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$$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray spectroscopy using a counter-emulsion hybrid method

藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; Kim, S.; 七村 拓野; 佐甲 博之; 田村 裕和; 山本 剛史; et al.

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2022(12), p.123D01_1 - 123D01_17, 2022/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

$$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray spectroscopy is one of the most useful methods for investigation of the $$Xi$$-nucleus strong interaction. Since the X-ray energy is shifted and/or broadened due to the $$Xi$$-nucleus strong interaction compared to those calculated from electromagnetic interaction alone, the measurement of the energy shift, $$Delta$$E, and the width, $$Gamma$$, give us information on the $$Xi$$-nucleus potential. A serious problem in the measurement is the significant background derived from in-flight $$Xi^-$$ decay. A novel method of identifying stopped $$Xi^-$$ events using the nuclear emulsion was developed to realize the first $$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray spectroscopy experiment as the J-PARC E07 experiment, which also aimed at searching for $$LambdaLambda$$ and $$Xi^-$$ hypernuclei in the emulsion. The X-rays emitted from $$Xi^-$$ Br and $$Xi^-$$ Ag atoms were measured using germanium detectors. No clear peaks were observed in the obtained spectra. However, we succeeded in reducing the background to 1/170 by this method employing coincidence measurements using nuclear emulsion and X-ray detectors.


X ray spectroscopy on $$Xi$$$$^-$$ atoms (J-PARC E03, E07 and future)

山本 剛史; 藤田 真奈美; 後神 利志*; 原田 健志*; 早川 修平*; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 石川 勇二*; 鎌田 健人*; 叶内 萌香*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.03001_1 - 03001_5, 2022/11

X-ray spectroscopy of hadronic atoms give us various information on the strong interaction between hadrons and nuclei. At J-PARC, we are aiming for the world-first detection of the X rays from atoms with a doubly strange hyperon, $$Xi$$$$^-$$. Recently, two experiments, J-PARC E07 and J-PARC E03, have been performed for the detection of X rays from $$Xi$$$$^-$$ atoms. Overview and status of these measurements will be presented. We will also discuss future plan of X-ray spectroscopy on $$Xi$$$$^-$$-atoms, which can be performed together with high resolution $$Xi$$$$^-$$ hyper nuclear spectroscopy using newly constructed S-2S spectrometer. Preparation status will be shown in this contribution.


Strangeness physics programs by S-2S at J-PARC

後神 利志*; 江端 健悟; 藤田 真奈美; 原田 健志; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; Kim, S.; 七村 拓野; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 271, p.11002_1 - 11002_7, 2022/11

In the K1.8 beam-line at Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC, a new magnetic spectrometer S-2S is being installed. S-2S was designed to achieve a high momentum resolution of $$Delta p/p = 6 times 10^{-4}$$ in FWHM. Several strangeness-physics programs which require the high resolution will be realized by S-2S. The present article introduces J-PARC E70 (missing-mass spectroscopy of $$_{Xi}^{12}$$Be) and E94 (missing-mass spectroscopy of $$_{Lambda}^7$$Li, $$_{Lambda}^{10}$$B, and $$_{Lambda}^{12}$$C) experiments.


Development of a Ge detector array and an in-beam calibration system for highly precise measurement of $$Xi^-$$ atomic X-rays

藤田 真奈美; 細見 健二; 石川 勇二*; 叶内 萌香*; 小池 武志*; 小椋 裕*; 田村 裕和; 谷田 聖; 鵜養 美冬*; 山本 剛史

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1042, p.167439_1 - 167439_9, 2022/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:48.47(Instruments & Instrumentation)

$$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray spectroscopy is a powerful method of studying the $$Xi$$N interaction, for which very limited experimental data are currently available. For this reason, we constructed a germanium (Ge) detector array referred to as Hyperball-X and conducted the first-ever $$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray measurements in 2016 and 2017 at J-PARC. We developed a novel method for in-beam energy calibration of Ge detectors. Three $$gamma$$ rays (202 keV, 307 keV, and 511 keV) from $$^{176}$$Lu in LSO scintillation counters and $$^{22}$$Na source were used as reference. The $$beta-gamma$$ and $$gamma-gamma$$ coincidence detection using the Ge detectors and LSO counters allows for continuous in-beam calibration with this new calibration method, and the calibration uncertainty is reduced to less than $$pm$$100 eV for energies ranging from 202 to 511 keV.


Measurement of differential cross sections for $$Sigma^+ p$$ elastic scattering in the momentum range 0.44-0.80 GeV/c

七村 拓野; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 成木 恵; 佐藤 進; 佐甲 博之; 田村 裕和; et al.

