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西村 隼杜*; 北條 智彦*; 味戸 沙耶*; 柴山 由樹*; 小山 元道*; 齋藤 寛之*; 城 鮎美*; 安田 良*; 菖蒲 敬久; 秋山 英二*
鉄と鋼, 107(9), p.760 - 768, 2021/09
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)本研究では、球頭パンチを用いて張出し加工を施した引張強さ1000MPa級の一般的な焼戻しマルテンサイト鋼をプレス成形部品のモデルサンプルとして採用し、その水素脆化特性を評価した。残留応力分布は、SPring-8のBL14B1の白色X線を用いたエネルギー分散XRDによって求めた。さらにFEMを用いて張出し加工後の試験片の残留応力、および塑性ひずみ分布を解析した。その結果、水素チャージにより張出し試験片の張出し側のFoot部で、面対称に2つのき裂が発生し、半径方向に伝播すること、XRDとFEMにより得られた残留応力分布によると、円周方向の引張応力はFoot部で最大値を示し、この円周方向の最大引張応力が作用した位置はき裂発生位置とよく一致し、応力がき裂発生の要因となっていることなどが示唆された。
西村 隼杜*; 北條 智彦*; 味戸 沙耶*; 柴山 由樹*; 小山 元道*; 齋藤 寛之*; 城 鮎美*; 安田 良*; 菖蒲 敬久; 秋山 英二*
ISIJ International, 61(4), p.1170 - 1178, 2021/04
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:32.89(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)The effects of residual stress on the hydrogen embrittlement behavior of a tempered martensitic steel sheet with 1-GPa-class tensile strength stretch-formed by a hemisphere punch simulating press-formed automotive structural parts were investigated. Cracking on the stretch-formed specimen induced by potentiostatic hydrogen charging was initiated in the foot of the impression of the specimen and propagated to the radial direction both toward the hillside and the plain. The mixture of quasi cleavage and intergranular fractures were observed whole through the fracture surface. Residual stress in the stretch-formed specimens was analyzed by using energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction method utilizing the synchrotron X-ray radiation at SPring-8. In addition, stress and plastic strain distributions in the specimen were analyzed by using Finite Element Method (FEM). These analyses depicted that the high tensile stress in the circumferential direction was in the foot of the impression, corresponding to the direction of the crack growth. The FEM analysis revealed that the high triaxial stress was in the foot suggesting accumulation of hydrogen. It was considered that the preferential crack initiation at the foot was promoted by the high residual stress in the circumferential direction and the hydrogen accumulation due to stress-induced diffusion.
柴山 由樹; 北條 智彦*; 小山 元道*; 齋藤 寛之*; 城 鮎美*; 安田 良*; 菖蒲 敬久; 松野 崇*; 秋山 英二*
ISIJ International, 61(4), p.1322 - 1329, 2021/04
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:38.77(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)The effects of stress and plastic strain distributions on the hydrogen embrittlement fracture of the U-bent martensitic steel sheet specimen were investigated. The hydrogen embrittlement testing of the U-bent specimen was performed. Fracture morphology mainly consisting of intergranular fracture was found inside the hydrogen charged U-bent specimen, which indicated that the crack initiation took place in the interior, and shear lips were found near both surfaces of the U-bent sheet. The synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurement and the finite element simulation were utilized to analyze the stress and plastic strain distributions in the thickness direction of the U-bent specimen. The elastic strain distributions obtained by the measurement showed a good agreement with the simulation. The crack initiation site of the hydrogen-charged U-bent specimen was considered to be correspondent with the region where the tensile stress was the highest, suggesting that the maximum tensile stress predominantly determine the crack initiation.
