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Journal Articles

Development of failure mitigation technologies for improving resilience of nuclear structures, 6; Resilience improvements of fast reactors by failure mitigation for excessive earthquake

Yamano, Hidemasa; Futagami, Satoshi; Ando, Masanori; Kurisaka, Kenichi

Transactions of the 27th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 27) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2024/03

In this study, the dynamic structural analysis of the reactor vessel for excessive earthquake using the FINAS/STAR code has shown the elephant foot buckling deformation and calculated the cumulative fatigue failure fraction. Using the calculation results, this paper describes the fragility curve using the safety factor method, indicating the significantly improved curve compared the previous one.

Journal Articles

Towards a novel laser-driven method of exotic nuclei extraction-acceleration for fundamental physics and technology

Nishiuchi, Mamiko*; Sakaki, Hironao*; Esirkepov, T. Zh.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Orlandi, R.; Pirozhkov, A. S.*; Sagisaka, Akito*; et al.

Plasma Physics Reports, 42(4), p.327 - 337, 2016/04

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:58.65(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

A combination of a petawatt laser and nuclear physics techniques can crucially facilitate the measurement of exotic nuclei properties. With numerical simulations and laser-driven experiments we show prospects for the Laser-driven Exotic Nuclei extraction-acceleration method proposed in [M. Nishiuchi et al., Phys. Plasmas 22, 033107 (2015)]: a femtosecond petawatt laser, irradiating a target bombarded by an external ion beam, extracts from the target and accelerates to few GeV highly charged short-lived heavy exotic nuclei created in the target via nuclear reactions.

Journal Articles

Laser-driven multi-charged heavy ion beam acceleration

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Sakaki, Hironao; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T. A.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Sagisaka, Akito; Ogura, Koichi; Kanasaki, Masato; et al.

Research Using Extreme Light; Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class Lasers II (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.9515), p.95151D_1 - 95151D_4, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Experimental demonstration of multi-charged heavy ion acceleration from the interaction between the ultra-intense short pulse laser system and the metal target is presented. The laser pulse of $$<$$10 J laser energy, 36 fs pulse width, and the contrast level of $$sim$$ 10$$^{10}$$ from 200 TW class Ti:sapphire J-KAREN laser system at JAEA is used in the experiment. Almost fully stripped Fe ions accelerated up to 0.9 GeV are demonstrated. This is achieved by the high intensity laser field of $$sim$$10$$^{21}$$Wcm$$^{-2}$$ interacting with the solid density target. The demonstrated iron ions with high charge to mass ratio (Q/M) is difficult to be achieved by the conventional heavy ion source technique in the accelerators.

Journal Articles

Creep-fatigue tests of double-end notched bar made of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel

Shimomura, Kenta; Kato, Shoichi; Wakai, Takashi; Ando, Masanori; Hirose, Yuichi*; Sato, Kenichiro*

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2015/05

This paper describes experimental and analytical works to confirm that the design standard for SFR components sufficiently covers possible failure mechanisms. Creep-fatigue damage evaluation method in JSME design standard for SFR components has been constructed based on experiments and/or numerical analyses of conventional austenitic stainless steels, such as 304SS. Since the material characteristics of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel are substantially different from those of austenitic stainless steels, it is required to verify the applicability of the design standards to the SFR components made of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel. A series of uni-axial creep-fatigue tests were conducted using double-ended notch bar specimens made of Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel under displacement controlled condition with 30 minute holding. The curvature radii of the specimens were 1.6mm, 11.2mm and 40.0mm. The specimen having 1.6mm notch and 11.2mm notch failed from outer surface but the specimen having 40.0mm notch showed obvious internal crack nucleation. In addition, though total duration time of the creep-fatigue test was only 2,000 hours, a lot of creep voids and inter granular crack growth were observed. To clarify the cause of such peculiar failure, some additional experiments were performed, as well as some numerical analyses. We could point out that such a peculiar failure aspect might result from corresponding stress distribution in the cross section. As a result of a series of investigations, possible causes of such peculiar failure could be narrowed down. A future investigation plan was proposed to clarify the most significant cause.

