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Effect of carbon segregation at prior austenite grain boundary on hydrogen-related crack propagation behavior in 3Mn-0.2C martensitic steels

岡田 和歩*; 柴田 曉伸*; 木村 勇次*; 山口 正剛; 海老原 健一; 辻 伸泰*

Acta Materialia, 280, p.120288_1 - 120288_14, 2024/11

The present study aimed at strengthening prior austenite grain boundary (PAGB) cohesive energy using carbon segregation and investigated the effect of carbon segregation at PAGB on the microscopic crack propagation behavior of hydrogen-related intergranular fractures in high-strength martensitic steels. At the low hydrogen content (below 0.2 wt. ppm), the fracture initiation toughness ($$J_{rm IC}$$) and tearing modulus ($$T_{rm R}$$), corresponding to crack growth resistance, were significantly improved by carbon segregation. In contrast, $$J_{rm IC}$$ and $$T_{rm R}$$ did not change by carbon segregation at the high hydrogen content (above 0.5 wt. ppm). Considering the non-linear relationship between the toughness properties and the PAGB cohesive energy, the experimentally evaluated toughness properties ($$J_{rm IC}$$ and $$T_{rm R}$$) and the GB cohesive energy previously calculated by first-principles calculations were semi-quantitatively consistent even at the high hydrogen content. The microstructure observation confirmed that the plastic deformation associated with crack propagation, such as the local ductile fracture of uncracked ligaments and the formation of dislocation cell structures/nano-voids, played an important role in the non-linear relationship between the toughness properties and PAGB cohesive energy.


Ferroaxial transitions in glaserite-type Na$$_2$$Ba${it M}$(PO$$_4$$)$$_2$$ (${it M}$ = Mg, Mn, Co, and Ni)

梶田 遥一*; 永井 隆之*; 山岸 茂直*; 木村 健太*; 萩原 雅人; 木村 剛*

Chemistry of Materials, 36(15), p.7451 - 7458, 2024/08

Ferroaxial transitions of Na$$_{2}$$Ba${it M}$(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ (${it M}$ = Mg, Mn, Co, and Ni) with the glaserite structure, featuring rotational distortions of PO$$_{4}$$ tetrahedra, are investigated. Neutron powder diffraction (NPD) measurements on polycrystalline samples were carried out in the temperature range from room temperature to 800 K. Structure analyses on the NPD data revealed that all of the compounds studied here have a ferroaxial structure (space group: ${it P}$ $$bar{3}$$)at room temperature and undergo a ferroaxial transition into a non-ferroaxial phase (space group: ${it P}$ $$bar {3}$$${it m}$1) upon heating. Structural parameters change continuously at the transition temperature, which suggests that the ferroaxial transition of Na$$_{2}$$Ba${it M}$(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ systems is of the second order. Furthermore, to examine the structural stability, ab initio phonon calculations were carried out for Na$$_{2}$$BaMg(PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$. The calculated result shows that the rotational phonon mode instability inherent in the non-ferroaxial ${it P}$ $$bar{3}$$${it m}$1 phase leads to the ${it P}$ $$bar{3}$$ phases as a ground state, which well explains the experimental result. This study revealed that Na$$_{2}$$Ba${it M}$ (PO$$_{4}$$)$$_{2}$$ systems with the glaserite structure are a class of ferroaxial compounds showing a second-order pure ferroaxial transition.


Circular polarization measurement for individual gamma rays in capture reactions with intense pulsed neutrons

遠藤 駿典; 安部 亮太*; 藤岡 宏之*; 猪野 隆*; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 河村 しほり*; 木村 敦; 北口 雅暁*; 小林 龍珠*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 60(8), p.166_1 - 166_10, 2024/08

Measurements of $$gamma$$-ray circular polarization emitted from neutron capture reactions provide valuable information for nuclear physics studies. The spin and parity of excited states can be determined by measuring the circular polarization from polarized neutron capture reactions. Furthermore, the $$gamma$$-ray circular polarization in a neutron capture resonance is crucial for studying the enhancement effect of parity nonconservation in compound nuclei. The $$gamma$$-ray circular polarization can be measured using a polarimeter based on magnetic Compton scattering. A polarimeter was constructed, and its performance indicators were evaluated using a circularly polarized $$gamma$$-ray beam. Furthermore, as a demonstration, the $$gamma$$-ray circular polarization was measured in $$^{32}$$S(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{33}$$S reactions with polarized neutrons.


