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Progress on the heating and current drive systems for ITER


Jacquinot, J.*; Albajar, F.*; Beaumont, B.*; Becoulet, A.*; Bonicelli, T.*; Bora, D.*; Campbell, D.*; Chakraborty, A.*; Darbos, C.*; Decamps, H.*; Denisov, G.*; Goulding, R.*; Graceffa, J.*; Gassmann, T.*; Hemsworth, R.*; Henderson, M.*; Hoang, G. T.*; 井上 多加志; 小林 則幸*; Lamalle, P. U.*; Makherjee, A.*; Nightingale, M.*; Rasmussen, D.*; Rao, S. L.*; Saibene, G.*; 坂本 慶司; Sartori, R.*; Schunke, B.*; Sonato, P.*; Swain, D.*; 高橋 幸司; 田中 政信*; Tanga, A.*; 渡邊 和弘

Jacquinot, J.*; Albajar, F.*; Beaumont, B.*; Becoulet, A.*; Bonicelli, T.*; Bora, D.*; Campbell, D.*; Chakraborty, A.*; Darbos, C.*; Decamps, H.*; Denisov, G.*; Goulding, R.*; Graceffa, J.*; Gassmann, T.*; Hemsworth, R.*; Henderson, M.*; Hoang, G. T.*; Inoue, Takashi; Kobayashi, Noriyuki*; Lamalle, P. U.*; Makherjee, A.*; Nightingale, M.*; Rasmussen, D.*; Rao, S. L.*; Saibene, G.*; Sakamoto, Keishi; Sartori, R.*; Schunke, B.*; Sonato, P.*; Swain, D.*; Takahashi, Koji; Tanaka, Masanobu*; Tanga, A.*; Watanabe, Kazuhiro


The electron cyclotron (EC), ion cyclotron (IC), neutral beam (NB) and, lower hybrid (LH) systems for ITER have been reviewed in 2007/2008 in light of progress of physics and technology. Although the overall specifications are unchanged, notable changes have been approved. Firstly, the full 73MW should be commissioned and available on a routine basis before the D/T phase. Secondly, the possibility to operate the NB at full power during the hydrogen phase requiring new shine through protection; IC with 2 antennas with increased robustness; 2 MW transmission systems to provide an easier upgrading of the EC power; the addition of a building dedicated to the RF power sources and to a testing facility for acceptance of diagnostics and heating port plugs. Thirdly, the need of a plan for developing, in time for the active phase, a CD system such as LH suitable for very long pulse operation of ITER was recognized.



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