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2022(9), p.093D01_1 - 093D01_35, 2022/09

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:74.91(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We performed a novel $$Sigma^+p$$ scattering experiment at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Approximately 2400 $$Sigma^+p$$ elastic scattering events were identified from $$4.9 times 10^7$$ tagged $$Sigma^+$$ particles in the $$Sigma^+$$ momentum range 0.44 - 0.80 GeV/c. The differential cross sections of the $$Sigma^+p$$ elastic scattering were derived with much better precision than in previous experiments. The obtained differential cross sections were approximately 2 mb/sr or less, which were not as large as those predicted by the fss2 and FSS models based on the quark cluster model in the short-range region. By performing phase-shift analyses for the obtained differential cross sections, we experimentally derived the phase shifts of the $$^3S_1$$ and $$^1P_1$$ channels for the first time. The phase shift of the 3S1 channel, where a large repulsive core was predicted owing to the Pauli effect between quarks, was evaluated to be $$20^circ<|delta_{^3S_1}|<35^circ$$. If the sign of $$delta_{^3S_1}$$ is assumed to be negative, the interaction in this channel is moderately repulsive, as the Nijmegen extended-sort-core models predicted.


Measurement of the differential cross sections of the $$Sigma^- p$$ elastic scattering in momentum range 470 to 850 MeV/$$c$$

三輪 浩司*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; et al.

Physical Review C, 104(4), p.045204_1 - 045204_20, 2021/10

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:89.06(Physics, Nuclear)

A high statistics $$Sigma p$$ scattering experiment is performed at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Momentum-tagged $$Sigma^-$$s running in a liquid hydrogen target are accumulated by detecting the reaction with a high intensity $$pi^-$$ beam of 20 M/spill. The differential cross sections of the $$Sigma^- p$$ elastic scattering were derived with a drastically improved accuracy by identifying approximately 4,500 events from 1.72 $$times$$ 10$$^7$$ $$Sigma^-$$. The derived differential cross section shows a clear forward-peaking angular distribution for a $$Sigma^-$$ momentum range from 470 to 850 MeV/$$c$$. The accurate data will impose a strong constraint on the theoretical models of the baryon-baryon interactions.


First observation of a nuclear $$s$$-state of a $$Xi$$ hypernucleus, $$^{15}_{Xi}{rm C}$$

吉本 雅浩*; 藤田 真奈美; 橋本 直; 早川 修平; 市川 裕大; 市川 真也; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2021(7), p.073D02_1 - 073D02_19, 2021/07

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:79.65(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Bound-systems of $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}_{}{rm N}$$ are studied via $$Xi^-$$ capture at rest followed by emission of a twin single-$$Lambda$$ hypernucleus in the emulsion detectors. Two events forming extremely deep $$Xi^-$$ bound states were obtained by analysis of a hybrid method in the E07 experiment at J-PARC and reanalysis of the E373 experiment at KEK-PS. The decay mode of one event was assigned as $$Xi^-+^{14}_{}{rm N}to^{5}_{Lambda}{rm He}$$+$$^{5}_{Lambda}{rm He}$$+$$^{4}_{}{rm He}$$+$$n$$. Since there are no excited states for daughter particles, the binding energy of the $$Xi^-$$ hyperon, $$B_{Xi^-}$$, in $$^{14}_{}{rm N}$$ nucleus was uniquely determined to be 6.27 $$pm$$ 0.27 MeV. Another $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}_{}{rm N}$$ system via the decay $$^{9}_{Lambda}{rm Be}$$ + $$^{5}_{Lambda}{rm He}$$ + $$n$$ brings a $$B_{Xi^-}$$ value, 8.00 $$pm$$ 0.77 MeV or 4.96 $$pm$$ 0.77 MeV, where the two possible values of $$B_{Xi^-}$$ correspond to the ground and the excited states of the daughter $$^{9}_{Lambda}{rm Be}$$ nucleus, respectively. Because the $$B_{Xi^-}$$ values are larger than those of the previously reported events (KISO and IBUKI), which are both interpreted as the nuclear $$1p$$ state of the $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}_{}{rm N}$$ system, these new events give the first indication of the nuclear $$1s$$ state of the $$Xi$$ hypernucleus, $$^{15}_{Xi}{rm C}$$.


