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Evaluation of a wet chemistry method for isolation of cyclotron produced [$$^{211}$$At] astatine

Balkin, E. R.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Gagnon, K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Pal, S.*; 渡辺 茂樹; Wilbur, D. S.*

Applied Sciences (Internet), 3(3), p.636 - 655, 2013/09

 被引用回数:33 パーセンタイル:85.69(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

A "wet chemistry" approach for isolation of $$^{211}$$At from an irradiated bismuth target is described. The approach involves five steps: (1) dissolution of bismuth target in conc. HNO$$_{3}$$; (2) removal of the HNO$$_{3}$$ by distillation; (3) dissolution of residue in 8 M HCl; (4) extraction of $$^{211}$$At from 8 M HCl into DIPE; and (5) extraction of $$^{211}$$At from DIPE into NaOH. Results from 55 "optimized" At isolation runs gave recovery yields of approximately 78% after decay and attenuation corrections. An attenuation-corrected average of 26$$pm$$3 mCi in the target provided isolated (actual) yields of 16$$pm$$3 mCi of $$^{211}$$At. A sixth step, used for purification of $$^{211}$$At from trace metals, was evaluated in seven runs. In those runs, isolated $$^{211}$$At was distilled under reductive conditions to provide an average 71$$pm$$8% recovery. RadioHPLC analyses of the isolated $$^{211}$$At solutions, both initial and after distillation, were obtained to examine the $$^{211}$$At species present. The primary species of $$^{211}$$At present was astatide, but astatate and unidentified species were also observed. Studies to determine the effect of bismuth attenuation on $$^{211}$$At were conducted to estimate and attenuation factor ($$sim$$1.33) for adjustment of $$^{211}$$At readings in the bismuth target.



渡辺 茂樹; Balkin, E. R.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Gagnon, K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Wilbur, D. S.*

no journal, , 



Evaluation of column separation methods for simplification of the wet chemistry approach to isolation of $$^{211}$$At

渡辺 茂樹; Gagnon, K.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Balkin, E. R.*; Wilbur, D. S.*

no journal, , 

Difficulties with reproducibility of isolation yield when distilling $$^{211}$$At from irradiated bismuth targets led us to use a "wet chemistry" approach for that process. The wet chemistry approach has provided $$^{211}$$At isolation yields of 78% after decay and Bi attenuation corrections. However, the use of diisopropyl ether (DIPE) in the separation process has made it difficult to reach our goal of automating the $$^{211}$$At reaction. Therefore, we have investigated the use of column materials to simplify the isolation of $$^{211}$$At and remove DIPE from the process. In this investigation, we evaluated the use of a strong anion exchange resin (AG1x8), a strong cation exchange resin (AG MP-50) and a polypropylene glycol (PEG)-coated resin for separation of $$^{211}$$At from the bismuth target material.


Simplifying wet chemistry isolation of At-211 using PEG column separation

Wilbur, D. S.*; Hamlin, D. K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Gagnon, K.*; Balkin, E. R.*; 渡辺 茂樹

no journal, , 

Our desire to obtain higher and more consistent recovery of At-211 from large irradiated bismuth tagrets led to the refinement of a wet chemistry approach for isolation of At-211. The wet chemistry approach has provided very consistent isolation yields ($$>$$75%) with no failures in over 200 irradiations. However, our desire to automate the process has been stymied by the miscibility and differential compressibility of the diisopropyl ether (DIPE) used in an extraction step in the process. As an alternative alkylether extractant to replace DIPE, we have investigated columns that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) bound to a solid supoort.



渡辺 茂樹; 渡辺 智; Hamlin, D. K.*; Chyan, M.-K.*; Gagnon, K.*; 鈴木 博元*; Balkin, E. R.*; 大島 康宏; Wilbur, D. S.*; 石岡 典子

no journal, , 

アスタチン-211(At-211)は、RI内用療法への利用が期待される半減期7.2時間の$$alpha$$線放出RIである。本研究では、$$^{209}$$Bi($$alpha$$,2n)反応により生成したAt-211の分離について、乾式法および湿式法により検討した。乾式法では、加熱により気化させたAt-211をコールドトラップ後、種々の溶媒を通液することで回収した。溶媒として0.1M NaOH/エタノール=1/19(v/v)溶液を用いた結果、平均収率58%(n=24)で回収可能であった。一方、湿式法では、酸溶液中のAt-211がエーテルに効率よく抽出される点に着目し、ポリエチレングリコール樹脂を用いた分離を検討した。その結果、8M HClに溶解したAt-211は、99%でPEG樹脂に吸着され、15M NH$$_{4}$$OHで溶出した結果、収率79%でAt-211を回収できることを明らかにした。本発表では化学分離の結果に加えて、各分離法で得られるAt-211の化学形分析の結果も合わせて報告する予定である。

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