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Journal Articles

2016 Professional Engineer (PE) test preparation course "Nuclear and Radiation Technical Disciplines"

Takahashi, Naoki; Yoshinaka, Kazuyuki; Harada, Akio; Yamanaka, Atsushi; Ueno, Takashi; Kurihara, Ryoichi; Suzuki, Soju; Takamatsu, Misao; Maeda, Shigetaka; Iseki, Atsushi; et al.

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Homu Peji (Internet), 64 Pages, 2016/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

A Possible overestimation of the effect of acetylation on lysin residues in KQ mutant analysis

Fujimoto, Hirofumi*; Higuchi, Mariko; Koike, Manabu*; Ode, Hirotaka*; Pinak, M.; Kotulic Bunta, J.*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Sakudo, Takashi*; Honda, Naoko*; Maekawa, Hideaki*; et al.

Journal of Computational Chemistry, 33(3), p.239 - 246, 2012/01

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:66.98(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Lysine acetylation is one of the most common protein post transcriptional modifications. The acetylation effects of lysine residues on Ku protein were examined herein applying several computer simulation techniques. Acetylation of the lysine residues did not reduce the affinity between Ku and its substrate, DNA, in spite of the fact that the substitution of lysine with glutamine (KQ mutant) reduced the affinity of Ku for DNA, or the substitution of lysine with arginine (KR mutant) did not reduce it, as previously reported in experimental studies. These results suggest that the effects of in vivo acetylation may be overestimated when the KQ mutant is employed in mimicry of the acetylated protein.

Journal Articles

Evolution of local magnetic state in SmRu$$_4$$P$$_{12}$$ probed by muon spin relaxation

Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Oishi, Kazuki; Fujimoto, Tatsuya*; Heffner, R. H.; Nishida, Nobuhiko*; Sato, Kazuhiko*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Aoki, Yuji*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76(5), p.053707_1 - 053707_4, 2007/05

 Times Cited Count:27 Percentile:74.41(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

A filled skutterudite compound SmRu$$_4$$P$$_{12}$$ shows metal-insulatortransition at $$T_{rm MI}$$=16.5K with magnetic anomaly. A possibility of magnetic octupole ordering has been discussed on the basis of multipole degrees of freedom belonging to thecrystalline-electric-field ground state. We investigated local magnetic states in the ordered state by using the muon spin relaxation method. An increase of muon spin relaxation rate was detected in zeroapplied field just below $$T_{rm MI}$$, indicating time-reversal-symmetry breaking in the ordered state. This result suggests that the order parameter includes magnetic octupole and/ordipole. Magnitude of the internal field at the muon site monotonically increases with decreasing temperature, growing steeply below $$T^{prime}$$=3K. The longitudinal relaxation rate has a maximum at around $$T^{prime}$$, suggesting suppression of magnetic fluctuations. We discussed these experimental facts on the basis of the multipoledegrees of freedom.

Journal Articles

Complicated water orientations in the minor groove of the B-DNA decamer d(CCATTAATGG)$$_{2}$$ observed by neutron diffraction measurements

Arai, Shigeki; Chatake, Toshiyuki*; Ohara, Takashi; Kurihara, Kazuo; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Suzuki, Nobuhiro*; Fujimoto, Zui*; Mizuno, Hiroshi*; Niimura, Nobuo

Nucleic Acids Research, 33(9), p.3017 - 3024, 2005/05

 Times Cited Count:93 Percentile:82.49(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

It has long been suspected that the structure and function of a DNA duplex can be strongly dependent on its degree of hydration. By neutron diffraction experiments, we have succeeded in determining most of the hydrogen (H) and deuterium (D) atomic positions in the d(CCATTAATGG)$$_{2}$$ duplex. Moreover, the D positions in 27 D$$_{2}$$O molecules have been determined. In particular, the complex water network in the minor groove has been observed in detail. By a combined structural analysis using 2.0 Å resolution X-ray and 3.0 Å resolution neutron data, it is clear that the spine of hydration is built up, not only by a simple hexagonal hydration pattern (as reported in prior X-ray studies), but also by many other water bridges hydrogen-bonded to the DNA strands. The complexity of the hydration pattern in the minor groove is derived from an extraordinary variety of orientations displayed by the water molecules.

Journal Articles

Theoretical simulation of extreme UV radiation source for lithography

Fujima, Kazumi*; Nishihara, Katsunobu*; Kawamura, Toru*; Furukawa, Hiroyuki*; Kagawa, Takashi*; Koike, Fumihiro*; More, R.*; Murakami, Masakatsu*; Nishikawa, Takeshi*; Sasaki, Akira; et al.

Emerging Lithographic Technologies VIII, Proceedings of SPIE Vol.5374, p.405 - 412, 2004/00

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Journal Articles

Spectroscopic diagnostics in boundary plasmas

Nakano, Tomohide; Fujimoto, Takashi*; Goto, Motoshi*; Hatayama, Akiyoshi*; Kado, Shinichiro*; Kato, Takako*; Kimura, Mineo*; Kubo, Hirotaka; Murakami, Izumi*; Ono, Noriyasu*; et al.

Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science; April 2003 - March 2004, P. 414, 2003/10

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Journal Articles

Study of the anisotropy of electron energy distribution of optical-field ionized oxygen plasma by using polarization spectroscopy

Kim, J.*; Kim, D. E.*; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Hasegawa, Noboru; Sukegawa, Kota*; Iwamae, Atsushi*; Fujimoto, Takashi*

Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 7(3), p.145 - 149, 2003/09

The anistropy of electron energy distribution in oxygen plasmas produced by a high intensinty laser was investigated by using polarization spectroscopy. An ultra-short pulsed laser with a pulse duration of 66.5 fs and a power density of 1$$times$$10$$^{17}$$ W/cm$$^{2}$$ was used. At this power density and pulse duration, the plasma was generated predominantly by optical field ionization. The degree of polarization of OVI 1s$$^{2}$$2p $$^{2}$$P$$^{2}$$-1s$$^{2}$$4d $$^{2}$$D$$^{0}$$ (J=1/2-3/2 and J=3/2-5/2) transition line at 129.92 $AA  was mesured. OVI $の1s$$^{2}$$ 2p$$^{2}$$P$$^{2}$$-1s$$^{2}$$4s$$^{2}$$S$$^{2}$$ (J=1/2-1/2 and J=3/2-1/2) transition line at 132.26 AA was used to calibrate the sensitivity of the optical system. The dependencies of the degree of polarization on the initial gas density and on the laser polarization were investigated. When the laser polarization was changed from a linear to a circlar polarization was decreased. When the initial gas density was increased, the degree of polarization was decreased.

JAEA Reports

High-performance core concept study for high temperature engineering test reactor

Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Nakano, Masaaki*; Nojiri, Naoki; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Sawa, Kazuhiro; Nakata, Tetsuo*; Watanabe, Takashi*

JAERI-Tech 97-055, 62 Pages, 1997/10


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Journal Articles

Evaluation of the high temperature engineering test reactor's first criticality with Monte Carlo code

Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Ando, Hiroei; Nojiri, Naoki; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Nakata, Tetsuo*; Watanabe, Takashi*; Yamane, Tsuyoshi; Nakano, Masaaki*

Proc. of SARATOGA 1997, 2, p.1557 - 1566, 1997/00

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JAEA Reports

Verification of fuel temperature analysis code "TEMDIM"

Maruyama, So; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Fujii, Sadao*; Watanabe, Takashi*; Sudo, Yukio

JAERI-M 88-170, 72 Pages, 1988/09


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Oral presentation

Study of static and dynamic properties of multipoles in $$f$$ electron systems

Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Oishi, Kazuki; Fujimoto, Tatsuya; Heffner, R. H.; Nishida, Nobuhiko*; Sato, Kazuhiko*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Aoki, Yuji*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; et al.

no journal, , 

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Oral presentation

Magnetism of SmRu$$_4$$P$$_{12}$$ at low temperature and low field probed by $$mu$$SR

Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Oishi, Kazuki; Fujimoto, Tatsuya; Heffner, R. H.; Nishida, Nobuhiko*; Sato, Kazuhiko*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Aoki, Yuji*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; et al.

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Oral presentation

Status of diagnostics development in JAEA

Kawano, Yasunori; Kondoh, Takashi; Hatae, Takaki; Ishikawa, Masao; Fujimoto, Kayoko; Asakura, Nobuyuki

no journal, , 

In the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER), a lot of plasma diagnostic system will be employed for generation, control, and understanding of burning plasmas. Here, contribution from the knowledge and techniques which are obtained at existing tokamaks to ITER diagnostics is important. In this talk, recent progress of diagnostics development in JT-60U is presented. The contents are as follows: (1) development of high power and high repetition rate single mode CO$$_{2}$$ laser for collective Thomson scattering, (2) development of Thomson scattering diagnostic with application of Fourier transform spectrometer, (3) fast measurement of neutron emission profile using digital signal processing, (4) computer tomography for divertor plasma spectroscopy, and (5) dust measurement using fast TV camera

Oral presentation

Anomalous magnetic state in SmRu$$_4$$P$$_{12}$$ detected by muon spin relaxation

Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Oishi, Kazuki; Fujimoto, Tatsuya; Heffner, R. H.; Nishida, Nobuhiko*; Sato, Kazuhiko*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Aoki, Yuji*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; et al.

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Oral presentation

Magnetism of SmRu$$_4$$P$$_{12}$$ at low temperature and low field probed by $$mu$$SR

Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Oishi, Kazuki; Fujimoto, Tatsuya; Heffner, R. H.; Nishida, Nobuhiko*; Sato, Kazuhiko*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Aoki, Yuji*; Kikuchi, Daisuke*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

15 (Records 1-15 displayed on this page)
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