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Kanazawa, Yusaku; Abiko, Shosuke; Terada, Hideyuki; Kawasaki, Ichio; Isozaki, Norio; Matsumoto, Takenari
JAEA-Technology 2012-029, 82 Pages, 2012/09
Water Supply Facility (WSF) is the facility that products and feed water for Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP), Plutonium Fuel Production Facility (PFPF), etc. The kinds of feeding water are drinking water and industrial water that are used for life and operation of TRP, etc. WSF had been constructed in 1958, then it has been operated to 2008. It was received the water from AKOGI pond, then the water was conditioned and fed for many facilities. But it needed high cost for trouble and maintenance because of long-term use. Then new WSF was designed and constructed. The new design is that WSF accepts drinking water and industrial water from local governments; each receiving tank is constructed for new. And operating system and remote monitoring system are installed in WSF that is able to monitor from TUC. This report describes about various activities of the backgrounds, the design, the construction and a future action.
Fukuda, Seiji; Kato, Jinzo; Onishi, Takeshi; Watanabe, Kozo; Okubo, Katsuichi; Ouchi, Masafusa; Isozaki, Hiroshi; Seki, Mamoru; Mito, Norio; Tsuruo, Akira; et al.
JAERI 1028, 55 Pages, 1962/10
no abstracts in English
Tamura, Ken; Nemoto, Norio; Isozaki, Kohei
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English