Ferroelectricity induced by a combination of crystallographic chirality and axial vector

永井 隆之*; 萩原 雅人; 横井 里江*; 森分 博紀*; 木村 剛*

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(33), p.23348 - 23355, 2024/08

Ferroelectric materials compatible with magnetism and/or conductive properties provide a platform for exploring unconventional phenomena, such as the magnetoelectric effect, nonreciprocal responses, and nontrivial superconductivity. Though recent studies on multiferroics have offered several approaches, the search for magnetic and/or conducting ferroelectric materials is still a challenging issue under the traditional "d$$^{0}$$-ness" rule, refusing active d electrons. Here, we propose the emergence of ferroelectricity through a combination of crystallographic chirality and axial vector, accepting even non-d$$^{0}$$ magnetic ions. This proposal is demonstrated in quasi-one-dimensional magnetic systems SrM$$_{2}$$V$$_{2}$$O$$_{8}$$ (M = Ni, Mg, and Co). The ferroelectric phase transition is observed by measurements of neutron powder diffraction and dielectric properties in all compositions. Structural analyses and first-principles calculations indicate that these magnetic compounds are identified as proper-type ferroelectrics whose ferroelectric phase transition is achieved by spiral motions of crystallographic screw chains formed by edge-shared MO6 octahedra, considered as the combination of locally defined chirality and axial vector. Computationally predicted magnitude of spontaneous polarization of SrM$$_{2}$$V$$_{2}$$O$$_{8}$$ reaches $$sim$$10$$^{circ}$$$$mu$$C/cm$$^{2}$$, comparable to that of conventional ferroelectrics, despite the incorporation of non-d$$^{0}$$ magnetic elements. The mechanism proposed in this study offers a unique approach to the exploration of new ferroelectrics beyond the traditional paradigms.


Neutron capture cross-section measurements at TC-Pn in KUR for nuclides of concern in decommissioning

中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 芝原 雄司*

KURNS Progress Report 2023, P. 46, 2024/07

本研究は、生成放射能を評価するために、廃止措置で問題となる核種について熱中性子捕獲断面積を測定するものである。本件では、対象核種の中から$$^{58}$$Fe、$$^{170}$$Erおよび$$^{180}$$Hfを選定し、京大原子炉にて放射化法によりそれらの熱中性子捕獲断面積を測定した。今回、$$^{58}$$Fe(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{59}$$Fe反応について1.23$$pm$$0.03 barn、$$^{170}$$Er(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{171}$$Er反応について8.19$$pm$$0.35 barnを、そして$$^{180}$$Hf(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{181}$$Hf反応について13.57$$pm$$0.14 barnを得た。また、Hf試料の測定において副産物として、$$^{179}$$Hf(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{180m}$$Hf反応について0.427$$pm$$0.006 barnを得た。評価済みデータライブラリに採用されているデータは、今回得られた結果の不確かさ以上に違うことを明らかにした。


Neutron capture cross section measurement of $$^{129}$$I and $$^{127}$$I using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline at J-PARC

Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 藤 暢輔; 瀬川 麻里子; 前田 亮; 片渕 竜也*

European Physical Journal A, 60(5), p.120_1 - 120_14, 2024/05

The neutron capture cross section of $$^{129}$$I and $$^{127}$$I were measured from the thermal to the keV energy region with the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument beamline in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The neutron capture yield was determined by means of the total energy detection principle with the pulse-height weighting technique. The present cross section results for $$^{127}$$I were normalized using the saturated resonance method with a thick-enough $$^{197}$$Au and provide good agreement with JENDL-5 from thermal to about 500 keV. A resonance analysis with the REFIT code was performed and the resonance parameters for $$^{127}$$I below 310 eV are presented in this work. In the case of $$^{129}$$I, the three largest resonances of $$^{127}$$I were employed for the cross section normalization. The present results for $$^{129}$$I are the first experimental data for the neutron region between thermal and 20 eV. The present data display a different energy dependence than that in the JENDL-5 and JEFF-3.3 and much similar to that in ENDF/B-VIII.0. Notwithstanding, good agreement was found at the thermal region between the present measurement of 31.6 $$pm$$ 1.3 b and both evaluated and most experimental data.