北條 智彦*; 秋山 英二*; 齋藤 寛之*; 城 鮎美*; 安田 良*; 菖蒲 敬久; 衣笠 潤一郎*; 湯瀬 文雄*
Corrosion Science, 177, p.108957_1 - 108957_9, 2020/12
被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:78.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)変態誘起塑性マルテンサイト鋼の半球延伸成形試験片の水素助長割れを調査した。水素の伝搬により、鋼板に形成された球体のすそにき裂が生じ、き裂は半径方向に沿って球体の中腹から平面に向かって伝播した。残留オーステナイトの応力,塑性ひずみ,体積分率の分布を、SPring-8でのシンクロトロンX線放射を利用したエネルギー分散型X線回折法を使用して分析した。測定された引張応力が最も高い領域でき裂の発生が起こったことは重要である。加えて塑性ひずみと結果として生じるマルテンサイト変態の影響も示唆された。
北條 智彦*; Kumai, B.*; 小山 元道*; 秋山 英二*; 脇 裕之*; 齋藤 寛之*; 城 鮎美*; 安田 良*; 菖蒲 敬久; 長坂 明彦*
International Journal of Fracture, 224(2), p.253 - 260, 2020/08
被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:65.69(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、超高強度変態誘起塑性ベイナイトフェライト鋼の水素脆化特性に及ぼす予ひずみの影響を自動車フレーム部品への応用に向けて調査した。具体的には、3から10%の引張予ひずみでは全伸びに比べて水素による機械的劣化を抑制したが、12から15%の予ひずみ試験片では、水素充填後に伸びを示さなかった。これは3から10%の予ひずみの有利な効果が、残留オーステナイトに関連する亀裂発生の抑制に起因していたためであり、事前に予ひずみが与えられたTRIP鋼では、水素チャージ前に保持されたオーステナイトの体積分率が減少され、それによって優先的な亀裂開始サイトと伝播経路の既存の確率を減少させたと考えられる。一方、12から15%などの高い予ひずみを与えると、加工硬化のために予ひずみが効果的に機能せず、その結果、水素脆化感受性が増加し、転位の増殖により水素含有量が大幅に増加したと考えられる。
秋田 貢一; 中谷 隼人*; 荻原 慎二*; 菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 井川 直樹; 下条 豊
SPring-8/SACLA利用研究成果集(インターネット), 6(1), p.105 - 108, 2018/01
城 隆久; 後藤 健博; 矢吹 健太郎; 池上 和律; 宮川 高行; 毛利 哲也; 久保 篤彦; 北野 彰洋; 中川 浩樹; 川村 義明; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2010-052, 84 Pages, 2011/03
後藤 健博; 津島 広行; 桜井 直人; 城 隆久
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-14) (CD-ROM), 13 Pages, 2006/07
森薗 孝次; 暦本 雅史; 城 隆久; 宮川 明
Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability (GLOBAL 2005) (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2005/10
1995年のナトリウム漏えい事故以来、中断されていた 高速増殖原型炉もんじゅの建設工事がこのほど再開され、現在、種々の改善を行なうため改造工事を実施中である。改造工事後の試運転は、「機能試験」と「性能試験」に分けることができるが、そのうち、「機能試験」について、要求事項、検査項目、試験工程の検討を実施した。
宮川 明; 服部 和裕; 城 隆久
JNC TN2410 2005-002, 278 Pages, 2005/07
伊藤 敬輔; 川原 啓孝; 森 健郎; 城 隆久; 有吉 昌彦; 礒崎 和則
JNC TN9410 2005-008, 267 Pages, 2005/03
川原 啓孝; 暦本 雅史; 城 隆久; 石田 公一; 有吉 昌彦; 礒崎 和則
JNC TN9410 2005-002, 135 Pages, 2005/02
玉井 広史; 松川 誠; 栗田 源一; 林 伸彦; 浦田 一宏*; 三浦 友史; 木津 要; 土屋 勝彦; 森岡 篤彦; 工藤 祐介; et al.
Plasma Science and Technology, 6(1), p.2141 - 2150, 2004/02
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:6.42(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)JT-60定常高ベータ化計画(JT-60改修計画)の最重要課題は高ベータ,臨界クラスのパラメータを持つ高性能プラズマの100秒程度以上の維持を実証することである。このため、高ベータプラズマを達成するためのプラズマパラメータや運転シナリオ,制御手法の検討を行うとともに、超伝導磁場コイルの要素技術の開発を始め、放射線遮蔽や真空容器等の設計検討及び試験開発を行い、その成立性を確認した。本発表は、以上の物理・工学設計と試験開発の進捗状況を詳述する。
石田 真一; 阿部 勝憲*; 安藤 晃*; Chujo, T.*; 藤井 常幸; 藤田 隆明; 後藤 誠一*; 花田 和明*; 畑山 明聖*; 日野 友明*; et al.
