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Journal Articles

Investigation of chemical state of uranium included in simulated waste glass

Katsuoka, Nanako; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Nagai, Takayuki; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Sato, Nobuaki*

2023-Nendo "Busshitsu, Debaisu Ryoiki Kyodo Kenkyu Kyoten" Kenkyu Seika, Katsudo Hokokusho (Internet), 1 Pages, 2024/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Synchrotron analysis of coagulated surface of simulated waste glasses

Nagai, Takayuki; Katsuoka, Nanako; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Baba, Yuji*; Akiyama, Daisuke*

Photon Factory Activity Report 2023 (Internet), 3 Pages, 2024/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Investigation of chemical state of uranium included in simulated waste glass

Nagai, Takayuki; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Katsuoka, Nanako; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Sato, Nobuaki*

2022-Nendo "Busshitsu, Debaisu Ryoiki Kyodo Kenkyu Kyoten" Kenkyu Seika, Katsudo Hokokusho (Internet), 1 Pages, 2023/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Synchrotron analysis of simulated waste glasses different in boron isotope ingredient

Nagai, Takayuki; Tone, Masaya; Katsuoka, Nanako; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Baba, Yuji*; Akiyama, Daisuke*

Photon Factory Activity Report 2022 (Internet), 3 Pages, 2023/00

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Investigation of chemical state of uranium contained in borosilicate glass

Katsuoka, Nanako; Nagai, Takayuki; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Inose, Takehiko*; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Sato, Nobuaki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Basic research programs of vitrification technology for waste volume reduction, 118; Examination of YP formation mechanisms by experiments using zirconium molybdate as a starting material, 2

Nagai, Takayuki; Katsuoka, Nanako; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*

no journal, , 

Zirconium molybdate, sodium nitrate, strontium nitrate, and barium nitrate were added to the glass raw material and heated. After heating, the sample was analyzed by using XAFS measurement to investigate the formation mechanism of molybdates, which is the main component of the yellow phase in the vitrification process.

Oral presentation

Evaluation of cerium valence on the surface layer and inside of simulated waste glass

Nagai, Takayuki; Maeda, Yuta; Katsuoka, Nanako; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Baba, Yuji*; Akiyama, Daisuke*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF, 10; Discharging behavior for platinum group elements for the new glass melter

Aoyama, Yusuke; Tone, Masaya; Shiramizu, Daiki; Katsuoka, Nanako; Miyata, Koshi; Fukuda, Shigeki; Otaka, Hikaru; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Kodaka, Akira

no journal, , 

In the new glass melter (the 3rd melter) at the Tokai Vitrification Facility (TVF), the bottom shape of the melter was changed from the square pyramid of the existing melter (the 2nd melter) to a cone to improve ability to discharge platinum group elements. To confirm the effect of the improvement, operational test using non-radioactive simulant of liquid waste containing platinum group elements was carried out. Discharging behavior of platinum group elements was evaluated in comparison with the 2nd melter.

Oral presentation

Study on vitrification plan of high level liquid waste in the TVF, 9; Consideration of operating parameters for the new glass melter

Tone, Masaya; Shiramizu, Daiki; Katsuoka, Nanako; Aoyama, Yusuke; Miyata, Koshi; Fukuda, Shigeki; Otaka, Hikaru; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Kodaka, Akira

no journal, , 

The replacement of existing 2nd glass melter with the 3rd glass melter is scheduled from 2025 to 2026 in Tokai Vitrification Facility, TVF. The bottom shape of 3rd melter was changed from the square pyramid of 2nd melter to a cone to improve ability to discharge platinum group elements. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm operational parameters appropriate for the 3rd melter with cone shaped bottom. Operational test using non-radioactive simulant of liquid waste was carried out to ensure the appropriate operational parameters that accommodate key control values such as glass temperature.

Oral presentation

Investigation of chemical state of uranium contained borosilicate glass, 2; Uranium reduction using graphite crucible

Katsuoka, Nanako; Nagai, Takayuki; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Sato, Nobuaki*; Kirishima, Akira*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Basic Research Programs of Vitrification Technology for Waste Volume Reduction, 130; Examination of YP formation mechanisms by experiments using zirconium molybdate as a starting material, 4

Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Nagai, Takayuki; Katsuoka, Nanako; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Basic Research Programs of Vitrification Technology for Waste Volume Reduction, 126; Examination of YP formation mechanisms by experiments using zirconium molybdate as a starting material, 3

Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Nagai, Takayuki; Katsuoka, Nanako; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*

no journal, , 

XAFS analysis of heat-treated samples under various conditions using zirconium molybdate as starting material was performed to compare the formation of calcium molybdate. It was found that zirconium molybdate decomposes by heat treatment at 1073K to form zirconium oxide, but the zirconium immediately dissolves into the glass. On the other hand, after decomposition, the molybdenum continued to maintain the form of molybdate ions, eventually becoming calcium molybdate. However, it was found that calcium molybdate was formed at a lower temperature in the latter case when sodium was present in the raw glass from the beginning or when it was supplied as sodium nitrate without being included in the raw glass.

Oral presentation

Investigation of chemical state of uranium contained in borosilicate glass

Katsuoka, Nanako; Nagai, Takayuki; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Sato, Nobuaki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

14 (Records 1-14 displayed on this page)
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