High-temperature atomic diffusion and specific heat in quasicrystals

永井 佑紀; 岩崎 祐昂*; 北原 功一*; 高際 良樹*; 木村 薫*; 志賀 基之

Physical Review Letters, 132(19), p.196301_1 - 196301_6, 2024/05



$$^{241}$$Am neutron capture cross section measurement using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC

Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 遠藤 駿典; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; 片渕 竜也*; 児玉 有*; 中野 秀仁*; 佐藤 八起*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(4), p.459 - 477, 2024/04

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The neutron capture cross-section of $$^{241}$$Am was measured from 10 meV to about 1 MeV using the NaI(Tl) spectrometer of the Accurate Neutron-Nucleus Reaction Measurement Instrument (ANNRI) beamline in the Materials and Life Science (MLF) facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The total energy detection principle was applied in conjunction with the pulse-height weighting technique to derive the neutron capture yield. The present cross-section results were normalized using a $$^{197}$$Au sample measurement by applying the saturated resonance method. The thermal cross section was measured to be 708 $$pm$$ 22 b, in agreement within uncertainties to the present evaluation in JENDL-5 of 709 b. Moreover, the results of a shape resonance analysis of the resolved resonance region are also provided in the present dissertation.


Measurements of the neutron total and capture cross sections and derivation of the resonance parameters of $$^{181}$$Ta

遠藤 駿典; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 藤 暢輔; 瀬川 麻里子; 前田 亮

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 198(4), p.786 - 803, 2024/04

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.33(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The neutron transmission ratio and capture yield for $$^{181}$$Ta were measured in J-PARC MLF ANNRI to improve the accuracy of resonance parameters. The total cross section was determined from the transmission ratio in the energy range from 0.2 to 150 eV. The capture cross section was obtained from the capture yield using the pulse height weighting technique (PHWT) in the energy range from thermal to 150 eV. The obtained transmission ratio and capture cross-section were fitted by the resonance analysis code, REFIT, and the resonance parameters were determined below 150 eV. It was also discussed the correlations caused by fitting based on statistical uncertainty and correlations for systematic uncertainty based on sample thickness in the transmission measurements.


High sensitivity of a future search for effects of $$P$$-odd/$$T$$-odd interactions on the 0.75 eV $$p$$-wave resonance in $$overrightarrow{n}$$+$$^{139}overrightarrow{textrm{La}}$$ forward transmission determined using a pulsed neutron beam

中部 倫太郎*; Auton, C. J.*; 遠藤 駿典; 藤岡 宏之*; Gudkov, V.*; 広田 克也*; 井出 郁央*; 猪野 隆*; 石角 元志*; 神原 理*; et al.

Physical Review C, 109(4), p.L041602_1 - L041602_4, 2024/04

Neutron transmission experiments can offer a new type of highly sensitive search for time-reversal invariance violating (TRIV) effects in nucleon-nucleon interactions via the same enhancement mechanism observed for large parity violating (PV) effects in neutron-induced compound nuclear processes. In these compound processes, the TRIV cross-section is given as the product of the PV cross-section, a spin-factor $$kappa$$, and a ratio of TRIV and PV matrix elements. We determined $$kappa$$ to be 0.59 $$pm$$ 0.05 for $$^{139}$$La+n using both (n, $$gamma$$) spectroscopy and ($$overrightarrow{n}$$+$$^{139}overrightarrow{textrm{La}}$$) transmission. This result quantifies for the first time the high sensitivity of the $$^{139}$$La 0.75 eV $$p$$-wave resonance in a future search for $$P$$-odd/$$T$$-odd interactions in ($$overrightarrow{n}$$+$$^{139}overrightarrow{textrm{La}}$$) forward transmission.



斎藤 滋; 明午 伸一郎; 牧村 俊助*; 平野 幸則*; 堤 和昌*; 前川 藤夫

JAEA-Technology 2023-025, 48 Pages, 2024/03


日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)は、原子力発電に伴い発生する高レベル放射性廃棄物の減容化・有害度低減のため、加速器を使った核変換の研究開発として加速器駆動システム(ADS; Accelerator-Driven Systems)の開発を進めている。ADSの設計に必要な材料照射データベースを作成し、鉛ビスマス共晶合金(LBE; Lead-Bismuth Eutectic)中での照射効果について研究するため、J-PARCに陽子照射施設の検討を進めている。この陽子照射施設では、LBEの核破砕ターゲットに250kWの陽子ビームを入射し、ADSの構造材候補材についてLBE流動下での照射試験を実施する他、半導体ソフトエラー試験、医療用RI製造、陽子ビーム利用などを行う計画である。これらのうち照射済み試料の照射後試験(PIE; Post Irradiation Examination)とRIの分離精製は、陽子照射施設に付属して建設されるPIE施設において実施される。本PIE施設では、J-PARCの他の施設において照射された機器や試料のPIEも実施される予定である。本報告書は、この照射後試験施設の概念構築に必要な照射後試験項目、試験フロー、設備、試験装置等の検討を行い、施設内の配置案をまとめたものである。



藤田 奈津子; 三宅 正恭; 松原 章浩*; 石井 正博*; 渡邊 隆広; 神野 智史; 西尾 智博*; 小川 由美; 木村 健二; 島田 顕臣; et al.

