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Flexible waste management system for the future application of MA P&T technology to the current high-level liquid waste

深澤 哲生*; 鈴木 晶大*; 遠藤 洋一*; 稲垣 八穂広*; 有馬 立身*; 室屋 裕佐*; 遠藤 慶太*; 渡邉 大輔*; 松村 達郎; 石井 克典; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(3), p.307 - 317, 2024/03



Experimental visualization of water/ice phase distribution at cold start for practical-sized polymer electrolyte fuel cells

樋口 雄紀*; 吉宗 航*; 加藤 悟*; 日比 章五*; 瀬戸山 大吾*; 伊勢川 和久*; 松本 吉弘*; 林田 洋寿*; 野崎 洋*; 原田 雅史*; et al.

Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.33_1 - 33_7, 2024/02

The automotive industry aims to ensure the cold-start capability of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) for developing fuel cell electric vehicles that can be driven in cold climates. Water and ice behavior is a key factor in maintaining this capability. Previously reported methods for visualizing water and/or ice are limited to small-sized PEFCs ( $$<$$ 50 cm$$^{2}$$), while fuel cell electric vehicles are equipped with larger PEFCs. Here, we developed a system using a pulsed spallation neutron beam to visualize water distribution and identify water/ice phases in practical-sized PEFCs at a cold start. The results show direct evidence of a stepwise freezing behavior inside the PEFC. The produced water initially accumulated at the center of the PEFC and then froze, followed by PEFC shutdown as freezing progressed. This study can serve as a reference to guide the development of cold-start protocols, cell design, and materials for next-generation fuel cell electric vehicles.


Japan Atomic Energy Agency; Contribution to the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and the reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture at the Naraha center for Remote Control technology development

森本 恭一; 大野 貴裕; 角谷 聡洋; 吉田 萌夏; 鈴木 壮一郎

Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 36(1), p.125 - 133, 2024/02



Validation of the $$^{10}$$Be ground-state molecular structure using $$^{10}$$Be($$p,palpha$$)$$^{6}$$He triple differential reaction cross-section measurements

Li, P. J.*; Beaumel, D.*; Lee, J.*; Assi$'e$, M.*; Chen, S.*; Franchoo, S.*; Gibelin, J.*; Hammache, F.*; Harada, T.*; 延与 佳子*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 131(21), p.212501_1 - 212501_7, 2023/11



Multiple mechanisms in proton-induced nucleon removal at $$sim$$100 MeV/nucleon

Pohl, T.*; Sun, Y. L.*; Obertelli, A.*; Lee, J.*; G$'o$mez-Ramos, M.*; 緒方 一介*; 吉田 数貴; Cai, B. S.*; Yuan, C. X.*; Brown, B. A.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 130(17), p.172501_1 - 172501_8, 2023/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:91.26(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Origin of magnetically dead layers in spinel ferrites $$M$$Fe$$_2$$O$$_4$$ grown on Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$; Effects of postdeposition annealing studied by XMCD

野中 洋亮*; 若林 勇希*; 芝田 悟朗; 坂本 祥哉*; 池田 啓祐*; Chi, Z.*; Wan, Y.*; 鈴木 雅弘*; 田中 新*; 田中 雅明*; et al.

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 7(4), p.044413_1 - 044413_10, 2023/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We study the electronic and magnetic states of as-grown and annealed $$M$$Fe$$_2$$O$$_4$$(111)/Al$$_2$$O3(111) ($$M =$$Co, Ni) thin films with various thicknesses grown on Si(111) substrates with the $$gamma$$-Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$(111)buffer layers by using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), to investigate magnetically dead layers in these films. Although the magnetically dead layers in the as-grown samples are formed near the interface with the Al$$_2$$O$$_3$$ buffer layer, we reveal that ferrimagnetic order is partially recovered by postdeposition annealing at 973 K for 48 hours in air. By analyzing the line shapes of the XAS and XMCD spectra, we conclude that, in the dead layers, there are a significant number of vacancies at the $$T_d$$ sites of the spinel structure, which may be the microscopic origin of the degraded ferrimagnetic order in the $$M$$Fe$$_2$$O$$_4$$ thin films.


