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In-source laser spectroscopy of dysprosium isotopes at the ISOLDE-RILIS

Chrysalidis, K.*; Barzakh, A. E.*; Ahmed, R.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ballof, J.*; Cubiss, J. G.*; Fedorov, D. V.*; Fedosseev, V. N.*; Fraile, L. M.*; Harding, R. D.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 463, p.472 - 475, 2020/01

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:35.09(Instruments & Instrumentation)

放射壊変によって生成された多数のジスプロシウム同位体について、ISOLDEのレーザー共鳴イオン源(RILIS)を用いてイオン源内レーザー分光法によって研究した。$$^{152}$$Dyに対する相対的な同位体シフトを$$4f^{10}6s^{2}~^{5}I_{8}$$ (gs) $$rightarrow$$ $$4f^{10}6s6p~(8,1)^{o}_{8}$$共鳴遷移を用いて測定した。電子的因子Fとマスシフト因子Mを導出し、それらを使って$$^{rm 145m}$$Dyと$$^{rm 147m}$$Dyの平均自乗荷電半径の変化を初めて決定した。


$$alpha$$-decay branching ratio of $$^{180}$$Pt

Cubiss, J. G.*; Harding, R. D.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Althubiti, N.*; Andel, B.*; Antalic, S.*; Barzakh, A. E.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; Day Goodacre, T.*; Farooq-Smith, G. J.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 101(1), p.014314_1 - 014314_4, 2020/01

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:51.18(Physics, Nuclear)



Fine structure in the $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{223}$$U

Sun, M. D.*; Liu, Z.*; Huang, T. H.*; Zhang, W. Q.*; Andreyev, A. N.; Ding, B.*; Wang, J. G.*; Liu, X. Y.*; Lu, H. Y.*; Hou, D. S.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 800, p.135096_1 - 135096_5, 2020/01

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:78.07(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Fine structure in the $$alpha$$ decay of $$^{223}$$U was observed in the fusion-evaporation reaction $$^{187}$$Re($$^{40}$$Ar,p3n) by using fast digital pulse processing technique. Two $$alpha$$-decay branches of $$^{223}$$U feeding the ground state and 244 keV excited state of $$^{219}$$Th were identified by establishing the decay chain $$^{223}$$U$$rightarrow$$$$^{219}$$Th$$rightarrow$$$$^{215}$$Ra$$rightarrow$$$$^{211}$$Rn. The $$alpha$$-particle energy for the ground-state to ground-state transition of $$^{223}$$U was determined to be 8993(17) keV, 213 keV higher than the previous value, the half-life was updated to be 62$$^{+14}_{-10} mu$$s. Evolution of nuclear structure for $$N$$=131 even-$$Z$$ isotones from Po to U was discussed in the frameworks of nuclear mass and reduced $$alpha$$-decay width, a weakening octupole deformation in the ground state of $$^{223}$$U relative to its lighter isotones $$^{219}$$Ra and $$^{211}$$Th was suggested.


Shell evolution beyond $$Z$$=28 and $$N$$=50; Spectroscopy of $$^{81,82,83,84}$$Zn

Shand, C. M.*; Podoly$'a$k, Zs.*; G$'o$rska, M.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Nowacki, F.*; Otsuka, T.*; Sieja, K.*; Tostevin, J. A.*; Tsunoda, T.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 773, p.492 - 497, 2017/10

 被引用回数:25 パーセンタイル:87.67(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Low-lying states in neutron-rich $$^{81,82.83.84}$$Zn nuclei were measured for the first time via in-beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy at RIKEN. These include the 4$$_1^+$$ to 2$$_1^+$$ in $$^{82}$$Zn and the 2$$_1^+$$ to 0$$_1^+$$ and 4$$_1^+$$ to 2$$_1^+$$ in $$^{84}$$Zn. The reduced E($$2^+$$) energies and increased E(4$$^+$$)/E(2$$^+$$) ratios at $$N$$=52,54 compared to $$^{80}$$Zn attest that the magicity is confined just on the neutron number $$N$$=50 only. The levels observed in $$^{84}$$Zn suggest the onset of deformation towards heavier Zn isotopes. The data were compared to state-of-the-art shell model calculations.