第35回タンデム加速器及びその周辺技術の研究会報告集, p.17 - 19, 2024/03



Quantum critical behavior of the hyperkagome magnet Mn$$_3$$CoSi

山内 宏樹; Sari, D. P.*; 安井 幸夫*; 坂倉 輝俊*; 木村 宏之*; 中尾 朗子*; 大原 高志; 本田 孝志*; 樹神 克明; 井川 直樹; et al.

Physical Review Research (Internet), 6(1), p.013144_1 - 013144_9, 2024/02

$$beta$$-Mn-type family alloys Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ have three-dimensional antiferromagnetic (AFM) corner-shared triangular network. The antiferromagnet Mn$$_3$$RhSi shows magnetic short-range order (SRO) over a wide temperature range of approximately 500 K above the N$'{e}$el temperature $$T_{rm N}$$ = 190 K. Mn$$_3$$CoSi has the smallest lattice parameter and the lowest $$T_{rm N}$$ in the family compounds. The quantum critical point (QCP) from AFM to the quantum paramagnetic state is expected near a cubic lattice parameter of 6.15 $AA. Although $T_N$$ of Mn$$_3$$CoSi is only 140 K, quantum critical behavior is observed in Mn$$_3$$CoSi as the enhancement of the electronic specific heat coefficient $$gamma$$. We study how the magnetic SRO appears in Mn$$_3$$CoSi by using neutron scattering, $$mu$$SR, and physical property measurements. The experimental results show that the neutron scattering intensity of the magnetic SRO does not change much regardless of the suppressed magnetic moment in the long-range magnetic ordered state compared to those of Mn$$_3$$RhSi. The initial asymmetry drop ratio of $$mu$$SR above $$T_{rm N}$$ becomes small, and the magnetic SRO temperature $$T_{SRO}$$ is suppressed to 240 K. The results suggest that the Mn$$_3$$CoSi is close to the QCP in the Mn$$_3$$$$TX$$ system.


Production and synthesis of a novel $$^{191}$$Pt-labeled platinum complex and evaluation of its biodistribution in healthy mice

面川 真里奈*; 木村 寛之*; 初川 雄一*; 河嶋 秀和*; 塚田 和明; 屋木 祐介*; 内藤 行基*; 安井 裕之*

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 97, p.117557_1 - 117557_6, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

$$^{191}$$Pt was produced via the (n,2n) reaction induced by accelerator neutrons. [$$^{191}$$Pt]FGC-Pt was obtained through the accelerator neutron irradiation of FGC-Pt and K$$_{2}$$PtCl$$_{4}$$. Highly purified [$$^{191}$$Pt]FGC-Pt was obtained using the latter method, which suggests that the synthetic method using a $$^{191}$$Pt-labeled platinum reagent is suitable for the radioactivation of platinum complexes. We also investigated whether a significant correlation existed between the biodistribution of FGC-Pt and [$$^{191}$$Pt]FGC-Pt in healthy mice 24 h after tail vein administration. These results suggest that $$^{191}$$Pt-labeled compounds, synthesized using radioactive platinum reagents, can be used to confirm the biodistribution of platinum compounds. Our study on the biodistribution of [$$^{191}$$Pt]FGC-Pt is expected to contribute to the development of novel platinum-based drugs in the future.