Long-timescale transformations of self-interstitial atom clusters of Cu using the SEAKMC method; The Effect of setting an activation energy threshold for saddle point searches

早川 頌*; 山本 耀二郎*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 218, p.111987_1 - 111987_10, 2023/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:12.40(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

On-the-fly kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC), a computational technique for atomistic simulations, has attracted attention because it increases the simulation timescale beyond that of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations while maintaining atomistic fidelity. However, for most kMC methods, when events with high and low activation energies coexist in the event list, trivial events with extremely low activation energies that do not essentially affect the phenomena of interest, so-called flicker events, are frequently selected, making it challenging to observe the key dynamics. In this study, we use Self-Evolving Atomistic kMC (SEAKMC), one of the on-the-fly kMC methods, to model the unstable-to-stable transformations of irregular three-dimensional self-interstitial-atom (SIA) clusters in Cu generated through collision cascade. By setting an activation energy threshold once every five steps, transformations into stable configurations are enhanced. The algorithm renders the simulation timescales one or two orders of magnitude longer than those possible with MD simulations. Further, the probability of transformations into stable configurations is increased by 40 times compared to that of the original SEAKMC method. In addition, we find that the stable configurations obtained by the transformation of the SIA clusters are mostly Frank loops. In summary, this new algorithm for the SEAKMC method helps to resolve the inefficiency of kMC methods resulting from the selection of flicker events and will aid the study of meso-timescale atomistic dynamics.


J-PARC RCS H0コリメータにおけるステッピングモータのノイズ対策

藤山 浩樹*; 高橋 博樹; 岡部 晃大; 伊藤 雄一*; 畠山 衆一郎; 鈴木 隆洋*; 大津 聡*; 山川 龍人*

Proceedings of 19th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.529 - 531, 2023/01

J-PARC加速器のコリメータやワイヤースキャナモニタの機械駆動には、ステッピングモータが使用されている。これらの駆動装置ハードウェアは、J-PARC建設当初から使用されているものが多く経年劣化対策が必要となっている。そこで、2017年ごろからモーターや制御系の更新を進めることとなった。ところが、RCS H0コリメータのステッピングモータを現行品に更新したところ、誤動作が生じた。これは、モータードライバから発生するノイズにより、駆動部制御系がLS(リミットスイッチ)の状態を正しく認識できず、動作に支障が生じたものであった。確認のため、新旧のステッピングモータから発生するノイズを簡易テスト環境で測定したところ、明らかに現行品の方が大きいことが明らかとなった。そこで対策として、1本の多芯ケーブルに束ねられたステッピングモータの配線を、電源系とLS信号系に分離したところ、ノイズレベルが1/10程度になり、正常な動作を取り戻すことができた。本件では、RCS H0コリメータ駆動部のノイズ対策について報告する。


垂直磁気異方性を示す鉄挿入遷移金属ダイカルコゲナイドFe$$_x$$TaS$$_2$$のX線磁気円二色性による研究; Fe$$_x$$TiS$$_2$$との比較

芝田 悟朗; Won, C.*; Kim, J.*; 野中 洋亮*; 池田 啓祐*; Wan, Y.*; 鈴木 雅弘*; 小出 常晴*; 田中 新*; Cheong, S.-W.*; et al.

Photon Factory Activity Report 2022 (インターネット), 2 Pages, 2023/00



Molecular dynamics simulation to elucidate effects of spatial geometry on interactions between an edge dislocation and rigid, impenetrable precipitate in Cu

津川 聖人*; 早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 愛知 正温*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 215, p.111806_1 - 111806_8, 2022/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:25.30(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to evaluate the interactions between an edge dislocation and a rigid, impenetrable precipitate in Cu by changing the distance between the glide plane of the dislocation and the center of the precipitate ($$zeta$$). In these calculations, the precipitate was introduced as a super particle that moved according to the total force exerted by the matrix atoms on the precipitate atoms. When the center of the precipitate was close to the glide plane, an Orowan loop was formed around the precipitate after the dislocation detached, and the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) was similar to the value evaluated by the results at $$zeta=0$$. However, when the glide plane was far from the center of the precipitate, either a vacancy loop or loops generated through the Hirsch mechanism were formed, depending on whether the center of the precipitate was below or above the glide plane. The magnitude of the CRSS was not symmetric about $$zeta=0$$. This study confirmed that it is necessary to analyze the CRSS by changing $$zeta$$ to construct a predictive model for the hardening caused by the formation of lattice defects, and that precipitate hardening appears to be smaller than the value estimated using the results at $$zeta=0$$.