Establishment of a modern experimental technique of a $$Sigma p$$ scattering experiment at J-PARC

赤澤 雄也*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011134_1 - 011134_6, 2021/03

We are performing a scattering experiment between a $$Sigma$$ hyperon and a proton (J-PARC E40) at the K1.8 beamline in the J-PARC Hadron Hall. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the $$Sigma N$$ interaction by measuring the differential cross sections of the $$Sigma^+ p$$, $$Sigma^- p$$ elastic scatterings and $$Sigma^- p to Lambda n$$ inelastic scattering. The experimental data gives a strong constraint on the theoretical models of the $$Sigma N$$ interaction. The identification of $$Sigma p$$ scattering event with a high statistics is important by overcoming the difficulties in the hyperon proton scattering experiment. We have introduced a new identification method of the $$Sigma p$$ scattering event, which does not need to detect $$Sigma$$ particles directly. We used a new detector system called CATCH and two spectrometer systems installed at the upstream and the downstream of a liquid hydrogen target. A high intensity $$pi$$ beam of 20 M/spill was used to produce $$Sigma$$ particle. The momenta of $$pi$$ beam and scattered $$K^+$$ were measured by the spectrometers to reconstruct the momentum of a $$Sigma$$ beam produced via the $$pi p to Sigma K^+$$ reactions. The scattering angle and the kinetic energy of recoil protons from the $$Sigma p$$ scattering were measured by CATCH for the identification of the $$Sigma p$$ scattering events by checking the kinematic consistency. A part of the experiment was performed in 2018 and 2019 in J-PARC. As a result of analyzing the collected data, the $$Sigma^-$$ production and the $$Sigma^- p$$ scattering reaction have been identified. It means that our new measurement and analysis method are successfully working well. Analysis for deriving the differential cross section of the $$Sigma p$$ scattering is on going.


Study of $$Lambda$$ identification method by the $$pi^-p to K^0Lambda$$ reaction for a $$Lambda p$$ scattering experiment at J-PARC

坂尾 珠和*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011133_1 - 011133_6, 2021/03

The $$pi^-p to K^0Lambda$$ reaction is an important elementary process to produce $$Lambda$$ from a proton target and is a key for a $$Lambda p$$ scattering experiment where the momentum of $$Lambda$$ should be tagged from the missing momentum of the $$(pi^-,K^0)$$ reaction. However, the $$(pi^-,K^0)$$ spectroscopy method has not been established yet due to the difficulty of the $$K^0$$ detection. Therefore, we have proposed a new $$K^0$$ detection method where $$pi^+$$ and $$pi^-$$ from the $$K^0$$ decay are measured by a forward magnetic spectrometer and a detector cluster surrounding the target, respectively. The feasibility of the $$K^0$$ detection method was confirmed by analyzing the J-PARC E40 data taken with such a detector system. In the analysis, $$Lambda$$'s were successfully identified in the missing mass spectrum of the $$pi^-p to K^0 X$$ reaction.


J-PARC E07; Systematic study of double strangeness system with hybrid emulsion method

吉田 純也; 赤石 貴也; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 橋本 直; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; Kim, S.; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011112_1 - 011112_8, 2021/03

J-PARC E07 is the most ambitious and complex emulsion experiment to date investigating double hypernuclei with Hybrid emulsion method. The physics run at the K1.8 beam line in the J-PARC hadron experimental facility have been completed in 2017. The emulsion sheets are presently being analyzed with dedicated optical microscopes. Current statistics are estimated to be more 3 times than that of previous experiments. Quantitative data on the $$Lambda Lambda$$ and $$Xi N$$ interaction are being accumulated successfully via analysis of double $$Lambda$$ and $$Xi$$ hypernuclei. Multiple $$Xi$$ hypernucleus candidates suggests several features about $$Xi$$ hypernucleus that the identification efficiency of $$^{15}_Xi$$C is significantly higher than other mode, many daughters of $$^{15}_Xi$$C are identified as He or Be, and multiple bound states of $$Xi^-$$ exist in the $$^{14}$$N nucleus. An analysis of X-ray spectroscopy of $$Xi^-$$ hyperatoms are ongoing.


Observation of Coulomb-assisted nuclear bound state of $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}$$N system

早川 修平; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 橋本 直; 細見 健二; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 126(6), p.062501_1 - 062501_6, 2021/02

 被引用回数:34 パーセンタイル:94.71(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

In an emulsion-counter hybrid experiment performed at J-PARC, a $$Xi^-$$ absorption event was observed which decayed into twin single-$$Lambda$$ hypernuclei. Kinematic calculations enabled a unique identification of the reaction process as $$Xi^{-} + ^{14}$$N$$ rightarrow ^{10}_Lambda$$Be + $$^5_Lambda$$He. For the binding energy of the $$Xi^{-}$$ hyperon in the $$Xi^-$$-$$^{14}$$N system a value of $$1.27 pm 0.21$$ MeV was deduced. The energy level of $$Xi^-$$ is likely a nuclear $$1p$$ state which indicates a weak $${Xi}N$$-$$LambdaLambda$$ coupling.