Deformation-induced martensitic transformation at tensile and compressive deformations of bainitic steels with different carbon contents

上路 林太郎*; Gong, W.; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 柴田 曉伸*; 木村 勇次*; 井上 忠信*; 土田 紀之*

ISIJ International, 64(2), p.459 - 465, 2024/01

Deformation-induced martensitic transformation (DIMT) during tensile or compressive deformations of the bainitic steels with various carbon content (0.15%C, 0.25%C, 0.62%C) was studied. In all of the bainitic steels, the tensile deformation exhibited larger work hardening than the compression. This difference indicates the suppression of the DIMT at the compression, and actually the measurements of electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) confirmed the less reduction of retained austenite at the compression of all the bainitic steels. Additionally, the steel with the highest carbon content was examined by in situ neutron diffraction and clarified the difference similar to that obtained by the EBSD measurement. The regression of the relation between the fraction of austenite and applied strain with the conventional empirical equation revealed that the kinetic of DIMT is strongly dependent with the stress polarity, but not significantly changed by the carbon content.


Photoneutron emission cross sections for $$^{13}$$C

宇都宮 弘章*; Goriely, S.*; 木村 真明*; 清水 則孝*; 宇都野 穣; Tveten, G. M.*; Renstr${o}$m, T.*; 有泉 高志*; 宮本 修治*

Physical Review C, 109(1), p.014617_1 - 014617_7, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.11



Development of irradiation capsules with adjusting neutron spectrum

冬島 拓実; 高部 湧吾; 佐谷戸 夏紀; 木村 明博; 竹本 紀之

The IV International Scientific Forum "Nuclear Science and Technologies"; AIP Conference Proceedings 3020, p.040007_1 - 040007_6, 2024/01



Measurements of neutron capture cross-sections for nuclides of interest in decommissioning; $$^{45}$$Sc, $$^{63}$$Cu, $$^{64}$$Zn, $$^{109}$$Ag, and $$^{113}$$In

中村 詔司; 芝原 雄司*; 遠藤 駿典; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 16 Pages, 2024/00

廃止措置においては、生成放射能の評価に資する核データとして、中性子捕獲断面積を整備する必要がある。本研究では、整備すべき対象核種のうち$$^{45}$$Sc, $$^{63}$$Cu, $$^{65}$$Zn, $$^{109}$$Ag及び$$^{113}$$Inを選定し、KURのTC-Pnを用いてそれらの熱中性子捕獲断面積測定を行った。その結果、熱中性子捕獲断面積の結果が、以下のとおり得られた:$$^{45}$$Sc(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{46}$$Sc反応は27.18$$pm$$0.28 barn、$$^{63}$$Cu(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{64}$$Cu反応は4.34$$pm$$0.06 barn、$$^{64}$$Zn(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{65}$$Zn反応は0.719$$pm$$0.011 barn、$$^{109}$$Ag(n, $$gamma$$)$$^{rm 110m}$$Ag反応は4.05$$pm$$0.05 barn、そして$$^{113}$$In(n, $$gamma$$) $$^{114}$$In$$^{m1+m2}$$反応は8.53$$pm$$0.27 barn。ScとZnの結果は、これまでに報告されている評価値を誤差範囲で支持するが、一方、他の核種については評価値と異なる結果となった。得られた結果は、生成量評価にはもちろん、これらの核種を中性束モニタとして利用する場合に用いることが考えられる。


Measurements of neutron total and capture cross sections of $$^{139}$$La and evaluation of resonance parameters

遠藤 駿典; 河村 しほり*; 奥平 琢也*; 吉川 大幹*; Rovira Leveroni, G.; 木村 敦; 中村 詔司; 岩本 修; 岩本 信之

European Physical Journal A, 59(12), p.288_1 - 288_12, 2023/12

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.02(Physics, Nuclear)



Role of on-site Coulomb interactions in the half-metallic Weyl ferromagnet candidate thin-film Co$$_2$$FeSi

角田 一樹; 藤田 裕一*; Zhou, W.*; 増田 啓介*; 川崎 郁斗; 藤森 伸一; 木村 昭夫*; 桜庭 裕弥*

Physical Review B, 108(24), p.L241101_1 - L241101_6, 2023/12

We investigated the element-specific electronic structure of a half-metallic Weyl ferromagnet candidate Co$$_2$$FeSi film by utilizing soft-X-ray resonant photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculations with/without considering on-site Coulomb interaction. Fe 2$$p$$-3$$d$$ resonant photoelectron experiment revealed that the Fe 3$$d$$ states exist around 2 and 4 eV below the Fermi energy. Our calculations, based on the generalized gradient approximation without considering Coulomb interaction at the Fe site, successfully reproduced the experimentally observed Fe 3$$d$$ partial density of states. Our findings shed light on the highly controversial correlation effect of Co$$_2$$FeSi, offering valuable insights into its half-metallicity and Weyl semi-metallicity.

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