Shape evolution in neutron-rich krypton isotopes beyond N=60; First spectroscopy of $$^{98,100}$$Kr

Flavigny, F.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Delaroche, J.-P.*; Girod, M.*; Libert, J.*; Rodriguez, T. R.*; Authelet, G.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Calvet, D.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 118(24), p.242501_1 - 242501_6, 2017/06

 被引用回数:38 パーセンタイル:87.16(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The first $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy of very neutron rich $$^{98,100}$$Kr isotopes was carried out at the RIBF at RIKEN Nishina center. Excited states in these isotopes were populated via (p,2p) reactions using radioactive $$^{99,101}$$Rb beams accelerated to 220 MeV/nucleon. The new data show a significant increase in deformation beyond N=60, as well as competing configurations (shape-coexistence) at low energy. The data were compared with beyond-mean-field calculations which predict level energies in good agreement with observation, and suggest oblate-prolate shape coexistence.


Low-lying structure and shape evolution in neutron-rich Se isotopes

Chen, S.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Rodriguez, T. R.*; Authelet, G.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Calvet, D.*; Ch$^a$teau, F.*; Corsi, A.*; Delbart, A.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 95(4), p.041302_1 - 041302_6, 2017/04

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:88.25(Physics, Nuclear)

Neutron-rich isotopes of selenium, $$^{88,90,92,94}$$Se, where studied via in beam $$gamma$$-ray spectroscopy after nucleon removal reactions at RIBF in RIKEN. The low-energy excitations of these nuclei were investigated using $$gamma$$-$$gamma$$ coincidences, and the first and second excited 2$$^+$$ states were found at remarkably low energies. The analysis and comparison with self-consistent beyond-mean field calculations suggest that both shape coexistence and triaxiality are needed to describe these isotopes.


Are there signatures of harmonic oscillator shells far from stability?; First spectroscopy of $$^{110}$$Zr

Paul, N.*; Corsi, A.*; Obertelli, A.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Authelet, G.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Bally, B.*; Bender, M.*; Calvet, D.*; Ch$^a$teau, F.*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 118(3), p.032501_1 - 032501_7, 2017/01

 被引用回数:44 パーセンタイル:89.34(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The first measurement of $$gamma$$ rays emitted by the very neutron rich nuclei $$^{112}$$Mo (Z=42) and $$^{110}$$Zr (Z=40) was carried out at the RIBF facility at RIKEN. These data shine light on the postulated N=70 harmonic oscillator shell. If the spin-orbit splitting which gives rise to the N=82 shell gap is reduced in very neutron-rich nuclei, the harmonic oscillator gap at N=70 should open instead. However, both the measured energy of the first excited state $$^{112}$$Mo and $$^{110}$$Zr, respectively 235(7) keV and 185(11) keV, and their E(4$$^+$$)/E(2$$^+$$) ratio, indicate that these nuclei are good rotors, and exclude the shell stabilization scenario at Z=40 and N=70. These results were compared to state-of-the-art density functional theoretical calculations using Gogny and Skyrme effective interactions.


Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning

Frandsen, B. A.*; Liu, L.*; Cheung, S. C.*; Guguchia, Z.*; Khasanov, R.*; Morenzoni, E.*; Munsie, T. J. S.*; Hallas, A. M.*; Wilson, M. N.*; Cai, Y.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 7, p.12519_1 - 12519_8, 2016/08

 被引用回数:33 パーセンタイル:76.78(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

RENiO$$_3$$ (RE = rare-earth element) and V$$_2$$O$$_3$$ are archetypal Mott insulator systems. When tuned by chemical substitution (RENiO$$_3$$) or pressure (V$$_2$$O$$_3$$), they exhibit a quantum phase transition (QPT) between an antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state and a paramagnetic metallic state. Because novel physics often appears near a Mott QPT, the details of this transition, such as whether it is first or second order, are important. Here, we demonstrate through muon spin relaxation/rotation experiments that the QPT in RENiO$$_3$$ and V$$_2$$O$$_3$$ is first order: the magnetically ordered volume fraction decreases to zero at the QPT, resulting in a broad region of intrinsic phase separation, while the ordered magnetic moment retains its full value until it is suddenly destroyed at the QPT. These findings bring to light a surprising universality of the pressure-driven Mott transition, revealing the importance of phase separation and calling for further investigation into the nature of quantum fluctuations underlying the transition.


Overview of plasma-material interaction experiments on EAST employing MAPES

Ding, F.*; Luo, G.-N.*; Pitts, R.*; Litnovsky, A.*; Gong, X.*; Ding, R.*; Mao, H.*; Zhou, H.*; Wampler, W. R.*; Stangeby, P. C.*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 455(1-3), p.710 - 716, 2014/12

 被引用回数:25 パーセンタイル:87.95(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

A movable material probe system (Material and Plasma Evaluation System: MAPES) with an independent pumping system and a sample exchange chamber has been developed and installed on a horizontal port of the EAST tokamak for studies of plasma material interaction (PMI). In the 2012 experimental campaign, deposition and erosion were studied for three samples: mock-up of the outer first wall panels (FWPs) in ITER, castellated tungsten, and molybdenum mirrors. The FWPs with carbon deposition layer were exposed to helium plasmas. The maximum erosion rate of the carbon was valuated to be 8 nm/s. The castellated tungsten with rectangular cells and roof-like shaped cells was exposed to deuterium plasmas to compare amount of deposits on the gap surface. The amount of carbon and boron impurities on the gap surface of the roof-like shaped cells were reduced to less than 30% compared with that of the rectangular cells. The molybdenum mirrors of which protective ducts are installed in front were exposed to deuterium plasmas in order to investigate effects of length of the ducts. It was found that the reflectivity of the mirrors with 60 mm-long protective ducts is kept the initial reflectivity.


Progress on the heating and current drive systems for ITER

Jacquinot, J.*; Albajar, F.*; Beaumont, B.*; Becoulet, A.*; Bonicelli, T.*; Bora, D.*; Campbell, D.*; Chakraborty, A.*; Darbos, C.*; Decamps, H.*; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 84(2-6), p.125 - 130, 2009/06

 被引用回数:24 パーセンタイル:82.15(Nuclear Science & Technology)



The Influence of gap geometry on impurity deposition and fuel accumulation in the castellated tungsten plasma-facing components exposed in EAST

Ding, F.*; 芦川 直子*; 福本 正勝; 片山 一成*; Mao, H.*; Ding, R.*; Xu, Q.*; Wu, J.*; Xie, C. Y.*; Luo, G.-N.*

no journal, , 

Castellated tungsten samples with different gap width and gap depth are exposed to the scrape-off-layer plasma with the material and plasma evaluation system (MAPES) to investigate effects of castellation configurations on impurity deposition and fuel retention. After the plasma exposure, composition and distribution of the impurity deposited on the inner surface of the gap are investigated. The composition and the distribution of the deposits have a strong dependence of the gap configuration. The amount of the deposits on the inner surface of the inverse trapezoid gap is small compared with that of the rectangular gap with the same top width. For all the samples, the amount of the deposits decreases with the gap width and depth.


Application of CAD/MC interface code MCAM to generate MCNP model for nuclear analysis of ITER port limiter

Lu, L.*; 飯田 浩正; Li, Y.*; Ding, A.*; Zeng, Q.*; Huang, C.*; Wu, Y.*

no journal, , 


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