Study of $$Sigma N$$ interaction from the $$Sigma p$$ scattering experiment at J-PARC

三輪 浩司*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 市川 真也; 市川 裕大; 今井 憲一*; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1643, p.012174_1 - 012174_6, 2020/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:83.94(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

A high statistics $$Sigma p$$ scattering experiment has been performed at the K1.8 beamline in the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. Data for momentum-tagged $$Sigma^-$$ beam running in a liquid hydrogen target were accumulated by detecting the $$pi^{-}p to {K}^{+}{Sigma}^{-}$$ reaction with a high intensity $$pi^-$$ beam of 20 M/spill. The number of the $$Sigma^-$$ beam was about $$1.7 times 10^7$$ in total. The $$Sigma^- p$$ elastic scattering and the $$Sigma^- p to Lambda n$$ inelastic scattering events were successfully observed with about 100 times larger statistics than that in past experiments.


Study on the baryon interaction by $$Xi$$ hypernuclear spectroscopy with the $$(K^-, K^+)$$ reaction

後神 利志*; 藤田 真奈美; 長谷川 勝一; 細見 健二; 今井 憲一*; 市川 裕大; 七村 拓野; 成木 恵; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1643, p.012133_1 - 012133_6, 2020/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:83.94(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

We performed $$Xi$$ hypernuclear spectroscopy with the $$(K^-, K^+)$$ reaction at J-PARC to investigate the $$Xi N$$ interaction (J-PARC E05). A new experiment (J-PARC E70) in which a better energy resolution could be achieved is now being prepared. In this article, an analysis status of J-PARC E05 and a preparation status of J-PARC E70 are described.


J-PARC E40実験における$$Sigma^+p$$散乱の微分断面積測定結果

七村 拓野; 谷田 聖; 市川 裕大; 佐甲 博之; 佐藤 進; 長谷川 勝一; 山本 剛史; 藤田 真奈美

no journal, , 

J-PARC E40実験は大強度の$$pi$$中間子ビームを用いた($$pi$$,K)反応により$$Sigma$$粒子を大量に生成すること、液体水素標的とそれを囲む大立体角の検出器システムCATCHを用いて二体反応の力学的再構成を行うことにより、これまで困難であった高統計の$$Sigma p$$散乱データを得ることを目的とした実験である。$$Sigma^+ p$$散乱データは2019年4月、2020年5-6月にかけて取得が行われた。この講演ではデータ解析の結果同定した2400イベント程度の$$Sigma^+ p$$散乱事象から導出した散乱微分断面積について発表する。さらに位相差解析を行い、クォークレベルでのパウリ効果により強い斥力が予想されている$$^3S_1$$状態の位相のずれを導出した。これらの量に関して理論計算との比較などを行い$$Sigma^+ p$$相互作用に関する議論も行う。


Result of the $$Xi^-$$ atomic X-ray measurement at J-PARC E07

藤田 真奈美

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$$Xi^-$$原子X線分光はS=-2体系における強い相互作用を理解するために有用な実験手法である。実験の非常に難しい点は、生成した$$Xi^-$$ハイペロンの崩壊に起因して大量にバックグラウンドが生じる事である。そこで我々は、原子核乾板(エマルション)を用いた静止$$Xi^-$$選択法を開発した。この手法の導入により信号雑音比の良いクリーンなX線スペクトルの取得が期待された。我々は、J-PARC K1.8ビームラインにおいてカウンター-エマルションハイブリット法を用いた$$Xi^-$$原子X線測定を実施した。$$Xi^-$$ハイペロンは$$(K^-, K^+)$$反応により生成し、磁気スぺクトロメータとシリコンストリップ検出器を用いて、反応分光と生成$$Xi^-$$ハイペロンの飛跡を解析した。この飛跡解析により、エマルション表面の$$Xi^-$$ハイペロン入射地点を予測でき、短時間での効率の良い解析を実現した。$$Xi^-$$原子X線は、ゲルマニウム検出器アレイ(Hyperball-X)により測定した。本講演では、銀と臭素の$$Xi^-$$原子X線測定の最終結果を報告する。

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