Design and actual performance of J-PARC 3 GeV rapid cycling synchrotron for high-intensity operation

山本 風海; 金正 倫計; 林 直樹; Saha, P. K.; 田村 文彦; 山本 昌亘; 谷 教夫; 高柳 智弘; 神谷 潤一郎; 菖蒲田 義博; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(9), p.1174 - 1205, 2022/09

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:81.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)

J-PARC 3GeVシンクロトロン(RCS)は、最大1MWの大強度ビームを25Hzという早い繰り返しで中性子実験及び下流の主リングシンクロトロンに供給することを目的に設計された。2007年の加速器調整運転開始以降、RCSではビーム試験を通じて加速器の設計性能が満たされているかの確認を進め、必要に応じてより安定に運転するための改善を行ってきた。その結果として、近年RCSは1MWのビーム出力で連続運転を行うことが可能となり、共用運転に向けた最後の課題の抽出と対策の検討が進められている。本論文ではRCSの設計方針と実際の性能、および改善点について議論する。


Molecular dynamics simulations to quantify the interaction of a rigid and impenetrable precipitate with an edge dislocation in Cu

津川 聖人*; 早川 頌*; 岩瀬 祐樹*; 沖田 泰良*; 鈴木 克幸*; 板倉 充洋; 愛知 正温*

Computational Materials Science, 210, p.111450_1 - 111450_9, 2022/07

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:71.45(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Precipitation strengthening has been utilized to improve the properties of metallic materials so far. Since interactions between precipitates and dislocations are micro-mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon, a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a powerful tool for quantifying this phenomenon. In this study, we introduced a method to simulate a rigid and impenetrable precipitate against a direct contact with a dislocation using a single interatomic potential representing the bulk material. The total force exerted on all atoms in the precipitate region was divided by the number of atoms in the region. This average force was then applied to each atom in the region to simulate one super particle that moved depending on the total force exerted by the matrix atoms on the precipitate atoms. We used MD simulations to quantify the interaction of a precipitate with an edge dislocation. After the dislocation overcame the precipitate, an Orowan loop was formed along the outer circumference of the precipitate. The energy of the loop was 2.1 $$pm$$ 0.1 eV/b, which was higher than that obtained using the elasticity. The hardening caused by the precipitate was larger than that caused by voids of the same size. The proposed method can be applied to simulate interactions of precipitates with dislocations in any type of metallic material, especially when a dislocation bypasses a precipitate without changing its structure, except when a strong repulsive force acts between them.


Temporal variability of $$^{137}$$Cs concentrations in coastal sediments off Fukushima

鈴木 翔太郎*; 天野 洋典*; 榎本 昌宏*; 松本 陽*; 守岡 良晃*; 佐久間 一幸; 鶴田 忠彦; 帰山 秀樹*; 三浦 輝*; 津旨 大輔*; et al.

Science of the Total Environment, 831, p.154670_1 - 154670_15, 2022/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:25.78(Environmental Sciences)

The monthly monitoring data (total 3647 samples) between May. 2011 and Mar. 2020 were analyzed to describe temporal variability of $$^{137}$$Cs concentration in coastal sediments off Fukushima. $$^{137}$$Cs concentration of sediment had decreasing trend, but non-linear model fitting suggested that this decreasing trend showed slower. Additionally, $$^{137}$$Cs concentration were up to 4.08 times greater in shallow sampling sites (7, 10, 20 m depth) following heavy rainfall events (before five months vs. after five months), such as typhoons. These were consistent with increasing particulate $$^{137}$$Cs (P-$$^{137}$$Cs) fluxes from river and increasing dissolved $$^{137}$$Cs (D-$$^{137}$$Cs) concentration in seawater. Finally, the numerical experiment was conducted and revealed that riverine $$^{137}$$Cs input could preserve $$^{137}$$Cs concentration in coastal sediment. These results indicate that riverine $$^{137}$$Cs input via heavy rainfall events is one of the main factors for preserving $$^{137}$$Cs concentration in coastal sediment off Fukushima.


