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Journal Articles

Development on rubber bearings for sodium-cooled fast reactor, 3; Ultimate properties of a half scale thick rubber bearings based on breaking test

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Hirotani, Tsutomu*; Moriizumi, Eriko*; Sakurai, Yu*; Masaki, Nobuo*

Proceedings of 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2016) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2016/07

Half-scale thick rubber bearing to investigate ultimate properties application for a Sodium-cooled-Fast-Reactor. The fundamental restoring-force characteristics of the thick rubber bearings has been already cleared through the static loading tests using a half-scale thick rubber bearing, 800 mm in diameter. However, variations of the restoring force characteristics and ultimate properties have not been obtained yet. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the variation of the stiffness and damping ratio concerning restoring force characteristics and the breaking strain or stress as ultimate properties through static loading tests using the half-scale thick rubber bearings.

Journal Articles

Development on rubber bearings for sodium-cooled fast reactor, 2; Fundamental characteristics of half-scale rubber bearings based on static test

Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Somaki, Takahiro*; Sakurai, Yu*; Masaki, Nobuo*

Proceedings of 2015 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2015) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2015/07

This paper described the results of static loading tests using a half-scale rubber bearing model to investigate the fundamental characteristics such as restoring force of a rubber bearing applied to a Sodium-Cooled-Fast-Reactor (SFR). Since the SFR has thin-walled structures, a seismic isolation system is employed to mitigate the seismic force. The static loading tests were performed using the half-scale rubber bearing with a diameter of 800 mm in the range which exceeds a linear limit of horizontal direction and a yield stress of vertical direction to investigate the horizontal and vertical of each stiffness and damping ratio. The fundamental characteristic of rubber bearing employed to the SFR and the validity of a design formula became clear through the static tests.

Journal Articles

Development on rubber bearings for sodium-cooled fast reactor, 1; Examination plan

Yamamoto, Tomohiko; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Fukasawa, Tsuyoshi*; Okamura, Shigeki*; Somaki, Takahiro*; Samejima, Yusuke*; Masaki, Nobuo*

Proceedings of 2015 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2015) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2015/07

Since a SFR (Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor) has thin-walled component structures, a seismic isolation system is employed to mitigate the seismic force. Seismic isolation system for applying the SFR consists of the laminated rubber bearing considering characteristics of SFR structures. This paper describes a basic mechanical characteristic examination with a 1/8 scale model and a characterization examination plan of half-scale laminated rubber.

JAEA Reports

Solution of large underestimation problem in the Monte Carlo calculation with hard biasing; In case with geometry input data created by CAD/MCNP automatic converter

Iida, Hiromasa; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Konno, Chikara; Sato, Satoshi; Seki, Akiyuki

JAEA-Research 2008-050, 26 Pages, 2008/04


An inconvenient experience was encountered, in which we have different answers depending on applied weight window values, in the nuclear analysis of the benchmark problem for CAD/MCNP interface programs, being developed under the ITER R&D task. Biasing can enhance calculation speed, but should not give different answers. Mechanism of this large underestimation is clarified. It is caused by the combination of the following two facts; (1) When one of particles in a history has got lost, MCNP cancels all tallies calculated during the history and all banked particles are thrown away (never tracked). (2) When we have distributed micro geometry errors in input data, important histories, which give significant contribution to tallies, will have many splitting and have "lost particle" with higher probability in the case of hard biasing. These two facts lead to selective canceling of important histories. An attempt to eliminate this inconvenience has been made, by modifying the subroutine "hstory" of MCNP. The modification has been done very successfully and eliminated the large underestimation, giving the same answer independently from applied weight window values.

JAEA Reports

Confirmation tests for fabrication of low density MOX pellet for FBR

Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Suzuki, Kiichi; Hatanaka, Nobuhiro; Hanawa, Yukio; Shinozaki, Masaru; Murakami, Shinichi; Tobita, Yoshimasa; Kawasaki, Takeshi; Kobayashi, Yoshihito; Iimura, Naoto; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2008-017, 97 Pages, 2008/03


Low density MOX pellets for FBR "MONJU" have not been fabricated in Plutonium Fuel Fabricating Facility (PFPF) for these 9 years since completion of the first reload fuel for "MONJU" in 1995. In this period, about 60 % of machines in the pellet fabrication process of PFPF have been replaced with new ones, and fabrication of MOX pellets for "JOYO" has been continued using these machines. Concerning the feed MOX powders for "MONJU", the amount of decay heat has been increased with increase of accumulated Am-241 in this period. In addition, powder characteristic of recycled MOX powder which is one of feed powders, MH-MOX powder, UO$$_{2}$$ powder and recycled MOX powder, was significantly changed by replacing former processing machine used for scrap recycling with improved one. Using MOX powder with increased decay heat and recycled MOX powder processed by new machine, a series of low density MOX pellet fabrication tests were conducted to confirm pellet fabrication conditions for current pellet fabrication machines from October in 2004 to August in 2006. As a conclusion, it was confirmed that low density MOX pellets could be fabricated using these feed powders and replaced machines by adjusting pellet fabrication conditions adequately. This report summarizes the results of a series of low density MOX pellet fabrication tests.

