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Journal Articles

Conceptual uncertainties in modelling the interaction between engineered and natural barriers of nuclear waste repositories in crystalline rocks

Finsterle, S.*; Lanyon, B.*; ${AA}$kesson, M.*; Baxter, S.*; Bergstr$"o$m, M.*; Bockg${aa}$rd, N.*; Dershowitz, W.*; Dessirier, B.*; Frampton, A.*; Fransson, ${AA}$.*; et al.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, No.482, p.261 - 283, 2019/00

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:65.28(Geology)

Nuclear waste disposal in geological formations relies on a multi-barrier concept that includes engineered components which in many cases includes a bentonite buffer surrounding waste packages and the host rock. An SKB's (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.) Modelling Task Force project facilitated to improve the overall understanding of rock - bentonite interactions, as 11 teams used different conceptualisations and modelling tools to analyse the in-situ experiment at the $"A$ps$"o$ Hard Rock Laboratory. The exercise helped identify conceptual uncertainties that led to different assessments of the relative importance of the engineered and natural barrier subsystems and of aspects that need to be better understood to arrive at reliable predictions of bentonite wetting.

Journal Articles

Task 7 groundwater flow and transport modelling of fracture system at regional, block, and single-fracture scale flow and transport, Olkiluoto

Sawada, Atsushi; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Takeuchi, Shinji*; Sakamoto, Kazuhiko*; Dershowitz, W. S.*

SKB P-13-46, 82 Pages, 2015/12

Journal Articles

An Empirical probabilistic approach for constraining the uncertainty of long-term solute transport predictions in fractured rock using in situ tracer experiments

Uchida, Masahiro; Dershowitz, W.*; Lee, G.*; Shuttle, D.*

Hydrogeology Journal, 17(5), p.1093 - 1110, 2009/07

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:31.79(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

This paper addresses a residual uncertainty after the in-situ tracer experiment and try to demonstrate the usefulness of tracer experiments for safety assessment. There have been long debate on the usefulness of in-situ tracer experiment, because the difference in temporal scale, where in-situ tracer experiments are generally conducted for the period of a few days to several months with high velocity to recover the tracers, whereas safety assessment requires more than ten thousand years with much slower velocity. This paper addresses the issue by comparing breakthrough curves for safety assessment conditions (long-term, slow velocity) with and without calibration to in-situ tracer experiment called STT-1b test at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. Authors newly developed a conceptual model of internal structure of fracture, which explicitly addresses fault gouge, coating minerals, altered zone and intact rock, since especially fault gouge has high porosity and likely to affect the tracer migration behavior. The result was that calibrated model showed much tighter distribution of breakthrough curve statistics indicating the constraining power of in-situ tracer experiment.

JAEA Reports

Fracture Network Modeling and GoldSim Simulation Support

Sugita, Kenichiro*; Dershowitz, W.*

JNC TJ8440 2005-011, 376 Pages, 2005/01


During Heisei-16, Golder Associates provided support for JNC Tokai through discrete fracture network data analysis and simulation of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU), participation in Task 6 of the $"A$sp$"o$ Task Force on Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport, and development of methodologies for analysis of repository site characterization strategies and safety assessment. MIU support during H-16 involved updating the H-15 FracMan discrete fracture network (DFN) models for the MIU shaft region, and developing improved simulation procedures. Updates to the conceptual model included incorporation of "Step2" (2004) versions of the deterministic structures, and revision of background fractures to be consistent with conductive structure data from the DH-2 borehole. Golder developed improved simulation procedures for these models through the use of hybrid discrete fracture network (DFN), equivalent porous medium (EPM), and nested DFN/EPM approaches. For each of these models, procedures were documented for the entire modeling process including model implementation, MMP simulation, and shaft grouting simulation. Golder supported JNC participation in Task 6AB, 6D and 6E of the $"A$sp$"o$ Task Force on Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport during H-16. For Task 6AB, Golder developed a new technique to evaluate the role of grout in performance assessment time-scale transport. For Task 6D, Golder submitted a report of H-15 simulations to SKB. For Task 6E, Golder carried out safety assessment time-scale simulations at the block scale, using the Laplace Transform Galerkin method. During H-16, Golder supported JNC's Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) strategy by developing technologies for the analysis of the use site characterization data in safety assessment. This approach will aid in the understanding of the use of site characterization to progressively reduce site characterization uncertainty.