Journal Articles

Acceleration of highly charged GeV Fe ions from a low-Z substrate by intense femtosecond laser

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Sakaki, Hironao; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Pikuz, T.*; Faenov, A.*; Skobelev, I. Yu.*; Orlandi, R.; Sako, Hiroyuki; Pirozhkov, A. S.; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 22(3), p.033107_1 - 033107_8, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:72 Percentile:96.81(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

Almost fully stripped Fe ions accelerated up to 0.9 GeV are demonstrated with a 200 TW femtosecond high-intensity laser irradiating a micron-thick Al foil with Fe impurity on the surface. An energetic low-emittance high-density beam of heavy ions with a large charge-to-mass ratio can be obtained, which is useful for many applications, such as a compact radio isotope source in combination with conventional technology.

Journal Articles

Spin mixing conductance at a well-controlled platinum/yttrium iron garnet interface

Qiu, Z.*; Ando, Kazuya*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Takahashi, Ryo*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; An, Toshu*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 103(9), p.092404_1 - 092404_4, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:116 Percentile:95.81(Physics, Applied)

A platinum (Pt)/yttrium iron garnet (YIG) bilayer system with a well-controlled interface has been developed; spin mixing conductance at the Pt/YIG interface has been studied. A clear interface with good crystal perfection is experimentally demonstrated to be one of the important factors for an ultimate spin mixing conductance. The spin mixing conductance is obtained to be 1.3$$times$$10$$^{18}$$m$$^{-2}$$ at the well-controlled Pt/YIG interface, which is close to a theoretical prediction.

Journal Articles

Development of 2012 edition of JSME code for design and construction of fast reactors, 6; Design margin assessment for the new materials to the rules

Ando, Masanori; Watanabe, Sota*; Kikuchi, Koichi*; Otani, Tomomi*; Sato, Kenichiro*; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki; Asayama, Tai

Proceedings of 2013 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2013) (DVD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2013/07

New 2012 edition of JSME code for design and construction of fast reactors (FRs code) was published by Japan society of mechanical engineers (JSME). Main topic of the current JSME FRs code 2012 edition is registration of the two new materials, 316FR and Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel. The design margins for the new materials to the rules for the components and piping serviced at elevated temperature described in the JSME FRs code were assessed. To confirm the design margins, a series of the assessment program for the new materials to the conventional design rules was performed using the evaluation of the experimental data and finite element analysis. Through these assessments, the enough design margins for new materials to the rules were confirmed.

Journal Articles

Proposal of assessment of structural integrity on severe accidents for JSFR

Hirose, Yuichi*; Ando, Masanori; Onizawa, Takashi; Wakai, Takashi; Sato, Kenichiro*

Proceedings of 2013 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2013) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2013/04

The purpose of this study is to develop assessment of structural integrity for JSFR's primary system made from 316FR steel and Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel in severe accidents that sodium temperature exceeds the design basis temperature as 650 $$^{circ}$$C. It is important of sodium boundary to prevent damages in high-temperature environment. From this standpoint, the way of stress calculation, evaluation formula including limiting value, safety factor and cumulative damages are considered. This paper provides example to apply these assessment for JSFR under development in Japan.

Journal Articles

Heat-induced damping modification in yttrium iron garnet/platinum hetero-structures

Jungfleisch, M. B.*; An, Toshu*; Ando, Kazuya*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Vasyuchka, V. I.*; Chumak, A. V.*; Serga, A. A.*; Saito, Eiji; Hillebrands, B.*

Applied Physics Letters, 102(6), p.062417_1 - 062417_4, 2013/02

 Times Cited Count:48 Percentile:85.56(Physics, Applied)

JAEA Reports

Study for establishment of the methodology for hydrogeological modeling using hydraulic discrete fracture networks (Study on hydrogeology in crystalline fractured rock)

Ando, Kenichi*; Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Hashimoto, Shuji*; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Onoe, Hironori

JAEA-Research 2012-022, 60 Pages, 2012/08


In this study, water conducting features in Toki granite were defined by the interpretation and integration of geological and hydrogeological data obtained from the borehole investigation in the Phase I of the MIU Project and Regional Hydrogeological Study. Then, the hydrogeological model of Block scale was constructed using hydraulic discrete fracture networks, and equivalent hydraulic conductivities in Block scale were calculated. And, adequacy of equivalent hydraulic conductivities in Block scale was confirmed using result of hydraulic packer tests.

