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Journal Articles

ESR studies on decay of radicals induced in irradiated foods

Kaimori, Yoshihiko; Sakamoto, Yuki*; Kawamura, Shoei*; Kishida, Keigo*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Nakamura, Hideo*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 79, 2013/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Analysis of radicals induced in irradiated foods

Kishida, Keigo*; Kaimori, Yoshihiko*; Kawamura, Shoei*; Sakamoto, Yuki*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

Shokuhin Shosha, 47(1), p.1 - 5, 2012/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Initial decay process of radicals induced in irradiated food

Kaimori, Yoshihiko*; Sakamoto, Yuki*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

JAEA-Review 2011-043, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2010, P. 82, 2012/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Initial decay process of radicals induced in irradiated food

Kaimori, Yoshihiko; Sakamoto, Yuki*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kameya, Hiromi*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

Shokuhin Shosha, 46(1), p.13 - 18, 2011/09

Journal Articles

Relaxation behaviour and dose dependence of radiation induced radicals in irradiated mango

Kameya, Hiromi*; Kakita, Daisuke*; Kaimori, Yoshihiko*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*; Shimoyama, Yuhei

Radioisotopes, 59(10), p.607 - 614, 2010/10

Mangoes are imported to Japan after treated with hot water. Recently, irradiated mangoes imported to U. S. are widely used. This paper reports on the ESR method for analyzing the radiation induced radicals of irradiated mangoes. Upon the $$gamma$$ ray irradiation, a strong signal peak in the flesh and skin of mangoes was observed at $$g$$ = 2.004. This singlet peak may be attributed to organic free radicals. The ESR spectra of the flesh and skin of mangoes showed the radiation induced radicals due to cellulose by irradiation over 12 kGy. The relaxation time (T1 and T2) of the singlet signal were calculated. T2 showed dose response according to increasing the irradiation dose levels, while T1 was almost constant. The value of (T1T2)1/2 showed the dependence of irradiation dose level.

Oral presentation

Size effect of powdered black pepper on ESR detection method

Kaimori, Yoshihiko; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kameya, Hiromi*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Decay process of radicals induced in $$gamma$$-ray or electron beam irradiated foods during storage

Kaimori, Yoshihiko*; Kishida, Keigo*; Kawamura, Shoei*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Ukai, Mitsuko*; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Initial decay process of radicals induced in $$gamma$$ ray irradiated food

Kaimori, Yoshihiko; Sakamoto, Yuki*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Ukai, Mitsuko*; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Decay of radicals induced in irradiated black pepper and its dose-rate effect

Sakamoto, Yuki*; Kaimori, Yoshihiko*; Nakamura, Hideo*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Initial decay process of radicals induced in irradiated food

Kaimori, Yoshihiko*; Sakamoto, Yuki*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Nakamura, Hideo*; Shimoyama, Yuhei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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