JAEA Reports


Sugita, Kenichiro*; Dershowitz, W. S.*

JNC TJ7400 2005-060, 73 Pages, 2004/03



JAEA Reports

Fracture Network Modeling and GoldSim Simulation Support

Sugita, Kenichiro*; Dershowitz, W.*

JNC TJ8440 2004-010, 287 Pages, 2004/01


During Heisei-15, Golder Associates provided support for JNC Tokai through discrete fracture network data analysis and simulation of the MIU Underground Rock Laboratory, participation in Task 6 of the Aspo Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport, and development of methodologies for analysis of repository site characterization strategies and safety assessment.

JAEA Reports


Yoshizoe, Makoto*; Dershowitz, W.*

JNC TJ7430 2005-005, 249 Pages, 2003/03



JAEA Reports

Fracture Network Modeling and GoldSim Simulation Support

Sugita, Kenichiro*; Dershowitz, W.*

JNC TJ8440 2003-005, 512 Pages, 2003/01


During Heisei-14, Golder Associates provided support for JNC Tokai through data analysis and simulation of the MIU Underground Rock Laboratory, participation in Task 6 of the Aspo Task Force on Modelling of Groundwater Flow and Transport, and analysis of repository safety assessment technologies including cell networks for evaluation of the disturbed rock zone (DRZ) and total systems performance assessment (TSPA).

JAEA Reports

Fracture Network Modeling and GoldSim Simulation Support

Yoshizoe, Makoto*; Dershowitz, W.*

JNC TJ8440 2002-005, 221 Pages, 2002/02


The Japanese nuclear waste management program made significant advances during Heisei-13. Golder Associates provided support for these efforts through research support to the MIU Underground Rock Laboratory and the Aspo Task Force on Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport. Golder Associates also assisted JNC in development of approaches for analysis and modeling of the rock of the nearfield disturbed rock zone on repository safety using the GoldSim repository safety assessment system. Major achievements during Heisei-13 included: ・ initial integrated discrete fracture network/continuum model for the MIU site ・ integration of site characterization and performance assessment approaches (Aspo Task 6) ・ GoldSim cell network model for the very near field repository rock Technical information about Golder Associates HY-13 support to JNC/Tokai is provided in the appendices to this report.

JAEA Reports

Discrete Fracture Network Code Development; Heisei-10 progress report

Dershowitz, W.*; Doe, T.*; Shuttle, D.*; Eiben, T.*; Fox, A.*; Emsley, S.*; Ahlstrom, E.*

JNC TJ1400 99-012, 582 Pages, 1999/02



JAEA Reports

Discrete fracture network code development; Heisei-6 progress report

Dershowitz, W.*; Doe, T.*; Lee, G.*; Geier, J.*; Wallmann, P. C.*; Thomas, A.*; Foxford, T.*

JNC TJ1400 2005-008, 296 Pages, 1995/03


Discrete Fracture Network Code Development Heisei-5 Progress Report

JAEA Reports

Discrete fracture network code development; Heisei-5 progress report

Doe, T. W.*; Dershowitz, W. S.*; Lee, G. C.*; LaPointe, P. R.*; Wallmann, P. C.*

JNC TJ1400 2005-007, 389 Pages, 1994/03


Discrete Fracture Network Code Development Heisei-4 Progress Report

JAEA Reports

Discrete fracture network code development; Heisei-4 progress report

Doe, T.*; Dershowitz, W.*; Wallmann, P. C.*; Lee, G.*; LaPointe, P.*; Hitchcock, S.*; Chakrabaryty, C.*

JNC TJ1400 2005-006, 351 Pages, 1993/03


Discrete Fracture Network Code Development Heisei-6 Progress Report

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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