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角田 一樹; 檜垣 聡太*; 佐藤 仁*; 水流 大地*; 宮本 幸治*; 奥田 太一*; 黒岩 芳弘*; 森吉 千佳子*; 高瀬 浩一*; 小口 多美夫*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(8), p.084706_1 - 084706_6, 2023/08
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We investigated the electronic structure of -MoO bulk crystal in the whole Brillouin zone at a normal metallic state by utilizing resonant and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopies and first-principles calculations. Mo 4-4 resonant photoelectron experiment revealed that the Mo 4 electrons of MoO octahedra mainly contributed to the electrical conductivity. We also demonstrated that the free electron-like band dispersions along axis, consisting of Mo 4 electrons, do not show clear and dependences and formed a one-dimensional Fermi surface even at the normal state. The observed low-dimensional and anisotropic band structures are expected to induce exotic physical properties such as quantized bulk Hall effect, charge density wave transitions, and Luttinger liquid behavior.
飯村 俊*; Rosenbusch, M.*; 高峰 愛子*; 角田 佑介*; 和田 道治*; Chen, S.*; Hou, D. S.*; Xian, W.*; 石山 博恒*; Yan, S.*; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 130(1), p.012501_1 - 012501_6, 2023/01
被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:89.13(Physics, Multidisciplinary)The atomic masses of Sc, Ti, and V have been determined using the high-precision multireflection time-of-flight technique. The radioisotopes have been produced at RIKEN's Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) and delivered to the novel designed gas cell and multireflection system, which has been recently commissioned downstream of the ZeroDegree spectrometer following the BigRIPS separator. For Ti and V, the mass uncertainties have been reduced down to the order of 10 keV, shedding new light on the shell effect in Ti and V isotopes by the first high-precision mass measurements of the critical species Ti and V. With the new precision achieved, we reveal the nonexistence of the empirical two-neutron shell gaps for Ti and V, and the enhanced energy gap above the occupied p orbit is identified as a feature unique to Ca. We perform new Monte Carlo shell model calculations including the d and g orbits and compare the results with conventional shell model calculations, which exclude the g and the d orbits. The comparison indicates that the shell gap reduction in Ti is related to a partial occupation of the higher orbitals for the outer two valence neutrons at .
木村 郁仁*; 山村 聡太*; 藤原 広太*; 吉田 啓之; 齋藤 慎平*; 金子 暁子*; 阿部 豊*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 389, p.111660_1 - 111660_11, 2022/04
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:50.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)A new three-dimensional laser-induced fluorescent (3D-LIF) technology to obtain the hydrodynamic behavior of liquid jets in a shallow pool were developed. In this technology, firstly, a refractive index matching was applied to acquire a clear cross-sectional image. Secondly, a series of cross-sectional images was obtained by using a high-speed galvanometer scanner. Finally, to evaluate the unsteady 3D interface shape of liquid jet, a method was developed to reconstruct 3D shapes from the series of cross-sectional images obtained using the 3D-LIF method. The spatial and temporal resolutions of measurement were 4.7 4.7 1.0 lines/mm and 25 s, respectively. The shape of a 3D liquid jet in a liquid pool and its impingement, spreading and atomization behavior were reconstructed using the proposed method, successfully. The behaviors of atomized particles detached from the jet were obtained by applying data processing techniques. Diameters distribution and position of atomized droplets after detachment were estimated from the results.
伊藤 由太*; Schury, P.*; 和田 道治*; 新井 郁也*; 羽場 宏光*; 平山 賀一*; 石澤 倫*; 加治 大哉*; 木村 創大*; 小浦 寛之; et al.
