1081 - 1088, 2007/10


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