Journal Articles

Interface induced inverse spin Hall effect in bismuth/permalloy bilayer

Hou, D.*; Qiu, Z.*; Harii, Kazuya; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; An, Toshu*; Ando, Kazuya*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 101(4), p.042403_1 - 042403_4, 2012/07

 Times Cited Count:76 Percentile:92.07(Physics, Applied)

Inverse spin Hall effect has been investigated in bismuth(Bi)/permalloy(Py) bilayer films by using the spin pumping at room temperature. From the ferromagnetic-resonance-spectrum linewidth data, Bi is proved to be a good spin sink in our structure. We measured inverse spin Hall voltage and conductance of the Bi/Py bilayer and found that the inverse spin Hall current, $$I_c$$, decreases with increasing the Bi thickness, which is in contrast to the former understanding in similar bilayer systems, e.g., Pt/Py. We constructed a model to explain the thickness dependence of $$I_c$$ quantitatively, in which spin transport modulation near Bi/Py interface is considered.

Journal Articles

Geometry dependence on inverse spin Hall effect induced by spin pumping in Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt films

Nakayama, Hiroyasu*; Ando, Kazuya*; Harii, Kazuya; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; Takahashi, Ryo*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Saito, Eiji

Physical Review B, 85(14), p.144408_1 - 144408_7, 2012/04

 Times Cited Count:192 Percentile:97.99(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Geometric effects on the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) induced by the spin pumping driven by the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) have been investigated quantitatively. We measured the FMR spectra and the electromotive force induced by the ISHE with changing the size and the thickness in Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$/Pt films. The intensity of generated charge currents due to the ISHE changes systematically with changing the film geometry. The experimental results show a clear difference between Ni$$_{81}$$Fe$$_{19}$$ and Pt thickness dependence of the ISHE induced by the spin pumping.

Journal Articles

All-oxide system for spin pumping

Qiu, Z.*; Kajiwara, Yosuke*; Ando, Kazuya*; Fujikawa, Yasunori*; Uchida, Kenichi*; Tashiro, Takaharu*; Harii, Kazuya*; Yoshino, Tatsuro*; Saito, Eiji

Applied Physics Letters, 100(2), p.022402_1 - 022402_3, 2012/01

 Times Cited Count:31 Percentile:75.35(Physics, Applied)

In a simple all-oxide system, spin pumping driven by spin wave resonances have been investigated by using the inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE). In a lanthanum doped yttrium iron garnet (La:YIG)/indium tin oxide (ITO) bilayer film, the spin pumping generates and injects a spin current into the ITO layer, and an electromotive force signal is observed via the ISHE. The electromotive forces were measured depend on the out-of-plane magnetic-field-angle and the microwave excitation power, which were consistent with the theoretical prediction of the ISHE. The realization of the all-oxide spin pumping system extends possibilities for the oxide spintronics.

JAEA Reports

Hydrochemical investigation at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Compilation of groundwater chemistry in the Mizunami group and Toki granite area (April, 2004 - March, 2008)

Sai, Masataka; Hagiwara, Hiroki; Matsushima, Hiroyuki*; Noda, Masatoshi*; Noda, Masaru*; Ando, Kenichi*; Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Ueda, Tadashi*; Honda, Yuko*; Mizuno, Takashi

JAEA-Data/Code 2010-010, 75 Pages, 2010/09


This report compiles data set of the groundwater chemistry obtained at Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) between the fiscal year 2004 and the fiscal year 2007. These data includes groundwater chemistry of inflow in the shafts and sampled groundwater in the boreholes, which drilled from sub-stages of MIU and from surface (MSB-2, MSB-4, and MIZ-1). Basic information (e.g. sampling location, sampling date, sampling method, analytical method) are also described in terms of quality control and traceability.

Journal Articles

Beam injection tuning of the J-PARC main ring

Wei, G.; Koseki, Tadashi*; Igarashi, Susumu*; Tomizawa, Masahito*; Takano, Jumpei*; Ishii, Koji*; Shirakata, Masashi*; Fan, K.*; Hatakeyama, Shuichiro; Uota, Masahiko*; et al.

Proceedings of 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '10) (Internet), p.3915 - 3917, 2010/05

JAEA Reports

Studies on grouting performance in Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (Contract research)

Kawamura, Hideki*; Ando, Kenichi*; Noda, Masaru*; Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Matsuda, Takeshi*; Fujii, Haruhiko*; Hashimoto, Shuji*; Ueda, Tadashi*; Matsui, Hiroya; Takeuchi, Shinji; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2009-081, 182 Pages, 2010/03