Physical Review Letters, 120(15), p.152501_1 - 152501_6, 2018/04
被引用回数:64 パーセンタイル:93.06(Physics, Multidisciplinary)冷たい核融合反応および熱い融合反応によって生成した変形閉殻中性子数152の近傍に位置する原子核Es, Fm、および超フェルミウム原子核Md, Noの質量の直接測定を、多反射時間飛行質量分析装置(MR-TOF)を用いて実施した。EsおよびMdの質量測定は世界で初めての成果である。さらにMdの質量を崩壊連鎖のアンカーポイントとして用いてBhおよびMtまでの重い原子核の質量を決定した。これらの新測定された質量を理論質量計算と比較し、巨視的・微視的模型の予測値と良い一致が見られることを示した。近接する3つの質量値から求められる経験的殻ギャップエネルギーを今回の質量値から求め、MdおよびLrに対する変形閉殻中性子数の存在を裏付ける結果を得た。
Schury, P.*; 和田 道治*; 伊藤 由太*; 加治 大哉*; 羽場 宏光*; 平山 賀一*; 木村 創大*; 小浦 寛之; MacCormick, M.*; 宮武 宇也*; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 407, p.160 - 165, 2017/06
被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:79.14(Instruments & Instrumentation)Ac, Ra, FrやRnといった様々な同位体をCaビームを用いた原子核融合-蒸発反応にて生成した。エネルギーを持ったイオンはヘリウムガスセル内で止まり、そして引き出される。引き出された個々のイオンは多反射時間飛行質量分光器を用いて同定されるが、アルカリ金属であるFrを含むイオンの荷電状態の主要な価数が(+1価でなく)+2価となるという結果を観測した。
Schury, P.*; 和田 道治*; 伊藤 由太*; 加治 大哉*; 新井 郁也*; MacCormick, M.*; Murray, I.*; 羽場 宏光*; Jeong, S.*; 木村 創大*; et al.
Physical Review C, 95(1), p.011305_1 - 011305_6, 2017/01
被引用回数:47 パーセンタイル:95.31(Physics, Nuclear)多反射時間飛行質量分析装置を理化学研究所設置の気体充填型反跳分離装置-II型(GARIS-II)と連結したガスセルに配置し、崩壊連鎖を伴う重原子核の質量の直接測定を実施した。融合-蒸発反応で生成された原子核をGARIS-IIを用いて分離し、ヘリウムガスセルで止めて目的の原子核を捕集した。本実験でFr-Rn-At-Po, Fr-Rn-At-Po-Bi及びFr-Rn-Atの3つの同重体鎖の時間飛行スペクトルが観測された。その結果、Fr, Rn、そしてAtの原子質量値が精密に決定された、今回の解析において、Bi, Po, Rn、そしてAtの同定は10個以下という少量のイオン数でなされた。この成果は 次のステップとして実施する予定である(生成量が極少量の)超重元素イオンの質量分析につながる成果となる。
石山 博恒*; Jeong, S.-C.*; 渡辺 裕*; 平山 賀一*; 今井 伸明*; Jung, H. S.*; 宮武 宇也*; 小柳津 充広*; 長 明彦; 乙川 義憲; et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 376, p.379 - 381, 2016/06
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:57.38(Instruments & Instrumentation)We have developed an in situ and nanoscale Li diffusion measurement method in Li battery materials using an -emitting radioactive Li tracer. In this method, while implanting a low-energy (8 keV) Li beam, the particles emitted at a small angle (10) relative to the sample surface were detected as a function of time. Measurement for Li diffusion coefficients in a spinel phase LiMnO (LMO) thin film has been started, which is used as an electrode in a Li ion secondary battery. An obvious Li diffusion effect in LMO was observed at the sample temperature of 623 K, and the further measurement is underway.
石山 博恒*; Jeong, S.-C.*; 渡辺 裕*; 平山 賀一*; 今井 伸明*; 宮武 宇也*; 小柳津 充広*; 片山 一郎*; 長 明彦; 乙川 義憲; et al.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 53(11), p.110303_1 - 110303_4, 2014/11
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:21.59(Physics, Applied)We have developed a nanoscale diffusion measurement method using an -emitting radioactive Li tracer. In this method, while implanting a pulsed 8 keV Li beam, the particles emitted at a small angle (10) relative to the sample surface were detected as a function of time. The method has been successfully applied to measuring lithium diffusion coefficients for an amorphous LiSiO-LiVO (LVSO) thin film with a thickness of several hundred nanometers, demonstrating that the present method is sensitive to diffusion coefficients down on the order of 10cm/s, which is more sensitive by about two orders of magnitude than that previously achieved.
渡辺 証斗*; 湊 太志*; 木村 真明*; 岩本 信之; 吉田 聡太*
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渡辺 証斗*; 湊 太志*; 木村 真明*; 岩本 信之; 吉田 聡太*
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