Journal Articles

Development of combined system of Monte Carlo calculation and activation calculation for evaluation of decay $$gamma$$ ray dose rate in nuclear fusion reactor

Sato, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Kume, Etsuo; Nishitani, Takeo

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(Suppl.4), p.62 - 65, 2004/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes; 2001

Akiyama, Mitsunaga*; Katakura, Fumishige*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Tsuruoka, Takuya*; Adachi, Masaaki*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Kume, Etsuo

JAERI-Data/Code 2003-009, 307 Pages, 2003/07


Several computer codes in the nuclear field have been vectorized, parallelized and transported on the supar computer system at Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. We dealt with 10 codes in fiscal 2001. In this report, the parallelization of Newtron Radiography for 3 dimensional CT code NR3DCT, the vectorization of Unsteady-state heat conduction code THERMO3D, the porting of initial program of MHD simulation, the tuning of Heat And Mass Balance Analysis Code HAMBAC, the porting and parallelization of Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code MCNP4C3, the porting and parallelization of Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport code system MCNPX2.1.5, the porting of code CINAC-V4, the porting of Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement Amber5 code system, the part of additional VisLink library Multidimensional Two-fluid model code ACD3D and the porting of experiment data processing code for GS8500 to SR8000 are described.

JAEA Reports

Development of Monte Carlo decay $$gamma$$-ray transport calculation system

Sato, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Kume, Etsuo

JAERI-Data/Code 2001-017, 99 Pages, 2001/06


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes (vectorization and parallelization); Progress report fiscal 1999

Adachi, Masaaki*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Ogasawara, Shinobu*; Kume, Etsuo; Yatake, Yoichi*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Kawai, Wataru*

JAERI-Data/Code 2000-043, 220 Pages, 2001/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes (Porting); Progress report fiscal 1999

Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Kawai, Wataru*; Ogasawara, Shinobu*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Kume, Etsuo; Yatake, Yoichi*; Adachi, Masaaki*

JAERI-Data/Code 2000-039, 134 Pages, 2001/01


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes (Parallelization on scalar processors); Progress report fiscal 1999

Yatake, Yoichi*; Kume, Etsuo; Kawai, Wataru*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Adachi, Masaaki*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Ogasawara, Shinobu*

JAERI-Data/Code 2000-038, 57 Pages, 2000/12


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes (Vectorization and parallelization); Progress report fiscal 1998

Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Ogasawara, Shinobu*; Kawai, Wataru*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Kume, Etsuo; Adachi, Masaaki*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Yatake, Yoichi*

JAERI-Data/Code 2000-018, p.217 - 0, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes (Porting); Progress report fiscal 1998

Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Kume, Etsuo; Kawai, Wataru*; Adachi, Masaaki*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Yatake, Yoichi*; Ogasawara, Shinobu*

JAERI-Data/Code 2000-017, p.99 - 0, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Vectorization, parallelization and porting of nuclear codes (Parallerization on scalar processors); Progress report fiscal 1998

Yatake, Yoichi*; Adachi, Masaaki*; Kume, Etsuo; Kawai, Wataru*; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Nemoto, Toshiyuki*; Ishizuki, Shigeru*; Ogasawara, Shinobu*

JAERI-Data/Code 2000-016, p.43 - 0, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of automatic editing system for MCNP library "autonj"

Maekawa, Fujio; Sakurai, Kiyoshi; Kosako, Kazuaki*; Kume, Etsuo; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Nomura, Yasushi; Naito, Yoshitaka*

JAERI-Data/Code 99-048, p.52 - 0, 1999/12


no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Crystal structure of C$$_{4}$$H$$_{8}$$ONH$$_{2}$$-PbBr$$_{3}$$ by neutron and X-ray diffraction experiments

Kawasaki, Takuro; Takahashi, Miwako; Ohara, Takashi*; Oshima, Kenichi*; Kusaka, Katsuhiro*; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Hosoya, Takaaki*; Yamada, Taro*; Kurihara, Kazuo; Niimura, Nobuo*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

In-situ internal stress measurement during pearlitic transformation by neutron diffraction

Morooka, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Nakada, Nobuo*; Tsukada, Yuki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Internal stresses of pearlitic steel monitored by in-situ neutron diffraction during phase transformation and thermal aging

Morooka, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Nakada, Nobuo*; Tsukada, Yuki*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Solution of large underestimation problem in the Monte Carlo calculation with hard biasing

Iida, Hiromasa; Kawasaki, Nobuo*; Konno, Chikara; Sato, Satoshi; Seki, Akiyuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Crystal and electronic structures of organic-inorganic hybrid material C$$_{4}$$H$$_{8}$$ONH$$_{2}$$-PbBr$$_{3}$$

Kawasaki, Takuro; Takahashi, Miwako*; Oshima, Kenichi*; Ohara, Takashi*; Tanaka, Ichiro*; Kusaka, Katsuhiro*; Hosoya, Takaaki*; Kurihara, Kazuo; Niimura, Nobuo*; Yamada, Taro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

In-situ neutron diffraction study on phase transformation and thermal aging behaviors of steels

Morooka, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Nakada, Nobuo*; Tsukada, Yuki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

21 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)