Grouting has practical importance for the reduction of groundwater inflow into excavations during construction of underground facilities. Considering the performance assessment of a radioactive waste repository, the performance of the engineered barrier system could be adversely affected by a high pH plume generated from grout. Therefore, a quantitative estimation of the effectiveness of grouting and grout material is essential. This study has been performed in the Mizunami URL being excavated in crystalline rock as a part of the Project for Grouting Technology Development for the Radioactive Waste Repository funded by METI, Japan. The aims were to evaluate the applicability of existing grouting technology and to develop methodology to determine the distribution of grout and change in hydraulic properties of the grouted rock volume. The target rock is the volume of rock around a planned refuge niche where the pre-excavation grouting was performed at 200-m depth from ground surface. After excavation of the refuge niche, ten boreholes were drilled and different kinds of investigations were carried out during and after drilling. The results were integrated and groundwater flow analysis of pre and post excavation grouting conditions were carried out to estimate quantitatively the effect of pre-excavation grouting. The results suggest that current pre-excavation grouting technology is effective for reduction of groundwater inflow into excavations and that hydraulic conductivity of the surrounding rock can be reduced by more than one order of magnitude.

Journal Articles

Study on grouting performance for underground construction in crystalline rock, 3; Numerical simulation of water-tightness improvement

Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Matsui, Hiroya; Hashimoto, Shuji*; Ando, Kenichi*; Takeuchi, Shinji; Saegusa, Hiromitsu

Dai-38-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.143 - 148, 2009/01

This study aims to establish techniques for grouting, and evaluation of the effects of grouting on the geological environment, to be applied in the field of high level radioactive waste disposal in the deep underground. A block-scale hydrogeological model has been generated using discrete fracture networks based on data obtained from the short-borehole investigation campaign performed at the research tunnel around which grouting has been carried out. The grouting performance in terms of reducing the water inflow rate was evaluated by groundwater flow simulation. Lessons learned applicable to future studies of in-situ testing have been addressed.

Journal Articles

Study on grouting performance in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Modification and application of hydraulic test for grouting

Ando, Kenichi*; Takeuchi, Shinji; Matsui, Hiroya; Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Hashimoto, Shuji*; Fujii, Haruhiko*

Dai-38-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.137 - 142, 2009/01

Evaluation of the effect of grouting on the geological environment is important for quality control of the design and management of the construction of underground facilities for high level radioactive waste disposal. Lugeon test has been commonly used to check the hydraulic characteristics around borehole whether or not to inject grout in Japan. The aim of this study is to develop a hydraulic test which can be applied to obtain hydraulic conductivities of low permeable rockmass (e.g. 10$$^{-7}$$ to 10$$^{-9}$$m/s) during grouting. The proposed hydraulic test with the test sequence of water injection and pressure recovery has been carried out in Mizunami URL excavated in crystalline rock. The developed type curve matching methodologies have been applied to evaluate hydraulic conductivity in-situ in a simple manner. Lessons learned for future application for grouting have been addressed.

Journal Articles

Hydraulic tomography in fractured granite; The Mizunami Underground Research Site, Japan

Illman, W. A.*; Liu, X.*; Takeuchi, Shinji; Yeh, T.-C. J.*; Ando, Kenichi*; Saegusa, Hiromitsu

Water Resources Research, 45(1), p.W01406_1 - W01406_18, 2009/00

 Times Cited Count:183 Percentile:82.40(Environmental Sciences)

Two large-scale cross-hole pumping tests were conducted at separate locations in deep boreholes at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) construction site in central Japan. We analyze the two cross-hole tests using the transient hydraulic tomography (THT) code to compute the hydraulic conductivity ($$K$$) and specific storage ($$S$$$$_{s}$$) tomograms, as well as their uncertainties in three-dimensions. The equivalent $$K$$ and $$S$$$$_{s}$$ obtained using asymptotic analysis served as the initial parameter estimates for the 3D stochastic inverse modeling effort. Results show several, distinct high $$K$$ and low $$S$$$$_{s}$$ zones that are continuous over hundreds of meters, which appear to delineate fault zones and their connectivity. The THT analysis of the tests also identified a low $$K$$ zone which corresponds with a known fault zone trending NNW and has been found to compartmentalize groundwater flow at the site. These results corroborate well with several hydrogeological phenomena around the site.

Journal Articles

Introduction to plasma fusion energy

Takamura, Shuichi*; Kado, Shinichiro*; Fujii, Takashi*; Fujiyama, Hiroshi*; Takabe, Hideaki*; Adachi, Kazuo*; Morimiya, Osamu*; Fujimori, Naoji*; Watanabe, Takayuki*; Hayashi, Yasuaki*; et al.

Kara Zukai, Purazuma Enerugi No Subete, P. 164, 2007/03

no abstracts in English

58 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)