Magnetic properties and electronic configurations of Mn ions in the diluted magnetic semiconductor Ba$$_{1-x}$$K$$_x$$(Zn$$_{1-y}$$Mn$$_y$$)$$_2$$As$$_2$$ studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering

鈴木 博人*; Zhao, G.*; 岡本 淳*; 坂本 祥哉*; Chen, Z.-Y.*; 野中 洋亮*; 芝田 悟朗; Zhao, K.*; Chen, B.*; Wu, W.-B.*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(6), p.064710_1 - 064710_5, 2022/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The magnetic properties and the electronic excitations of the new diluted magnetic semiconductor Ba$$_{1-x}$$K$$_x$$(Zn$$_{1-y}$$Mn$$_y$$)$$_2$$As$$_2$$ have been studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). The sum rule analysis of the XMCD spectra indicates that the Mn atoms are in the high-spin configurations of $$d^5$$, whereas the presence of competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions between the Mn ions reduces the net spin moment. Based on a comparison of the RIXS line shapes with those of Ga$$_{1-x}$$Mn$$_x$$As, it is concluded that the ground state of Mn in Ba$$_{1-x}$$K$$_x$$(Zn$$_{1-y}$$Mn$$_y$$)$$_2$$As$$_2$$ consists of both the $$3d^5 underline{L}$$ and $$3d^5$$ electron configurations.


Modeling changes in the second harmonic generation of ultrasonic waves having wavelengths beyond the length scale of conventional molecular dynamics

森 承宇*; 松田 那由多*; 沖田 泰良*; 愛知 正温*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Materialia, 21, p.101371_1 - 101371_6, 2022/03

The nonlinear ultrasonic (NLU) technique is a nondestructive method for detecting nanostructure in crystalline materials. In this study, a method was developed to quantify the changes in NLU signals associated with nanostructure using molecular dynamics (MD). A nonreflective boundary, which reduces the computational cost to the first power of the wavelength, was used to achieve this. This method is distinct from previous studies using a conventional MD, for which the computational cost is proportional to the square of the wavelength. The nonreflective boundary eliminates the influence of reflected waves at the detection position by setting a buffer region at the end of the simulation cell opposite from the wave source, and periodically resetting the displacements and velocities of all atoms in this region. This method allows the introduction of elastic waves with wavelengths longer than the cell size, and only an extension of time is required, according to the extension of the wavelength, without increasing the cell size. Hence, it is possible to extend the NLU wavelength by approximately four orders of magnitude, which approaches the wavelengths used for inspections and, thus, to use MD to simulate the changes in the NLU signals induced by nanostructure. The NLU signal values obtained by the two methods were in good agreement for a perfect Fe crystal and a Fe crystal containing 1% monovacancies. No significant frequency dependence of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter was found at 0 K. This method will contribute to the development of an inspection technique based on scientific principles.


Construction of machine-learning Zr interatomic potentials for identifying the formation process of c-type dislocation loops

沖田 泰良*; 寺山 怜志*; 津川 聖人*; 小林 恵太; 奥村 雅彦; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 202, p.110865_1 - 110865_9, 2022/02