Nuclear Fusion, 43(7), p.606 - 613, 2003/07
大野 史靖; 福島 翼; 成瀬 恵次; 松井 一晃; 小幡 行史; 澤崎 浩昌; 後藤 健博; 城 隆久; 内橋 昌也
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山田 文昭; 木村 浩一; 城 隆久; 森 健郎; 森薗 孝次; 玉山 清志; 宮川 明
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徐 平光; 山本 和喜; Harjo, S.; 菖蒲 敬久; 岩本 ちひろ*; 高村 正人*; 大竹 淑恵*; 小貫 祐介*; 佐藤 成男*; Liss, K.-D.*
no journal, ,
Texture as crystallographic preferred orientation of polycrystalline materials has attracted broad attention due to its important effects on mechanical and physical characteristics. Within both metals and ceramics, widespread applications of texture involve capabilities and simulations in sheet forming, additive manufacturing, while rocks and minerals also demonstrate such feature due to forming processes within the earth. Neutron diffraction can collect high statistical diffractograms due to an excellent penetration and a coarse beam spot, valuable for bulk investigations of microstructural changes and a characteristic response from polycrystalline materials. However, the available neutron instruments are quite limited in the world. We have developed various neutron texture measurement techniques using RESA at JRR-3, TAKUMI and iMATERIA at J-PARC, WOMBAT at ANSTO, and RANS at RIKEN, and obtained the following consensus: for a steady neutron source, the utilization of large area curved detectors together with multiple wavelengths texture analysis technique enables rapid and high precision angle dispersive neutron diffraction measurement; for a pulsed neutron source, the utilization of an optimized detector optical system with proper stereographic angle resolution (2) and instrumental resolution (d/d) is much more valuable for improving the reliability of the time-of-flight neutron diffraction measurement, enabling the orientation feature of tiny amounts of a second phase in a round robin textured limestone sample has been recognized satisfactorily. For a compact neutron source, the selective usage of a high signal-to-noise ratio as well as the wavelength ranges of the time-of-flight neutron diffraction patterns obtained from an in-house texture measurement are effective to reduce the diffraction uncertainty during Rietveld texture analysis, improving instrumental accessibility for on-site applications.
徐 平光; 諸岡 聡; Gong, W.; 鈴木 徹也*; Harjo, S.; 菖蒲 敬久
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While the neutron powder diffractometers surrounded with wide-angle position-sensitive detectors are thought suitable for a rapid texture measurement, the neutron engineering materials diffractometers attached with large-scale sample stages and precise radial collimators are expected to realize a reliable combined evaluation including crystallographic textures and residual stress tensors. Here, the bulk texture characteristics of the international standard limestone sample were measured by using the TAKUMI time-of-flight engineering materials diffractometer with 2 = 90 neutron detector panels and the RESA angle dispersive neutron diffractometer with a 2=7 one-dimensional position-sensitive detector, respectively. Thanks to the high stereographic resolution TAKUMI, a tiny impurity second phase has been firstly identified and a near random-oriented texture has been confirmed in this second phase, and a typically shear deformation texture in the matrix phase (CaCO with a low rhombohedral crystal symmetry, space group R2/c). On the other side, even in a little shorter beam time on RESA at JRR-3 than on the typical powder diffractometer D1B at ILL, well consistent recalculated pole figures of calcite matrix have also been obtained through simultaneously analyzing all the diffraction patterns obtained from RESA. These results suggest that a complementary neutron diffraction technical platform is now available to meet rapid increasing neutron application needs for various polycrystalline materials evaluation.
徐 平光; 岩本 ちひろ*; 高村 正人*; 大竹 淑恵*; 栗原 諒*; 上野 孝太*; 片岡 美波*; 山本 和喜; Harjo, S.; 菖蒲 敬久
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Neutron diffraction can collect sample-volume averaged diffraction patterns due to the excellent penetrability and the coarse beam spot, valuable for investigating bulk microstructure changes of polycrystalline materials. In recent years, several neutron instruments in Japan have been employed for precise bulk texture evaluation. The engineering materials diffractometer attached with large sample stage and precise radial collimators at J-PARC has realized a reliably combined Rietveld texture evaluation, simultaneously providing crystallographic textures and other profile-analysis-related material parameters such as crystal structures, stress tensors. The RANS compact neutron source has enabled reliable bulk texture evaluation of steel materials through reasonably using a high stereographic angle resolution and a large sample-gauge volume. As a feed-back from the texture measurement technique based on RANS compact neutron source, recently, weak diffraction patterns step-by-step collected in very short time from RESA neutron diffractometer at JRR-3 have been utilized to realize the precise texture evaluation of various polycrystalline materials, , a standard rock material, and different steel materials.
佐藤 方実; 城 隆久
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