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:45.98(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In this study, a Neural Network Potential (NNP) using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was developed for Zr, which is used as fuel cladding material in light water reactors. The reference data were obtained through first-principles calculations of various quantities, such as strained hexagonal-closed-packed (hcp) cells, strained face-centered cubic cells, cells containing a vacancy, several vacancies, and surfaces and $$gamma$$-surface energy on all five slip planes in the hcp structures. These data were converted to training data for the ANN, which were invariant to the rotation and translation of the atoms and independent of the number of atoms in the cells. The ANN was defined as a three-layer structure and the number of the nodes was set to 26-12-18-1. The NNP reproduced the first-principles calculations, particularly for the shear deformation, vacancy formation energy, surface energy, and $$gamma$$-surface energy, with much higher accuracy than any of the existing potentials that have been developed for classical molecular dynamics simulations. The NNP was applied to identify the formation process of c-type dislocation loops in Zr, which is a key microstructure responsible for abrupt increases in hydrogen absorption. The formation process was determined by the balance of the vacancy formation energy, surface energy and the $$gamma$$-surface energy on the basal plane, both of which were precisely reproduced only by the NNP developed in this study. The formation process was identified based on the atomistic behavior of the NNP.


Characterization of deformation by cold rolling in ferritic steel containing Cu particles using neutron transmission analysis

大場 洋次郎; 諸岡 聡; 大石 一城*; 鈴木 淳市*; 土山 聡宏*

ISIJ International, 62(1), p.173 - 178, 2022/01

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:40.92(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

Neutron transmission spectra of Cu steel were measured to characterize the change of microstructures by cold rolling. Bragg edges in neutron attenuation coefficients indicate the rotation of {110} planes of ferrite grains and is useful to characterize the evolution of preferred orientations with the cold rolling. In addition, SANS contribution in the neutron attenuation coefficients provides the nanostructural information about the deformation of the Cu precipitates. These results demonstrate that the neutron transmission analysis is beneficial for microstructural characterization in steels.


J-PARC LinacおよびRCSにおけるMPSモジュールの更新,2

高橋 博樹; 鈴木 隆洋*; 石山 達也*; 伊藤 雄一*

Proceedings of 18th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.914 - 917, 2021/10



Molecular dynamic simulations evaluating the effect of the stacking fault energy on defect formations in face-centered cubic metals subjected to high-energy particle irradiation

寺山 怜志*; 岩瀬 祐樹*; 早川 頌*; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋; 鈴木 克幸*

Computational Materials Science, 195, p.110479_1 - 110479_12, 2021/07

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:55.15(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Austenitic stainless steels, which are used as incore structural materials in light water reactors, are characterized by an extremely low stacking fault energy (SFE) among face-centered cubic (FCC) metals. To evaluate the effects of SFE on defect formation under high-energy particle irradiation, molecular dynamics simulations were performed using the interatomic potential sets for FCC metals with different SFEs and a primary knock-on atom energy (E$$_{rm PKA}$$) of 100 keV at 600 K. The results show that the number of residual defects is independent of the SFE. However, the characteristics of self-interstitial atom (SIA) clusters do depend on the SFE. For clusters smaller than a certain size, the ratio of glissile SIA clusters decreases as the SFE increases, which is similar to the trend observed at the low E$$_{rm PKA}$$. However, for larger clusters, which can be detected only at a high E$$_{rm PKA}$$, the ratio of glissile clusters increases. These results correspond to static energy calculations, in which the difference in the formation energy between a Frank loop and perfect loop ($$Delta$$E$$_{rm F-P}$$) for the small clusters decreases as the SFE increases. In contrast, for the larger clusters, the SFE dependence of $$Delta$$E$$_{rm F-P}$$ changes due to the shape restrictions of stable perfect loops. At a high temperature of 600 K, large vacancy clusters with stacking faults can be detected at E$$_{rm PKA}$$ = 100 keV, resulting in the enhanced formation of these clusters at lower SFEs. Furthermore, several of these clusters were similar to perfect loops, with the edges split into two partial dislocations with stacking faults, although the largest clusters detected at low E$$_{rm PKA}$$s were similar to stacking fault tetrahedrons.


High-temperature antiferromagnetism in Yb based heavy fermion systems proximate to a Kondo insulator

鈴木 慎太郎*; 田久保 耕*; 久我 健太郎*; 髭本 亘; 伊藤 孝; 冨田 崇弘*; 志村 恭通*; 松本 洋介*; Bareille, C.*; 和達 大樹*; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 3(2), p.023140_1 - 023140_12, 2021/05


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